This is from The Pirate Bay who is having an interesting time being prosecuted in court this past week. Follow posts on the ongoing trial here.

And don’t forget that your Congress wants to enact laws that may make doing normal things like email on the Interwebitubes illegal, require ISPs, etc to keep records of everything you do on the web and cause ordinary people to lose access to the web for downloading a song. At least some are trying to repeal the ban in on-line gambling. Just like drug laws, prohibition doesn’t work.

  1. Uncle Dave says:

    Of course, downloads — legal or not — are killing the Music Industry. The Music Industry is an archaic leftover from times past.

    With the ability of artists to record their own music in their basement that rivals what can be produced in multi-million dollar studios (assuming they have talent) and the ability to sell music through iTunes and other outlets, who needs the Music Industry?

    The only reason it still exists at all is because not everyone has switched over to digital downloads. Lots of the less-technical still buy CDs. When that market finally dies off in, to pick a timeframe, 10 years, again, who needs the Music Industry?

  2. 888 says:

    Downloading killed music industry, not the music.
    Anyone who is crying for the fat pigs RIAA/MPAA members) is an idiot.

    GregA, check out how much the big boys (of RIAA members) make every year.
    There was not a single year they’ve been paid less than year before it, obviously their business runs great.
    What better proof you need that the *music industry* is doing well?

  3. 888 says:

    If anything, downloading would have killed *music industry* – not the music.

    GregA, check out how much the big boys (of RIAA members) make every year.
    There was not a single year they’ve been paid less than year before it, obviously their business runs great.
    What better proof you need that the *music industry* is doing well?

    Anyone who is crying for the fat pigs RIAA/MPAA members) is just an idiot.

  4. Mark Derail says:

    #31 GetSmart – it’s all about Tivo-like functionality and commercial skipping or not.

    History shows that Hollywood never embraces technology advances for the consumer – just like the Pirate cartoon indicates.

    Exception being an over-use of CGI in their shows / movies.

    #31 – If YOU decide now, before going to bed, that you want to watch the three consecutive shows of Heroes, tomorrow night (or soon), and had a choice of :
    – HD, 1$ 43 minutes no commercials
    – HD, Free, 60 minutes with commercials

    I would pay the 1$ – as the “download” doesn’t count towards my monthly download cap.

    I doubt DVD quality movies would ever be free including commercials – but they could be cheaper than a Blockbuster rental if there’s three minutes of embedded commercials.

    I would call such an interruption a bathroom break.

    FWIW – music download links on Pirate Bay don’t ever even make the Overall Top 100 Torrents. Heroes, Prison Break, 24, Lost, Audio Books, Games, and recent movies ALL the time.

  5. MikeN says:

    If it’s so easy for anyone to record their own music in their basement, then why are bands renting studios and signing with the big labels?

  6. MikeN says:

    How can you say that the movie industry should just sell their movies for $1?

    The budgets for movies are different than for movies, and of course even if they did sell for $1, you guys would complain about that and get the free pirated stuff.

  7. Eon says:

    Im not paying for anything that has commercials in it if they dont allow me to skip it. That is a fact.

  8. 888 says:

    Also US music market isn’t the world.

    Most of countries have much less restrictive copyright laws and – unlike here in USA – they have real piracy problem (i.e. in many Russian and Chinese stores you get to choose between “original” CD, “fake” CD that looks like original including covers/booklet, and the cheap junk CD that is just a CD)
    AND YET (!!!)
    their musicians, singers and bands still DO SELL a lot of their music.

    If you believe what RIAA is saying, you might as well believe Earth is flat.

  9. OvenMaster says:

    #16: “I could download my favorite 3 stooges episode (Men In Black) for $3.50.”

    You can do it for free with VDownloader and YouTube. Works like a charm.

    #2: to call the $hit that’s on the radio today “music” is being very generous.

    Lousy music sales are due to lousy music.

  10. GregA says:

    Uncle Dave,

    The Arena Rock era was about theater… And modern arena rock bands are about that theater as well. The small time ma and pa music operations will never be able to put on a show like Kiss or the Greatful Dead.

    That era is effectively over, and like it or not, the internet killed it. I for on, lament its passing. Look at all the kids on this thread who don’t understand what it was that they missed.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    # 40 GregA said, “That era is effectively over, and like it or not, the internet killed it.”

    Kiss stopped playing arena’s because of the internet? I think you have your time line confused.

  12. Strangefutures says:

    You can’t kill music, nor the music industry. The internet just changes things a little. And, there still is a demand for live shows, even in little towns. I spent many a day not even five years ago in a place that saw a good music wave. We had less than 30,000 people, but there was still a demand for live shows.

    And, try as they may, these companies will scream copywrite; they’ll stomp and throw a tantrum, but in the end, you can’t kill the cockroaches. They should be encouraging the download and use of these songs in videos. It’s the same as if they gave it to a dj at a radio station to play and play and play…

    Why don’t they see it for what it is?


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