09.02.22 Sunday – Episode #74


Click image to go to No Agenda.

John and Adam discuss the news of the day from an International Perspective.

  • The blackout for New Zealand
  • President Obama’s lawyer
  • Santelli’s rant and media companies
  • George Soros and the demise of the economy

Queue / Cue / Q the closing credits — We hope you enjoy the show!

Running time: approx. 94 mins.

  1. bajabiz says:

    love the new graphic LOL

  2. Mike says:

    So I see that the NZ blackout that they both mocked has worked – ‘Prime Minister John Key has announced the controversial Section 92A law, which has been widely condemned by internet users, is to be delayed.’

    The irony that this campaign got 2 podcasters talking about something on the other side of the world seemed to pass Adam and John by.

  3. Philip says:


  4. xnfec says:

    when the whole world is gitmo nation, john can be in gitmo classic.


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