It was a night for neon pink bow ties and words like “disaster” and “monstrosity.” It was not the night, however, to be Paris Hilton, Mike Myers or Uwe Boll.
“It wasn’t just the economy that tanked, so did the qualities of the movies being offered,” Razzie founder John Wilson told CNN several weeks before the show. “I would suggest putting away all sharp [instruments] before putting the DVDs in your machine.”
Paris Hilton and Mike Myers came out on top — or bottom — for the awards. Hilton earned both the worst actress and worst supporting actress awards for her roles in “Hottie & the Nottie” and “Repo: The Genetic Opera.” She was also awarded worst screen couple for her on-screen time with her co-stars Christine Lakin and Joel David Moore.
Hilton’s film had a budget of $2 million but only earned about $27,000 at the box office…
Myers added worst actor to the “Love Guru” worst picture and worst screenplay Razzies.
But perhaps the biggest “winner” of the night was Uwe Boll. Recipient of the worst director award, the foundation also recognized his lifetime work with the worst career achievement award. Boll is the “worst living director on Earth,” Wilson told CNN.
I must admit [phew!] I’ve never seen any of these.
Paris Hilton is hot and even I will do’er. I like her moxie too when she totally owned John McCain.
If there’s one argument left to condone torture, it’s Uwe Boll. He should be water-boarded for every movie he’s made and will make. Movies that, ironically, are torture to watch.
The Love Guru wasn’t that bad. It’s not as good as some of his previous stuff, but it’s fun to watch.
Who the hell is Uwe Boll? I did an IMDB lookup on him. I’ve never heard of any of his “films” that he both produces and directs. Looks like he creates almost-porn crap for 3rd world markets.
#4: Have you been living at the bottom of the ocean, a cave, or on the moon?
He specializes in raping video game IP into “films”.
Ron, Uwe is infamous in videogame circles for making bad films based on videogames . Evidently its some sort of german tax dodge to “invest” in crappy films that have no chance of success.
Hes made movies from games with zero plot and had no business being fimed. Hes also ruined the chances of a decent flick being made for franchises that had some potential.
He is a cancer on the cimema world.
Uwe Boll’s more notable abominations:
House of the Dead
Bloodrayne (I wonder if Ben Kingsley’s ruined)
Alone in the Dark
He’s also got a habit of inviting critics to a boxing match, and then honestly beating the crap out of them.
Boll’s whole deal is that Germany used to have a tax break to encourage German productions. It means that through a series of tax loopholes a film would end up costing next to nothing to actually make and so would almost be guaranteed to make money. A couple years ago Germany changed their laws though. Coincidentally Boll’s movie output has dropped dramatically… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uwe_Boll
Boll makes horrible films that are almost like they are made by someone who has only read summaries of films rather than actually seen one before. He also is pretty good at creating free publicity for himself. He invited several of his biggest internet critics up to the set of Postal for a boxing match. The 4-5 that accepted thought it would be a light-hearted kind of match but Boll was an amateur boxer and used the matches as an opportunity to beat the crap out of the critics. He also say things like he makes better movies than Michael Bay and things like that.
I would have to be held at gunpoint to ever watch another Mike Myers movie.
#8 jccalhoun,
Something that wasn’t widely circulated was that Boll screened the critics. Ones with boxing experience (and as such, wouldn’t be a one-sided slaughter) were rejected, regardless of how vitriolic they were in slamming his movies.
Boll is a hack and a fraud in every sense of the word. I hope the Razzie gets delivered to his face at Mach 2.
A friend of mine was hassled by the TSA for an insulin pump. He argued with them and started cussing at them. I cautioned him to calm down or he’d have more fingers stuck in him than Paris Hilton.
Uwe Boll’s movies aren’t that bad. Postal & Bloodrayne were actually entertaining. Haven’t seen In the Name of the King yet, heard that one’s awful.
Mike Myers though… I’d happily watch the next Shrek and many others even if Love Guru wasn’t anything special. He can’t have them all turn out to be great hits
I thought Repo! The Genetic Opera was a great movie, it wasn’t Oscar worthy but Paris played herself it that movie and she did pretty good.
I am far from being the biggest Meyers fan. You wouldn’t need a gun but a large suitcase of $100 bills just might convince me.
I sat across from a 42 year old woman at dinner last night that thought that Paris is beautiful compared to her. My wife and I tried to tell her that Paris wasn’t even close to her in the beauty department. The woman my wife and I had dinner with is Swedish/Egyptian and just a natural beauty.
The only way I would do Paris is with a bag over her head and a gag in her mouth. I wouldn’t want to put anything in her mouth anyway.
The primary reason (among many other reasons) that Hilton is not attractive is that dumb is just not sexy. More importantly, she is dumb because she is lazy and self absorbed as opposed to simply lacking ability which makes her even less sexy. Watching any production with her in it would indeed require many large suit cases filled with money.