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Hardly anyone actually shoots themselves in the foot or literally gets egg on their face, so it was a real pleasure last week, in so many ways, to witness Jacqui Smith being hoist with her own petard.
Because, in the small matter of whether she was right to pocket £116,000 of additional expenses by claiming that the back bedroom she rents off sister is her “main home”, as opposed to the house she owns in her constituency in Redditch where her husband and children happen to live, this turns out to be critical testimony.
Standards Commissioner John Lyon twice turned down requests to investigate the matter. It was only when some neighbours, Dominic and Jessica Taplin, wrote to him and repeated the claims they made to a newspaper, that she is there rather less than the four nights a week that she claims, that he agreed to open an inquiry.
It's this that's the real beauty of the story. Residents on the online East Dulwich forum (East Dulwich being what you call Peckham if you happen to live there) declared themselves outraged at the behaviour of the neighbours, with words like “snitch”, “curtain-twitchers”, “grassers” and “narks” being bandied about (apparently “Dominic and Jessica Taplin represent all that's worst about the new smug arriviste elements of East Dulwich”). This is the world that Jacqui Smith has created. The only shame is that they didn't capture her on CCTV.
If you want to rat out your neighbours, allow the home secretary to enumerate the ways. Do you know someone who claims more from the state than they're entitled to? Who is “picking the pockets of law-abiding taxpayers”? Not politicians over-egging their allowances, obviously, but “benefit thieves”. If so, call 0800 854 440 now. “We're closing in with hidden cameras. We're closing in with every means at our disposal.”
Found by Mike Cosmi via Carole Cadwalladr: What a perfect revenge on the arch snooper.
I don’t understand it, and I don’t want to. I don’t care.
Even if you clean up the formatting garbage in this post, it still doesn’t make any sense.
we (the USA) are next..
In a nutshell, a sleaze bag neocon Brit politician famous for histrionic attacks on welfare beneficiaries is supposedly caught lining her own pockets by making allegedly false declarations. The fact that every other MP and senior civil servant in London is doing something similar, was noticeably absent from the article.
That last paragraph is out-and-out frightening.
“Do you know someone who claims more from the state than they’re entitled to? … call 0800 854 440 now. “We’re closing in with hidden cameras. We’re closing in with every means at our disposal.””
And here I thought the communist “Informant Society”, where the citizens were encouraged to spy on each other for the common good, was a thing of the past.
(Oh, and did you catch the new use of the CCD cameras? Not only are they good for suppressing the populace, but for catching tax cheats as well!)
Come on John, your supposed to represent journalism, and this story appears as if written by a first year journalism student (or a high school newspaper).
As you reap so shall you sow.
Glass houses, everyone?