Wait a minute there’s another use. When my teen Grandkids came out to visit last summer, I put a couple of temporary tattoos on to show them how dumb they look. They actually believed them real for a few hours. It was a good joke I hope they learned from. For Christmas I used a stamp made from a pic showing my fake arm tat and my hat on backwards. God I looked stupid!
Only cool tattoo I’ve seen, a blood type tattooed in a female forestry worker’s arm pit. In case she chainsaws off a limb and needed an emergency field blood transfusion. What a date!
Permanent tattoos are for those with personality disorders. Temporary tattoos are for those with growing-up disorders. That explains why most of the profit from Cow-Patty’s Poopcycle Stand goes to getting his temporary tats.
If any of the cognoscenti here recognize the KKK emblem and the “hood” reference for what it is, just apply that bundle of reality to the dead chimp cartoon discussion of yesterday.
I felt growing up that my family had some skewed views of blacks and after I spent 6 years in the Navy my suspicions were correct. My best friends were all black except for two, Mexican and a white guy.
Now, all these years later several of our friends have keys to our house and one is black. No, unlike your racist view of the world she isn’t the maid or wait staff. We recently gave a former co-worker a substantial amount of money to help out her and her two sons. Turns out she is black, damn I didn’t notice.
If judging people by their deeds and not their color makes me racist then so be it. That puts me in pretty good company (you may remember who said it).
By the way, the chimp cartoon was next to another cartoon that didn’t show up in this blog which would change someone’s perception.
#25–Diesel==then why do you post just like a racist would? Or is there a cartoon next to your heart that would make it all clear?
But seriously folks, I can see anyone looking at that cartoon and not thinking it is racist/referring to Obama. What I CANNOT TOLERATE is anyone thinking that, coming to this blog and reading all the posts in this thread, and then posting as if they hadn’t just read that quite a few people DO THINK IT IS RACIST.
I have to go with Bobbo on this. Anyone that takes that much effort to claim “some my friends are black, both of them” is probably hiding a very racist streak.
I might be wrong, and so may Bobbo, and I’m sure we both hope we are, because you are not convincing.
That cartoon was racist and not funny. It didn’t matter how you twisted it.
#27–Whoa, Hold On Fusion==I don’t form personal opinions about anyone who posts here, just WHAT they post. Single posts can be humor gone wrong, something misstated, thinking of a subject from a different angle, wanting to try a new persona==all kinds of things.
You have to post consistently and not change after being challenged multiple times before it is “fair” to start to form an opinion on just who/what anyone here might be.
Like I think Paddy = Zero. Lots of evidence for that.
I believe Diesel is just what he claims==but I think people get too comfortable thinking they are “free” and legitimate to think any stupid thing they want to, even when evidence to the contrary is presented.
When the issue is “what do people think of something” it is beyond stupid not to incorporate exactly what people think. There is no right or wrong as to what the cartoonist was thinking, or what he meant to portray, or in what cosmic sense the dead chimp means.
But there should be NO DOUBT AT ALL that most/many/some people DO take it as racist. This thread is proof of that. To deny what is what in front of you requires some “x” factor.
Some kind of brain damage maybe which is why I suggested skinhead. Goes with violence towards those you disagree with. I know some skinheads who are black. Actually, light brown – but thats black in the USA. So I see skinhead as mostly a violent/incapable of learning type of miscreant.
Now I’m labeled as a skinhead? That funny since I do shave my head but not due to any association with that scum sucking group of low lifes.
Okay, so you happen to (along with Mr Fusion) believe that the chimp cartoon was racist, I don’t based on what was presented in this blog. I still don’t, based on the blog. I had dinner with a group of friends last night and one of them mentioned that the cartoon WAS RIGHT NEXT to another cartoon of Obomba and his stimulus package. Had we seen the entire page from the paper it may have made a difference in my thinking but based on what we saw in DU I stand by my thinking, it wasn’t racist in my mind and still isn’t. I thought it was in poor taste but only because of the woman who was seriously injured due to some mental furball that thought it was a good idea to have a 200lb chimp as a room mate.
Yeah, so I have black friends and that labels me a racist. I guess I just don’t follow your logic.
#29–Diesel==does a political cartoonist at a prestigious national publication have a duty to understand or connect to the audience of the papers readers and to put in context any image that he may wish to present to them?
Or does the newspaper expect that only the cartoonist view of the cartoon is relevant?
Newspaper==mass communication device.
You are in good company though. As I recall, JDC himself posted he thought it was a “stretch” to think the cartoon was racist.
I was going to post but then neither do the KKK==but I’ll bet 90% percent of them DO THINK it is racist, and they are laughing their asses off at how funny it is.
You do recognize that people with completely different life experiences than you exist on this earth don’t you?
You do recognize that people with completely different life experiences than you exist on this earth don’t you?
Of course, I would be similar to the chimp if I didn’t.
I guess I still don’t understand how anyone could see the cartoon “as presented” would be racist.
I do understand how it could be considered racist when you see BOTH of them as they were presented in the paper side by side. That changes the context as a black friend pointed out last night.
The tattoo in the middle is clearly racist and is pretty damn blatant.
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Temp tattoos were made for that preteen age where kids want to be fully grown but they can only be patient which they can’t.
but, but, we don’t even have the KK in the UK …
I agree with Angel. I see these things all the time but most of the people wearing them are under ten.
On rare occasions I’ve seen a young adult who may be trying something out.
Wait a minute there’s another use. When my teen Grandkids came out to visit last summer, I put a couple of temporary tattoos on to show them how dumb they look. They actually believed them real for a few hours. It was a good joke I hope they learned from. For Christmas I used a stamp made from a pic showing my fake arm tat and my hat on backwards. God I looked stupid!
Temporary tats = temporary insanity 😉
Temporary tattoos mean the person wearing them does not want to be marked for life with a stupid bit of ink.
Only cool tattoo I’ve seen, a blood type tattooed in a female forestry worker’s arm pit. In case she chainsaws off a limb and needed an emergency field blood transfusion. What a date!
Permanent tattoos are for those with personality disorders. Temporary tattoos are for those with growing-up disorders. That explains why most of the profit from Cow-Patty’s Poopcycle Stand goes to getting his temporary tats.
They scream “I’m gay” and want to party in a restroom with Barney “Do my ass” Frank or any toe tapping Republican.
If any of the cognoscenti here recognize the KKK emblem and the “hood” reference for what it is, just apply that bundle of reality to the dead chimp cartoon discussion of yesterday.
Only a very slight difference of degree.
I think temp tats are just fine.
Nice birthday gift: “Find my tatoo.”
#10 bobbo
We’ll apply reality to it when we see the KKK hanging chimps.
Your comments about equating the cartoon to racism were stupid yesterday and they haven’t improved with age.
#12–Diesel==stupid is as stupid does.
Find my tatoo.
Interesting opinions from the above suburbians but..
I’ve got two tattoos yet not urge or need to scream gay, nor fuck Barney Frank nor seemingly have a personality disorder.
I think you need check your sample set.
Our only hope is that by finding your tattoo requires the use of a sledgehammer.
#15–Diesel==sledgehammer? The chimp is not racist?
Ok==what kind of skinhead are you? The kind with 3 balls, or no balls at all?
Heh, heh==can’t even hide it.
It looks like that KKK guy got a little too enthusiastic with his flaming cross and is now burning to death himself. . . .
Sorry, anyone who can’t find anything better to do with their time than drawing on themselves with what amounts to permanent markers needs a life.
#18–Cephus==as an atheist, what do you believe gives life meaning? Do you allow others to find their own joy?
Nice unicorn man! Have you been working out?
Q: “What Do Temporary Tattoos Say About You?”
A: No job prospects!
What’s that say above “Waterproof”?
“Saft and Non-toxic”?
Aren’t temporary tats for people who aren’t able to drink the minimum amount of liquor it normally takes to get a permanent tat? 😉
Nice try bobbo but I’m far from being racist.
I felt growing up that my family had some skewed views of blacks and after I spent 6 years in the Navy my suspicions were correct. My best friends were all black except for two, Mexican and a white guy.
Now, all these years later several of our friends have keys to our house and one is black. No, unlike your racist view of the world she isn’t the maid or wait staff. We recently gave a former co-worker a substantial amount of money to help out her and her two sons. Turns out she is black, damn I didn’t notice.
If judging people by their deeds and not their color makes me racist then so be it. That puts me in pretty good company (you may remember who said it).
By the way, the chimp cartoon was next to another cartoon that didn’t show up in this blog which would change someone’s perception.
Your true colors are still showing.
#25–Diesel==then why do you post just like a racist would? Or is there a cartoon next to your heart that would make it all clear?
But seriously folks, I can see anyone looking at that cartoon and not thinking it is racist/referring to Obama. What I CANNOT TOLERATE is anyone thinking that, coming to this blog and reading all the posts in this thread, and then posting as if they hadn’t just read that quite a few people DO THINK IT IS RACIST.
Thats a whole different kind of stupid.
Stupid – Racist? Take your pick.
#25, Diesel,
I have to go with Bobbo on this. Anyone that takes that much effort to claim “some my friends are black, both of them” is probably hiding a very racist streak.
I might be wrong, and so may Bobbo, and I’m sure we both hope we are, because you are not convincing.
That cartoon was racist and not funny. It didn’t matter how you twisted it.
#27–Whoa, Hold On Fusion==I don’t form personal opinions about anyone who posts here, just WHAT they post. Single posts can be humor gone wrong, something misstated, thinking of a subject from a different angle, wanting to try a new persona==all kinds of things.
You have to post consistently and not change after being challenged multiple times before it is “fair” to start to form an opinion on just who/what anyone here might be.
Like I think Paddy = Zero. Lots of evidence for that.
I believe Diesel is just what he claims==but I think people get too comfortable thinking they are “free” and legitimate to think any stupid thing they want to, even when evidence to the contrary is presented.
When the issue is “what do people think of something” it is beyond stupid not to incorporate exactly what people think. There is no right or wrong as to what the cartoonist was thinking, or what he meant to portray, or in what cosmic sense the dead chimp means.
But there should be NO DOUBT AT ALL that most/many/some people DO take it as racist. This thread is proof of that. To deny what is what in front of you requires some “x” factor.
Some kind of brain damage maybe which is why I suggested skinhead. Goes with violence towards those you disagree with. I know some skinheads who are black. Actually, light brown – but thats black in the USA. So I see skinhead as mostly a violent/incapable of learning type of miscreant.
Maybe that is more acceptable to Mr. Diesel?
Now I’m labeled as a skinhead? That funny since I do shave my head but not due to any association with that scum sucking group of low lifes.
Okay, so you happen to (along with Mr Fusion) believe that the chimp cartoon was racist, I don’t based on what was presented in this blog. I still don’t, based on the blog. I had dinner with a group of friends last night and one of them mentioned that the cartoon WAS RIGHT NEXT to another cartoon of Obomba and his stimulus package. Had we seen the entire page from the paper it may have made a difference in my thinking but based on what we saw in DU I stand by my thinking, it wasn’t racist in my mind and still isn’t. I thought it was in poor taste but only because of the woman who was seriously injured due to some mental furball that thought it was a good idea to have a 200lb chimp as a room mate.
Yeah, so I have black friends and that labels me a racist. I guess I just don’t follow your logic.
#29–Diesel==does a political cartoonist at a prestigious national publication have a duty to understand or connect to the audience of the papers readers and to put in context any image that he may wish to present to them?
Or does the newspaper expect that only the cartoonist view of the cartoon is relevant?
Newspaper==mass communication device.
You are in good company though. As I recall, JDC himself posted he thought it was a “stretch” to think the cartoon was racist.
I was going to post but then neither do the KKK==but I’ll bet 90% percent of them DO THINK it is racist, and they are laughing their asses off at how funny it is.
You do recognize that people with completely different life experiences than you exist on this earth don’t you?
#30 bobbo
You do recognize that people with completely different life experiences than you exist on this earth don’t you?
Of course, I would be similar to the chimp if I didn’t.
I guess I still don’t understand how anyone could see the cartoon “as presented” would be racist.
I do understand how it could be considered racist when you see BOTH of them as they were presented in the paper side by side. That changes the context as a black friend pointed out last night.
The tattoo in the middle is clearly racist and is pretty damn blatant.