John mentioned this on his podcast this week. The “Baby Rolls” is an old concept, revived for the New World Order, I guess.

Rolls-Royce has released pictures of its latest concept, the 200EX, on which the next production model, known as RR4, will be based.

The 200EX will be on display at the Geneva motor show next month, and the RR4 goes on sale next year.

The company’s chief designer, Ian Cameron, said: “The 200EX has a dynamic edge to its styling and is noticeably less formal than previous models. Its size, style and expression broaden the appeal of the car, making it more appropriate for a wider range of circumstances…

Price will be much lower than any other Rolls-Royce models. Folks guess this will hit the road in your neighborhood for just a tad over $252,000.

Your neighborhood maybe – not mine.

  1. Norman Speight says:

    And the poor radiator design – although bsed on the big Roller makes it look like the awful chrysler. Whatever happened to proportionate styling? i.e. the bloody radiator front is FAR too wide, obviously.
    Designer suffering from pencil runaway, needs to be sober when drawing – less low and wide, more slim and upright.

  2. brian t says:

    It used to be said of Rolls-Royce: “if you have to ask the price, you can’t afford it.” Sign o’ the Times, I guess. Then again, compared to the current Phantom, a Hummer would look small.

  3. Ugh Lee says:

    These cars all look the same, ugly. Oh, you say look at the stunning design of the grill? Sure, stunning like a tazer how fun. So it has a different grill and suicide doors, give that designer a cigar (make him eat it) then stun him with a photo of how great cars looked before Nader wrecked them.

  4. WmDE says:

    I have a Rolls-Canardly.

    It rolls downhill fine,

    but canardly get back up again.

  5. Cool. It looks almost like a Studebaker, but for $250,000.00. You’re ahead by far, in a post-war car.

    And “it is a touring saloon with more than a little panache and perhaps more bravado than one might have expected from Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. What you see is a modern car that is immediately recognisable as a true Rolls-Royce, even from angles that obscure the grille and Spirit of Ecstasy.???

    What kind of gaybob came up with that drivel??

  6. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I like the eBay ads for the Rolls on this page. I’m sure the church would be real fucking happy if I stole from the plate to buy a Phantom. Not that we collect that kind of money these days. Jesus Christ it’s a real bitch here at the convent. Some of the girls have resorted to stripping.

  7. Axure says:

    It’s ridiculous how they lower to the Mercedes level and try to do an S-class + RR blend.

    And in other brands it’s not much better. Jag was bought by Indians and their new XF is but a blend of the new Mondeo and a Lexus. And I’m not sure I even want to know what Bentley will come up with to replace the Arnage.

    I guess the world is waiting for new car ideas – and not only in terms of (green/electric) propulsion.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    There are a couple of people in my neighborhood that have newer Rolls. They are ugly. What happened to the designers?

  9. Special Ed says:

    #8 – Paddy, you live in the ghetto?

  10. Paddy-O says:

    #9 Surprisingly, it is starting to feel that way. No crime here for 20 years and now some people from S LA have moved in. 2 cars broken into, 2 houses burglarized and condoms found in the street after Saturday nights.

    You can take the animal out of the jungle but, you can’t take the …

  11. chuck says:

    Nice looking volkswagen.

  12. Chris says:

    Headline typo- “Roll-Royce” should be “Rolls-Royce”.

  13. Special Ed says:

    #10 – Paddy, not condoms! Oh the humanity…


  14. Paddy-O says:

    # 13 Special Ed said, “Paddy, not condoms! Oh the humanity…”

    Only took 2 weeks from the people moving in to go from zero crime to crimes at least once a week. Glad I sold all R.E. in ’05. I can leave. Most other people in this area own and are probably upside down.

  15. AlgoreIsWorseThanHitler says:

    Rolls should make a pickup. I bet it’d be cool.

  16. sargasso says:

    Average age for a Rolls Royce owner, is like 65. This is why they have seats you can soap sponge clean.

  17. Ralph, the School Bus Driver, says:

    #10, Paddy-P,

  18. Ralph, the School Bus Driver, says:

    Dang, I didn’t get to write my comment.

    #10, Paddy-P,

    condoms found in the street after Saturday nights.

    Paddy, they aren’t condoms They are really chewing gum. Try some, I’m sure you’ll like the flavor. They package them like that to gross out the parents.

  19. OvenMaster says:

    £175,000 is a “cracking bargain”? I’ll wait for a used one, thanks! 😀

  20. Axure says:

    #11, RR is not VW’s, it’s BMW’s.

    #16, awesome comment! 🙂

  21. herve leger says:

    awesome methods you have shown on this website. This is


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