When eBay adds a body parts section, then you know it’s really gotten bad.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Since the economy began to crater, Americans have looked inward to their very bodily fluids for a boost, selling blood, semen, even their ovaries and hair for a few extra dollars.

Companies that buy and sell blood have spotted an uptick in blood donations and created marketing campaigns that encourage people to give blood in exchange for help beyond just some extra cash.

A blood bank in California is catering to those hit hardest by the economic crunch, offering career counseling to that state’s thousands of unemployed individuals in exchange for a pint of blood. […] “It was definitely like: Give blood, get your resume critiqued. Yeah, I can make that drive. That works for me,” Steve Koehler, an out-of-work accountant from San Jose told affiliate KABC at the Stanford blood drive.
In Chicago, Robin von Halle, president of Alternative Reproductive Resources, an agency that pairs egg donors with infertile couples, said several of the clinics in the area have reported an increase in women looking to donate. […] On average donors make $7,000 to $10,000, with larger sums paid to women in wealthier regions of the country, such as the Northeast.

  1. Rick Cain says:

    Wow, getting paid for something you do anyway, now thats a good job.
    I guess its not like the 70’s though, where sperm collection was done by Five-Fingers Mary, R.N.

  2. JimR says:

    Sure… just like the other greedy banks… the bottom will drop out of the baby market, they’ll get stuck with billions of gallons of bad sperm and we’ll have to bail them out.

    Well I’m sorry, thousands will be put out of jerk, but I’m not going to wade in there with a bucket.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    #2 Post of the Day.

  4. Uncle Dave says:

    I was curious and Googled “vegas sperm bank” to see what is here in town. This is what I got as the first link. I especially like the second comment from a Wells Fargo customer, middle of page: “They handle everything from to direct deposit to CDs.”

  5. Mark says:

    Bad idea. You can’t sign away you parental obligations. So, the tyke(s) your donation of sperm or eggs can come back to you 18 years later and sue you for back child support. There have been cases in California that have affirmed this.

    Not worth it.

  6. Mr Diesel says:

    #5 Mark

    I worry about that from an ex-wife that has a kid that she said is mine. The court said no but I wait for the day when they force a blood test and my ass gets sued for back support.

    I’ve been sued three times by two different states for paternity. I didn’t know I could screw that well.

    I wonder if Octa-Mom is going after the father of her brood??

  7. syrinx says:

    #6 Mr Diesel

    Octo-Mom’s kids might as well be yours based on your history. Why did you hit that butter-face anyway?



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