The network of criss-cross lines is 620 miles off the coast of north west Africa near the Canary Islands on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean.
The perfect rectangle – which is around the size of Wales – was noticed on the search giant’s underwater exploration tool by an aeronautical engineer who claims it looks like an “aerial map” of a city.
The underwater image can be found at the co-ordinates 31 15′15.53N 24 15′30.53W.
Last night Atlantis experts said that the unexplained grid is located at one of the possible sites of the legendary island, which was described by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato.
Bernie Bamford, 38, of Chester who spotted the “city”, compared it to the plan of Milton Keynes, the Buckinghamshire town built on a grid design. “It must be man made,” he said.
Uh, here’s Google’s response to the discovery.
It’s not Atlantis…it’s Google’s secret underwater spy base. The underground train from the Denver airport goes right to it.
90′ turns in the open ocean? huh? Perfect rectangle? Aren’t there any ocean currents in the area?
We should at least go take a look…
I what Goog says is true, why just survey lines right here, and not anywhere else?
“He (Plato) said Atlantis was a land of fabulous wealth, advanced civilisation and natural beauty destroyed by earthquakes and floods 9,000 years earlier.”
Well we know that’s wrong, as the earth is barely more than 6000 years old.
Ocean currents should have covered up these types of things with silt and other debris. Finding ruins does not mean that it is Atlantis.
What’s with you guys and the Telegraph. You know, there are other news papers?
Atlantis Experts
Wait! Wait! I see the alien’s face! There! on the left! The Face on Atlantis! Clearly! Right there! See it? See it?
Why does it have to be Atlantis when it could be an eons-old alien base? Or even the less likely cracked crystaline basalt.
#8. The article mentions that they are the sweep courses for the survey vessels, the sonars are side aperture – so when Google join them together they show where the survey ship went. I think it’s funny, how this was extrapolated by some oddball into an undersea map of Milton Keynes.
It’s just the remains of some city after the last earth crust displacement occurred, which flooded a significant portion of the world’s land on the coasts…
#10 It’s the size of Wales. Not “some city”. Geez.
I know it is not a city. But no one has explained how the path of a sonar receiver gets rendered as a grid. And why only this spot? Why don’t we see such grids all over the place? Is this the only place were this type of sonar research was done?
Are the “lines” in the grid places where there is no sonar data? And if so, why did the surveyor decide to miss them?
Those grids are shown all over, just look around.
The size of Wales. Would that be Jimmy Wales, then?
No. Next question.
Touchy. Are you his boyfriend perhaps?
Tough room.
Proof that Al Gore is right.
It’s where NASA buried the evidence of the fake moon landings. And Barack Obama is Elvis Presley’s love child. Yes, Elvis was secretly black – and so is Michael Jackson.
I wonder if any of those salvage groups have shipped out to check the location anyways.
What won’t Google do to get people to use their new services?!?
Atlantis or not Atlantis, this things more like an undersea research facility. Whats the best way to hide yourself from Satellites? Under the sea, you have a less chance of getting detected and if you do get detected, you can count of corporations like Google to create a fake story and bury the whole thing out.
Why not just send an RPS and see?
Google is claiming its a “mapping error” caused by the boats.
I find that hard to believe, sound more like someone in the DoD got to google to help them build the cover story.
I don’t believe Google’s excuse. It’s a very large search. Wouldn’t they run out of gas? Even if I’m wrong there and they wouldn’t run out, would the impressions really be left 3 1/2 feet down by a boat? I don’t believe it’s a natural occurance, either. Currents wind at some point, and these lines are way too straight.
I believe human civilization has been up and down in periodic cycles many many times over the course of 5 billion years. There are quite a number of artifacts around the world that cannot be explained or duplicated by today’s technology.
As usual, the people who don’t beieve that this is anything other that survey lines from ships mapping an area use ridicule to denigrate those people who think it may be something else. It’s okay to be skeptical but not to use it as a club against people who have a different view.
Keep an open mind!