(Click pic to embiggen.)

WSJ– The mustang rears on splayed hind legs — his nostrils flaring, his eyes glowing red, his taut body a slick, sweaty sheen of blue. Anatomically correct — eye-poppingly so — the 32-foot-tall fiberglass sculpture makes quite a statement at the gateway to Denver International Airport.

But that begs the question: What kind of statement, exactly?

“It looks like it’s possessed,” says Denver resident Samantha Horoschak. “I have a huge fear of flying anyway, and to be greeted at the airport by a demon horse — it’s not a soothing experience.”

Many people here agree, calling the muscular steed a terrifying welcome to the Mile High City.The Denver airport commissioned the sculpture in 1992 from Luis Jimenez, a widely honored artist known for melding Chicano themes and Western history in exuberant sculpture.

Mr. Jimenez was killed working on the sculpture. In 2006, while he was hoisting pieces of the mustang for final assembly in his New Mexico studio, the horse’s massive torso swung out of control and crushed the 65-year-old artist. Mr. Jimenez’s widow and children helped finish the sculpture, and it was installed last February at the airport, at a cost to the city of $650,000.

Listen to the weekend edition of No Agenda for more about the weirdness that is Denver International. See more of DIA’s weird art here.

Thanks to Ian Warner.

  1. faxon says:

    Yikes! No, not Yikes! Jesus Christ!? No, not Jesus Christ! How about, “What the fuck are you fucking idiots THINKING?”
    Ya know? Like, can you figure out where the SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS comes from?
    How about, from the pockets of the working people of this city? Assholes!
    Who needs this garbage? Who the fuck is running things in these cities? CHRIST ALMIGHTY! This country is SO fucked up. Ya know what? The US totally deserves the fucking over it is getting these days. ME? I saved my money, paid off my house, and drive a ratty old truck. But, by God, I don’t own anybody anything, except the fucking government every year, and day in and day out.
    Fuck you all, assholes.

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #32 faxon…it’s called culture, belongs to advanced societies.

  3. Wretched Gnu says:

    #32 — Well, we tried your ideal, artless society for decades. It gave you the wonders of strip-malls and parking garages.

    Why not stay in your empty, concrete, strip-mall wasteland and let the rest of us enjoy just one (1) sculpture that is freaking interesting for once?

    Don’t worry. The rest of the lanscape is your “free-market” concrete Wall-Mart hell, so be happy.

  4. BertDawg says:

    Years ago there used to be a junkyard out there with a very impressive sculpture of a bronco composed of chrome bumper segments on the roof of the building. No idea whether it’s still there or not, but it was very well done.

  5. Rick Cain says:

    You should go to Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City sometime. You are greeted by some GIANT 75 foot tall arrows stuck in the ground. You see that and you nervously are looking around for the 300 foot tall indian warrior who obviously stalks the place.

  6. soundwash says:

    type in:
    Denver International Airport Murals

    into google image search for the quintessential
    collection DIA Art *cough*

    also…google maps of the area is sort of interesting…whole lotta empty space surrounds the airport that looks like it was “surfaced” in some manner in the past..

    so…anyone ever find out what the missing $2.3tn-plus from the pentagon spent on??


  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    This statue is a warning to visitors that Denver is full of pricks bigger than life.

  8. BubbaRay says:

    # 37 Rick Cain said,

    “You should go to Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City sometime. You are greeted by some GIANT 75 foot tall arrows stuck in the ground. You see that and you nervously are looking around for the 300 foot tall indian warrior who obviously stalks the place.”

    That must be the Indian that sends the 45 – 55 kt. headwinds down the runway, so you can make a near half throttle landing, and take 10 minutes to taxi to the gate.

  9. realist says:

    I always found this interesting vis a vis Denver Airport. I understand these guys will be building the high speed rails.

  10. SurreyDad says:

    What is it with giant horses in the news recently?

    First Milan, then Denver, and now over here in the UK – where a national competition for a new artistic landmark has been won by a statue of a giant white horse. According to the artist “a racing thoroughbred is a thoroughly English creation”.

    At 50m (164ft) the ‘Angel of the South’ (when has a horse ever been an angel?) will be taller than the statue of liberty, and is due to be finished before the 2012 Olympics.
    See BBC video clip:

    Looking for an insight into symbolism of giant steeds? Read this additional BBC article:

  11. The Mustang at the Denver International airport is truly a work of art. I get to look at it blue body and parts??? everyday in my Denver airport Limousine. Yeeee Haaaaa

  12. I like the DIA artwork it creates conversation with tourist going to the Colorado Convention Center

  13. Why does it have Red laser eyes? does anyone know why? Clients in my Denver airport limo ask this question all the time.

  14. Yacko says:

    Oh no thats so normal, just like everything at and around DIA.

  15. Rickinator says:

    Haha, “terrified”? That’s funny. I’m a Denver native now living in the NW and just saw it for the first time on a trip there. I think it’s different and interesting. If anything, it’s definitely not boring. I think it’s pretty cool and to me is a symbol of the Denver Broncos, who wear blue and orange. For all the people that dislike it: maybe there should have been a vote on what might go there? I don’t have a problem with it, and think the glowing red eyes make it even more cool looking. It’s some trippy artwork, for sure.

    Rick, 42
    Portland, OR

  16. Rickinator says:

    hahaha, i just saw this under the horse pic above

    (Click pic to embiggen.)


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