New York Times– A police officer who was videotaped knocking a man off his bicycle and onto the ground during a cycling event in Manhattan last summer has been fired, the Police Department said. Paul J. Browne, the Police Department’s chief spokesman, said the officer, Patrick Pogan, 23, was fired about 10 days ago.

Stuart London, a lawyer for Mr. Pogan, disputed the Police Department’s statement, saying that he had resigned.

Mr. Pogan was accused last year of assault and of filing false paperwork related to the arrest of the cyclist and was suspended from the department. The Manhattan district attorney’s office dropped the charges — attempted assault, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct — against the cyclist, Christopher Long. Mr. Browne said on Thursday that the firing stemmed directly from the events involving Mr. Long, which took place on July 25 during a monthly event known as Critical Mass, in which hundreds of cyclists ride through the city to advocate nonpolluting forms of transportation.

The termination was reported by The Associated Press on Thursday night.

Yeah, he resigned. The Brooklyn Bridge is up for sale too. Score one for the citizens.

  1. soundwash says:

    #30 -sob..they have me brainwashed too.. i did not even think of that.

    1984 doublespeak. fired-resigned etc..

    i wonder what the public response would have been had this been on the front page.

    proof positive all the media is bought and paid for.


  2. Lou Minatti says:

    “As happy as I am to see him gone, why did it take so long?”


    I think government employees should be prohibited from unionizing, particularly when they draw FAT BLOATED PENSIONS.

  3. Steve S says:

    # 32 Lou Minatti said,
    “I think government employees should be prohibited from unionizing, particularly when they draw FAT BLOATED PENSIONS.”

    They sure as hell should NOT be allowed to spend millions of dollars on commercials that try to influence ballot measures that increase taxes to pay them more! Civil service should not include a license to steal from the people who pay their salary.
    Case study California.

  4. ECA says:


    With Cops using Cameras to control areas, as in Britain..
    Why cant the PEOPLE use cameras against COPS.

    We have had a few shots at this, and Britain has created a law AGAINST IT..

  5. anitarose says:

    I say…let’s give the bad cop an exploding desk chair and send shrapnel up his rectum…that would teach him!!



  6. Rick Cain says:

    I don’t understand the rage against cyclists. What’s wrong with you people?

    The problem was a cop with roid rage, who not only assaulted a citizen (with battery), but lied on top of that. If he’s going to prison it would not be a bad thing.

  7. Al Gore says:

    #27 Mike D,

    You could have made a much shorter post by just saying you’re a poor, hippie coward. 80 minute bike ride? Isn’t that the definition of loser? Here’s a tip to make your life better: commit suicide.

  8. Glidedon says:

    Definitely unnecessary roughness.

    But I like the NYT quote says “cycling event” when it is civil disobedience.

    Those cited for civil disobedience should receive the maximum sentence allowed, because by definition they are deliberately braking the law and causing damages to others (time and money in this case). BTW I’m an avid cyclist.

  9. Steve S says:

    Rick Cain said,
    “I don’t understand the rage against cyclists. What’s wrong with you people? ”

    The rage isn’t against cyclists. Its against Critical Mass.
    The members of Critical Mass happen to ride bicycles but that’s about all these a$$holes have in common with normal cyclists.

  10. George says:

    Rick Cain said,
    “I don’t understand the rage against cyclists. What’s wrong with you people? ”

    Try living in a neighborhood that is only accessible via a hilly, winding road with 1 passing zone in 8 miles. Dipshit cyclists clog the road every weekend, riding 2 and 3 abreast going 3 mph uphill.

    They put my life and my kids lives in jeopard when I come around a curve and find these idiots either in the center of my lane, or another car coming at me head-on while passing these traffic hazards.

    If you can’t maintain 20mph in a 45mph zone, you should not be allowed on the road. You are a hazard!

  11. Mike D says:

    Hey – Al Gore, #37 – make you a deal – I’ll commit suicide if you ever get a life. Better I should spend the commute time burning gasoline so some of the profit from that gas purchase could buy more bullets overseas, and as an added bonus, foul the air over here? (and it would take more than 80 minutes a day by car in rush hour in Manhattan – so I’m gaining time, getting exercise and pissing off people like you – win/win, if you ask me)
    Why spew all the flame bait? – go out and get some exercise yourself. Might jar the tar off your brain pan.

  12. Yohan says:

    The police Department is no different from the rest of the world..they hire from the human race.

  13. chickenbob says:

    You are all morans. (hoping the reference from #22 was from that most excellent picture…)

  14. tlw says:

    TX DPS Trooper – DAVID RIGGS – Wise County – Decatur

    How many of you have had the misfortune to have encountered Texas State Trooper David Riggs in his official capacity? Meaning – an illegal traffic stop, illegal search and seizure, violation of your civil rights, solicitation of sex-drugs-or money, etc.?

    If so, we would like to hear and document your event.

    Please report it to the Texas Department of Public Safety Inspector General’s Office.

    Unprofessional behavior and unlawful practices will not be tolerated?


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