
GIZMODO– Well, stories don’t get much worse than this. A 14-year-old boy in China was killed when his chair exploded, sending chunks of metal into his rectum. The bleeding this caused killed him.

The alleged explosion came from the gas cylinder that was in the base of the chair, the part that allowed the user to adjust the seat up and down. The canister gets compressed when you sit on it, but can it actually create enough energy to make the seat cushion explode like that and kill a man? I doubt it, but this is what people are reporting.

In other news, I am working from a beanbag from now on.

Oh, Chinese made, it makes sense now.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    #31, Angel,

    I wouldn’t worry about #28 sharing. He is trying to replicate the experiment himself.

  2. Mr Diesel says:

    #9 Angel


    As if my life wasn’t scarred enough I had to click on that link……….

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    #33 Diesel,

    And what does that video taught us all? That if you’re going to stuff a rectum with a bottle it better be made of plastic 🙂

  4. Ralph, the School Bus Driver, says:

    #34, Angel,

    You know you’re a horny old bastard. Well, I could be wrong. You might not be old.

  5. orangetiki says:

    Yeah thanks for making me paranoid at work. thanks a lot…

  6. hochihuy says:

    The amount of gas from the cylinder would not be enough to cause explosion. The kid must have farted so hard that it produced excessive additional gas. Too much gas -> explosion! Simple.


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