This guy came armed for bear. He makes some good points, fails at others.

  1. grog says:

    please hold your laughter till the end…

    labor unions are supposed to operate like staffing companies, they guarantee quality workers, they demand a fair working wage.

    (you can laugh now)

    the reality: labor-unions are mafia-infested rackets that care more about collecting union dues than they care about their workers, and don’t care at all about workmanship.

    they’ve gotten lazy and lost their way. they’ve made themselves irrelevant and in the end they are going bankrupt the companies that used to fund them and the none of their workers will have jobs at all.

    p.s. and i’m a liberal.

  2. grog says:

    p.s. there union janitors that make more per hour than i do, and i’m a software engineer.

    all that does is drive demand for illegal immigrants who aren’t too proud.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    # 60 Mr. Fusion said, “It’s in the same place where the commerce clause says, “the power to set wage & executive compensation rates resides with the legislative branch.”

    You see, this is where my stupidity shows.”

    It’s not hard to expose your stupidity… ROFL

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #63, Cow-Patty,

    Truly, you are an ignorant asshole.

  5. AlgoreIsWorseThanHitler says:

    Everyone CALM DOWN! Now that Damien Thorne is President, he’ll fix it all for us.

  6. dan d says:

    How many stockbrokers or banking industry people do you know that have taken a pay cut? If YOUR industry got close to half a trillion dollars input, I doubt whether you’d take any cut at all. As to the $70 per hour, I know plumbers, electricians, and carpenters’ who make more than that. That $70 is with benefits, retirement funds, and other factors. Take away the sums of the benefits, and what do you actually have in real numbers of actual dollars to spend at the grocery store. Have you bought a gallon of milk lately? Ask the cow to take a pay cut….. Or better yet, get your milk from overseas. Just don’t expect to live too long after drinking it….

  7. Wretched Gnu says:

    That’s the only way to talk to Fox News. Just displace their stupidity with some common sense.

    Quoting an editorial from the New York freaking POST…? That’s all you need to know about Fox News…

  8. Wretched Gnu says:

    Even if the unions demanded only minimum wage and no benefits — they would still lose to the global “free market,” where a multinational can get anybody to work for half that.

    You have two choices:

    1) An economy that treats human laborers as a commodity — in which case those human beings become *literally* worthless, and will indeed be in a race to the bottom, requiring our economy to structure itself like the third-world warlord’n’peasant model.

    2) An economy that only allows itself to traffic with other economies that are regulated by commensurate laws (against child labor, toxic work environments, requiring living wages, etc.)

  9. Rick Cain says:

    Oh well, Fox News is just a shill for the government and the top 1%. Too bad the redneck morons that watch Fox are in the bottom 25%.

    I never understood why the poor conservative feels he needs to be an unpaid professional apologist for the ultra rich.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #70, Rick,

    I never understood why the poor conservative feels he needs to be an unpaid professional apologist for the ultra rich.

    It makes them feel important in their own insignificant life.

  11. franz says:

    This guy is great, about time a politician stood up for the working stiff.
    $50 hour includes legacy cost (pensions), bonuses paid to execs. and other costs factored in, not wages and benefits for guy on line alone. Actual labour cost to auto. is 7% of total price.
    He deserves our thanks.

  12. Kneemoe says:

    uhhhhhh….more power to them if they can pay for lifetime healthcare and $70/hr wages on the cars they sell…oh wait…they can’t….FAIL


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