Thanks Mister Justin.

  1. mj says:

    George the lion loves to have his balls scratched twice a day.

  2. Bob says:

    “I probably shouldn’t do this, but….”

  3. zhai says:

    “I told you this one was the boy.”

  4. hhopper says:

    Carl starts a prostate exam shortly before his untimely death.

  5. BigBoyBC says:

    ” …and if you give these a squeeze, it’s just like those ol’ MGM movies…”

  6. Dallas says:

    It’s good to be the king

  7. sargasso says:

    How to check a lion’s temperature.

  8. iLion says:

    Raise tail for hand cream

  9. Opus says:

    This Kenyan Country Club has the neatest ball washer.

  10. Larry Bud says:

    Did you hear about the monkey attack? Wonder what caused that?

  11. The DON says:

    Man, has he got balls!

  12. Jay says:

    A really bad idea… but if you want a Darwin award try this at home!

  13. Doc says:

    Turn your head and cough, please.

  14. emh924a says:

    here kitty kitty kitty

  15. ECA says:


  16. Hugh Ripper says:

    “I told you I hid the drugs in a safe place.”

  17. Steve says:

    “This is where I get the good shit.”

  18. Hawkeye says:

    “A little to the left… there, you got it.”

  19. Jimm says:

    Turn your mane and cough

  20. Mac Guy says:

    Everyone’s getting a handout from the king.

  21. JamesM says:

    The term they use is “suicide by lion.”

  22. PPCLI says:

    You said you hid the car keys in here?

  23. Bill B says:

    Don’t worry. Detroit Lions are toothless.

  24. garyk says:

    Great, the secret is out now. Lions have an On/Off switch.

  25. dcphill says:

    Turn your head and cough

  26. ECA says:

    now, squeeze real hard, AND push..
    NOT you doc..

    This was easier on the ELEPHANT..

  27. LibertyLover says:

    Now THAT’S what I call a Stimulus!

  28. Canuck says:

    “I don’t think letting go is a good idea.”

  29. Li says:

    Paulson demonstrates the proper way to handle Congress.

  30. Leo says:

    Everyone has time for a little Hackey Sack.Even leo


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