• Hulu rethinks everything.
  • Americans conducted 13.5 billion online searches in January.
  • Intel suing nVidia. nVidia says the cpu business of Intel is decaying.
  • Pirate Bay guys joking around on stand.
  • Gmail goes offline. A winner.
  • Space junk story never ends.
  • Geneva Motor Show shows baby Rolls.
  • Google sued again.
  • I mock dumb slow news day stories.

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  1. hhopper says:

    Geneva Motor Show shows baby Rolls…

  2. bobbo says:

    Jen-Hsun Huang had a good interview with Charlie Rose. He said that both the cpu and gpu had their roles but that the cpu was born when replacing the typewriter and the calculator was the mission of the computer. Today, it is more media driven where the gpu has greater advantages==such as CUDA which can bring 100 fold speed increases simply because of its archetecture. CUDA sounds interesting–letting the core of nvidias business actually get developed by third parties. Has already resulted in the worlds 30th fastest supercomputer by adding some cheap gpu’s in parallel rather than adding more cpu’s.

    He made another interesting comment: that nvidia and intell are like Microsoft and Google==both groups are seen as “in competition” with each other even though they make non-competing products.

    Its all the future baby. Oh–he also said Cloud computing would be an adjunct to the desktop.

  3. GF says:

    Isn’t CNET Hulu’s competition, i.e. TVdotCOM?

    I don’t know if a CUDA GPU will replace the CPU but it will certainly make my life better. I’m glad Adobe is on board. It will be interesting to see what AMD does with Havoc and ATI. Will they create a similar programing language for their next gen card? Will AMD create an all in one CPU/GPU multi-core that uses SSE5?


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