1. GF says:

    Funny, but I know more Germans that speak English more fluently than Mexicans.

  2. Dajestar says:

    How’s your German?

  3. tcc3 says:

    You probably know Germans that speak english more fluently than some Americans.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    And there are probably a lot of Germans that can’t speak good German and a lot of Mexicans that can’t speak good Spanish.

  5. Deep-Thought says:


  6. tyates says:

    Reminds me of the lounge singer in Austria announcing his next song would be “Lucille” by Can A Roaches.

  7. pdear says:

    Funny, got one funnier on the same subject, wont realize til the end though…


  8. TThor says:

    Real funny! Nail on the head – once again.
    But, come on – how is your German, or Dutch or French or Norwegian…? English may be the universal language to you but in Europe we got about 20 different… and those are individual languages, no dialects.
    And why chase 80 million Germans to speak English when they don’t need to? Of course, it is smart to… but that is another question.
    Brits and Americans are spoiled in as much as your language has become the “language of the world”.
    Don’t forget that while you struggle with your one, Europeans more often than not speak 3 – 4 languages… Check a Dutch the next time you meet one. I bet he do Flemish – of course – French, German and English fluently.
    No pissing contest of course, just a poor attempt on a reflection of flexibility from my side.
    Coming from one of the smallest countries in Europe [not Iceland, but close] we all in addition to our native tongue speak English – out of bare necessity. 5 million vs +300 million you got to have at least one extra and English is a natural choice. Before WWII it fefinitely would have been German despite the French attemts to become ” la langue de communication universelle”.

  9. TThor says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. Please don’t double post! – ed.]

  10. Dajestar says:


    Ok, I’ll bite. Denmark? Norway?

    BTW, Dutch and Flemish is the same language, they are both dialects of “Nederlands”. There is a language union between the Netherlands, Belgium and Suriname to promote a uniform spelling of the language Nederlands.

  11. Miguel says:

    Oldie but goldie!

    I love it when the big guy goes ‘daz iz mein zektor’ and ‘daz is die uberliebenradarr’. One of my favorite videos of all time :O)

  12. Enrique says:

    Come on… When an American travel through my country (Chile) most of the time all the spanish that known is something like “Hola, estos pantalones son nice”…

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, Thor,

    No pissing contest of course, just a poor attempt on a reflection of flexibility from my side.

    This is about a commercial for learning other languages.

  14. Shubee says:

    That’s a very funny commercial. I love it.

  15. Thermo says:

    #4 Mr Fusion.
    You are definitely the dumbest person posting on this blog. You keep showing your ignorance every time you post.
    Like all liberals, You never use facts – only your feelings which are always wrong.
    The literacy rate in Germany over 15 years of age is 99% – http://countryreports.org/people/LiteracyRate.aspx?Countryname=&countryId=91

    [Please drop the WWW from URLs as WordPress doesn’t display it properly… plus it’s unnecessary. – ed.]

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13, Thermos,

    So what is your point? Does everyone in Germany speak at a college level standard?

  17. fred says:

    The title of this entry was “How’s your English”.
    While we are all being so superior about our English, maybe we should learn to write it correctly. A person is a person and not a thing. For example, “a man THAT does something” should correctly be “a man WHO does something”. There are five examples of this common mistake on this page alone.

  18. GF says:

    Yes Fred, you are right. I guess I don’t think much of people. 😉

  19. exileguy says:

    Instead of comparing who speaks what language the best, just admit that the damn thing is funny

  20. fred says:

    #19, exileguy

    You have naturally fully right. I can to me hardly think how I so humorless to be could.


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