“We hate the stimulus bill. We love the bill. We hate the bill. We love the money!”

I suppose no one should be surprised that Washington is full of crass hypocrites, but if there were an Olympic event in hypocrisy several Republican Congressional members would be vying for the gold. Following the near complete GOP boycott on the economic stimulus bill, Republican congressional members are spending their President’s Day recess at home bragging about the programs they will be delivering to their districts.

Some reported examples:

– From Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO): “Within the stimulus package there is some Pell Grant money, which is a good thing. It helps students be able to pay for their education and that’s kind of a long term stimulus effect there. I mean obviously that’s not gonna provide a job in the next 120, 180 days, but the ability of someone to get an education is an economic development tool,” Luetkemeyer said at a local college. He was there, in another inside-outside Washington twist, to celebrate an earmark for a college building. (Link)

– Rep. Don Young (R-AK) put out a press release saying that he “won a victory for the Alaska Native contracting program and other Alaska small business owners last night in H.R. 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.” (Link)

– “All along he has believed infrastructure spending, in particular, should provide a boost to the Inland Empire’s economy,” a spokesman to Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-CA) said. (Link)

– “While we philosophically have different opinions, we’re obligated to make sure this money is spent properly,” said Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA). “All of us in the Inland Empire will do what we can to direct as much money as we can.” (Link)

– From Sen. Kit Bond (R-MO) press release: Last week, Bond led a bipartisan group of Senators in introducing an amendment to help provide needy families affordable housing. Bond’s amendment provides $2 billion to fund low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) projects that have been stalled by the financial credit crisis. As part of the Democrats’ spending bill now signed into law, the Senate unanimously accepted Bond’s provision. […] This provision will have a real impact in Missouri, especially for low-income, working families in need of safe and affordable housing. … Bond’s amendment will save more than 700 housing units and create 3,000 new jobs in Missouri. “This is the type of emergency stimulus spending we should be supporting — programs that will create jobs now and help families,” Bond said. (Link)

– Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R-MN), who complained that the “federal government is spending money they don’t have,” told Rachel Maddow he would nevertheless accept funds for Minnesota: “Our view is, if you buy the pizza, it’s OK if you have a slice.” (Link)

– Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who also campaigned ardently against the bill, said he would nevertheless gladly accept its funds for his state. “You don’t want to be crazy here,” he said. (Link)

– Rep. John Mica (R-FL) gushed over the bill, which he, too, voted against. “I applaud President Obama’s recognition that high-speed rail should be part of America’s future,” he said in a press release. (Link)

– Rep. Don Young (R-AK) boasted that he “won a victory for…Alaska small business owners” in the recovery bill he refused to vote for. (Link)

– Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) boasted about the educational benefits of the recovery act, while Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA) said his office “will do what we can to direct as much money as we can.” Neither voted for the bill. (Link)

– Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI) joins in, praising the stimulus’ “generous” incentives for home buyers on his Twitter feed:
“petehoekstra If you know of someone thinking of buying first home, now may be the time.Stimulus incentive is very generous!Up to 8k!Check it out.” (Link)

– BlueJersey notes adds Rep. Leonard Lance (R-NJ) to the growing list. After insisting last Friday that the recovery bill “would have exploded our national debt without providing meaningful job growth,” Lance toured construction sites in his district yesterday, touting funds that would come from the stimulus bill. “This is a classic example of a “shovel-ready’ project,” Lance said after the tour. (Link)

Yup. I think McDonough has an interesting concept. Don’t let the citizens who elected these ideological heroes be contaminated by the money.

What do you think?

  1. Taxpayer says:

    Rush Limbaugh for president!

  2. #33

    I’d love to see that blowhard run.
    Man with all the appalling things he has said over the years and all the hypocrisy he has put out political add makers would have no end of material to work with. At least that clown Franklin is a MAN and put his name on a ballet. Limbaugh is a coward who hides behind his mic. GESH! only the Alaska pipeline carries more spew!
    Excellence In BroadcAssing is more like it.

    But he is compelling if you need to be told what to think and religions just not doing it for you join the ditto heads and be a peace.

  3. Sorry,

    The BroadcAssing comment was out of line and a cheap shot about his lack of dietary willpower and not his politics.

    I wish I had not posted that part.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    # 28 grog said, “prove to me you can do it without federal help, that would kick ass.”

    Trade no Fed taxes for no fed help. Simple solution.

  5. Tecban says:

    My senators voted for it, but my idiot representative did not. I can’t afford to move out of his district any time soon. Why should I be penalized because he is a partisan jackhole?

    I sympathize with the sentiment, but this feels too much like Rush hoping the president fails. We are one country, and we will rise or fall together.

  6. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    I don’t think any of the Stimulus money should goto any Republicans at all!

    If you’re true Republican you will send the money back to the feds!

  7. deowll says:

    I will agree that the Republican districts should not get any pork, um…stimulus package sent to Republican districts under one simple condition.

    The Democratic districts will pay off the entire bill in less than ten years even if the private goods of the people that voted Democratic have to be sold at public auction to raise the money.

    Now that’s fair enough isn’t it? The people that run up the bill pay the tab.

  8. Selvy says:

    Wow, disagree with the Democratic-rammed stimulus spending package and you’re talking about lynchings. What a nice bunch of civic-minded…liberals…you are.

    The Republicans barely had any input, and it went through anyway. And it’s full of pork. Only 25% of the spending actually applies to ANYTHING that will help this economy in the next 6 to 9 months. So let’s stop calling it a stimulus package.

    You voted Obama in on the ticket for ‘Change’. All he’s done is given the keys to Reid and Pelosi. In such a short time with so many promises broken (transparency, etc. etc.)…but that’s okay, blame the Reps when it’s the Dems who are doing this to you.

    This is neither the ‘change’ nor stimulus this country needs.

  9. Uncle Patso says:

    # 26 bobbo said, in part:

    “You’ve missed the best one: Representative Michele Bachmann (R – 06)from Minnesota.”
    “She said that the Dems are only funding democratic districts and Obama is redistricting so as to eliminate the republican party. Pretty soon there won’t be any rich people left to tax.”

    Don’t forget the part about the bill giving $5 Billion to ACORN.

    No doubt next we’ll hear how many billions are earmarked for William Ayers and the Communist Party and Al-Qaeda.

  10. CultivatorX says:

    Any “red state” full of Republi-tards…should be abandoned by the United States and left to their own dim-bulb devices. Id give it a year before their people all turn Demo in the face of our obvious Blue State hegemony and superiority.

    Conservatism is the bane of any civilization’s existence, lets drop them now, and for good!

  11. Paddy-O says:

    # 42 CultivatorX said, “Any “red state” full of Republi-tards…should be abandoned by the United States and left to their own dim-bulb devices.”

    You mean like having no income taxes & no Fed Reserve? Oh, when we had basically no Fed deficit, no huge permanent military (other than Navy), no welfare and we were a magnet to everyone in the world who wanted a better life?

    Let’s see. Texas (Red state) billions in the bank. CA (Blue lib state, one of the largest economies in the world) bankrupt and sinking.


  12. Jean says:

    Barack Obama wants to cut the federal deficit in half by the end of his first term, mostly by scaling back Iraq war spending, raising taxes on the wealthiest and streamlining government, an administration official said Saturday as the president worked to finalize his first budget request. I wonder how the rich feel about that?

  13. Paddy-O says:

    #44 Pretty hilarious. Want to place any bets as to where the deficit will be in 4 years?


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