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My favorite was the Lionel Napalm Flame Thrower Tugboat™
Fun times, fun times.
Girls hate trains.
What is the difference between that ICBM and any Mortal Combat type of game? Nothing!!
ICBM = WMD = terrorism
Mortal Kombat = AWESOMENESS!
They said “… a sense of responsibility.” Was 1962 the last time that was uttered on television?
Yup, the boy blows it up. The girl has to fix it.
Still have fond memories of little green army men.
My bro’ and I had a train set at about that age. Had the most fun building collapsing bridges, earthquakes, and that train which was on the wrong track…
It was second to getting horribly burned making wonderfully fun stuff with the Thingmaker!
Those where the days they sold real toys. Remember Chemistry sets with real chemicals?
That looks like Timmy from Lassie.
Green army men. Boy. I remember shooting them with my Daisy BB gun, and lighting firecrackers under them, to create small bomb craters. Now, that was fun. I had a good life. Too bad kids. Now, it’s all PC bullshit.
Hell, you can’t even make fun of a monkey nowadays.
# 10 faxon said, “Green army men. Boy. I remember shooting them with my Daisy BB gun, and lighting firecrackers under them, to create small bomb craters.”
Oh yes! My Red Rider picked off many army men. Did the same thing with fire crackers too.
I actually had that missile launcher as a child. Brings back memories. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the target that could be destroyed again and again.
Listen carefully: IRBM – Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile
Anytime old toys (dangerous) are discussed, someone has to bring up “yard darts” (Giant steel tipped darts you were supposed to propel skyward toward a target but not your playmates).
I have done my duty.
Can’t quite figure out why the kids were so surprised at the train, since the TRACKS WERE SITTING RIGHT NEXT TO THEM THE WHOLE TIME!
And they say kids today are not very observant?
#14, No no no – the proper name was “Jarts” If you go to you will find “WARNING: Lawn Jarts have been banned for manufacturing and resale in the United States. The government of the United States has asked that all Jarts be destroyed. In no way do we encourage or condone children using Jarts. Injuries from Lawn Jarts can result in serious injury or possibly even death. Those who play in this tournament are aware of the dangers of using Lawn Jarts and choose to take on the responsibilities associated with this sport.”
And, for all of you – eBay just had a complete 1962 Train set that sold for $5999.00
Fellas, I’m sorry if you missed out on the discovery that setting a plastic milk jug on fire (and holding it away from you on a stick) mimics REAL napalm as the flaming dripping plastic falls from the jug. The **added bonus** still is that the flaming plastic drips make a cool ripping sound as it falls…on to those little green army men! HA! Good times, good times.
That warning / banning came as a handful of people who sued when they or their children were injured.
Handful, not millions.
#17 You can do the same with plastic bread bags.
Jarts! yeah. We managed to use them without anyone getting hurt.
And building plastic model (cars, planes, the Aurora monster models) then after a while using firecrackers and the Red Ryder (later a Crosman 760) on them!
Thanks for the memories!
Yeah! Got that commie box-car!
So cool. Still have my train set as a matter of fact.
Haha, as for the green plastic army men, there are many many unmarked ‘graves’ in my parents yard. So many battles with M-80’s and bb guns. I bought my kid a pack of the men the other day, already he has a ‘hospital’ for the ones hes destroyed.
Does anyone remember the real tonka trucks? Ya know, the metal ones that didn’t fall apart the first time you played with them?
# 21 zhai said, “Does anyone remember the real tonka trucks? Ya know, the metal ones that didn’t fall apart the first time you played with them?”
Yep. Had the dump truck & crane. When we got older we’d ride them down a steep road near us. Indestructible.
“it can easily be blown up, and put back together again, over and over”
Ah yes a simpler time when IRBMs were made fun and accessible so that way you wouldn’t fear them when the reds would use them on you.
A joyous time when dark-skinned people knew their place, mommy swallowed five Valium and vacuumed the same place for an hour just to avoid the fact dad was beating her due to his insecurities and too much blended whiskey.
When you could eat a whole stick of butter on one potato and never think, is this bad for me? Hell its butter, its Borden’s Butter, it HAS to be good.
Yes a gentler time when Caucasian folk ruled the nation without fear of feminazis, immigrants, coloureds and liberals. Where a man was a gun-toting, bigoted, sexist coronary waiting to happen and mommy was a stay at home wife that would put out whenever commanded and cheerfully bring beer after beer to hard-working old dad.
Too bad those golden days are over.
Jesus H. Christ… take a valium!
# 24 Cursor_ said, “Yes a gentler time when Caucasian folk ruled the nation without fear of feminazis, immigrants, coloureds and liberals.”
When crime rates were a fraction of today, health care was readily available, people had manners, you could walk the streets at night. Should I continue?
Now with lead.
Paddy –
… and kids could actually eat the candy they got for Hallowe’en
… and doctors made housecalls – with a smile
… and Playboy was pornography
… and, and … tears are blocking my view of the keyboard
#28 – Yep. Terrible times indeed. 🙂
Was that a GAM-63 Rascal? 2 Megaton warhead, now thats a boom!