“I know it’s in here somewhere…”

Student Arrested For Classroom Texting

A 14-year-old Wisconsin girl who refused to stop texting during a high school math class was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, according to police. The teenager was busted last Wednesday at Wauwatosa East High School after she ignored a teacher’s demand that she cease texting. The girl, whose name we have redacted from the below Wauwatosa Police Department report, initially denied having a phone when confronted by a school security officer. However, the phone was located after the girl was frisked by a female cop. The Samsung Cricket, the police report noted, was recovered “from the buttocks area” of the teenager. The student was issued a criminal citation for disorderly conduct, which carried “a bail of $298,” and had her phone confiscated. The girl, who was barred from school property for a week, is scheduled for an April 20 court appearance on the misdemeanor rap.

Remember the days when a teacher could whack a student who… OK, me neither. But I can’t recall the cops being called when someone didn’t listen to the teacher either.

  1. Raff says:

    It doesn’t mention the part where the cops passed the phone around for a good smell.

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I got whacked by teachers…

    Betcha it was a large girl.

  3. Dallas says:

    The RIM Dingleberry.

  4. Troublemaker says:

    “Red handed”?

  5. Paul says:

    I was grabbed by the arm and dragged, pushed, and verbally goaded by a teacher for the “crime” of saying a four-letter word.

    A week-long detention followed.

    Early 1970’s, when grabbing students was common.

  6. FRAGaLOT says:

    since when did cops get involved when students don’t follow teachers orders? This doesn’t even happen in community collages. Usually you get sent to the vice/principle for being a jerk in class. Even if this was a school for high risk low-income bad neighborhood .. whatever. this is crazy.

    and yes i also bet the student was a fat bitch who could probably hide her laptop up her junk.

  7. orangetiki says:

    who ever heard of being arrested for texting? If it is that big a deal get some FCC clearance and put up a jammer.

  8. Mr Diesel says:

    I wanna know where you got a pic of a liberal posing?

  9. jccalhoun says:

    I don’t watch Cops very often but the one time I did I saw one of the most amusing scenes I can remember. It was a police officer asking a woman, “Ma’am, are you hiding crack cocaine in your vagina?”

  10. Mac Guy says:

    Being originally from the Milwaukee area, I’m quite familiar with ‘Tosa. I’m not surprised that an overly-entitled kid from Tosa would be that much of a bitch.

    Sorry, that’s just what I think of Wauwatosa, or “‘Tosa,” as we call it.

  11. codein says:

    There’s something terribly wrong when police frisks and arrests teens texting in class… Sounds similar to things totalitarian regimes are doing… It’s too sad!

  12. Mac Guy says:

    Oh, but the arrest thing was definitely overboard. Maybe they thought she was texting Al Qaeda.

  13. RTaylor says:

    Dave I damn well remember being whacked. My fourth grade teacher would bend your hand down tight and come down on it with an eighteen inch ruler. The Principal kept a paddle with holes drilled in it labeled, “Old Glory”. And yes there were public schools. Of course the phones then were all black with rotary dials. It would have been a hell of a job to jamb one of them up you ass.

  14. bobbo says:

    She should have been charged with lying to the police as well, and the parents should be reviewed for their inadequacies as well.

    What is a school to do with students who will not conform?

    I think students should be kicked out fairly routinely with “rehab schools” set up to retrain them back into the system.

    Yes, there is harm to someone no matter what you do but the benefit to the majority should be given more emphasis.

  15. stopher says:

    “She should have been charged with lying to the police as well, and the parents should be reviewed for their inadequacies as well.

    What is a school to do with students who will not conform?

    I think students should be kicked out fairly routinely with “rehab schools” set up to retrain them back into the system.

    Yes, there is harm to someone no matter what you do but the benefit to the majority should be given more emphasis.”

    Your troll well sir. I offer you another post.

  16. amodedoma says:

    Back in the 60’s I got a yardstick busted over my butt in front of the entire class. My junior high principal used a 3/4 inch thick wooden paddle with holes drilled in it, in his office. OK, so I was a bad boy, it didn’t traumatize me for life. Not only that I learned how to deal with authority figures. Teachers no longer have authority to impose respect. I know, respect should be taught at home. Unfortunately, it’s not, so this kid challenges the teacher’s authority and the teacher calls the cops. Treating kids with kid gloves just keeps them from learning some of life’s most valuable lessons.

  17. bobbo says:

    #16–amodedoma==I got busted as well–throwing spitwad in class after being warned against it.

    Sent to principals office. I was given a choice==studyhall or swats from the PE Coach. I took 3 swats, hurt like hell.

    I have never thrown another spit wad–anywhere–in my life. Don’t know if my parents ever found out about the incident either.

    I understand today this was an extreme overreaching of fascist authoritarian control.


    #15–gopher==what other post? Reproducing my own post is not another post. Are you so dumbfounded you cannot offer a criticism? a modification? Obviously, you need to stop texting while you are in school and hit those books. School–a time for learning.

  18. LibertyLover says:

    Some of you may not believe it :-), but I got the board more times than I can count in school.

    The cops were only called if the situation required an ambulance. Otherwise, you were turned over to the coaches. Brr. Those guys were cold-hearted in their punishment.

  19. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    This girl got off easy. In my day, we were beaten within an inch of our life by the principal, and then taken out back and dismembered by wild dogs fighting for the best piece of meat. Then our remaining body parts were reassembled by a school nurse using only band-aids and very incomplete knowledge of human anatomy.

    It seemed pretty harsh, but we learned our lesson.

  20. Cephus says:

    I remember the days when a teacher could whack you, and you know something? IT WORKED! Teens didn’t do as many outrightly stupid things as they do today.

    We need to get back to that. I’d agree to have my kids whacked if necessary in a heartbeat.

  21. dusanmal says:

    “But I can’t recall the cops being called when someone didn’t listen to the teacher either.” – Direct result of taking all authority for punishment from the teachers. If they are not allowed to do anything the only remaining option are cops.

  22. ArtSpot says:

    forget corporal punishment or suspension. have them pick up trash along the highway for a week.

  23. alchem says:

    Also a problem of having police officers posted in schools.

  24. GigG says:

    Not overboard at all. Read the police report over at the smoking gun.

  25. Paddy-O says:

    # 22 ArtSpot said, “forget corporal punishment or suspension. have them pick up trash along the highway for a week.”

    One time in 7th grade during Spanish class I was goofing off. The teacher sentenced me to 2 days (weekend) of brush clearing on her property. Didn’t mess around in her class again.

  26. James Hill says:

    #10 – Being from the Madison area, I’m not surprised to hear someone complaining about the part of Milwaukee that isn’t a shithole.

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    #24, Gig,

    Not overboard at all.

    Did you read the police report? Please, explain to us what was so disruptive about her conduct.

    Her conduct warranted a school suspension, NOT a criminal charge.

  28. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #27 Her texting in class and lying to the teacher about the phone warranted the school suspension. Her lying to the school resource officer at least seven times about the phone, even when confronted with the teacher and two of her friends confirming the phone, warranted the arrest.

  29. Shubee says:

    The student was issued a criminal citation for disorderly conduct, which carried “a bail of $298,” and had her phone confiscated.

    I would have said that you can keep your phone.

  30. John Paradox says:

    # 19 Gary, the dangerous infidel said,

    This girl got off easy. In my day, we were beaten within an inch of our life by the principal, and then taken out back and dismembered by wild dogs fighting for the best piece of meat. Then our remaining body parts were reassembled by a school nurse using only band-aids and very incomplete knowledge of human anatomy.

    So, you went to Catholic School, too?




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