
JERSEY CITY (CBS)―The Federal Aviation Administration says a piece of hot metal that crashed through the roof of a Jersey City business did not come from an airplane. FAA spokeswoman Arlene Salac says investigators examined the metal and determined it is made of cast iron, which is not used in airplanes. She says it’s up to local authorities to determine where the object came from. Owner Al Smith was fork-lifting a sofa onto a wooden storage platform around 10 a.m. at his moving company when he heard a sound he thought was a bomb.

A piece of warm metal the size of a brick came crashing through the roof just steps from where he was standing. It splintered a wooden beam and crashed into a shelf. Smith tells WCBS radio that no one was injured. He plans to buy a lottery ticket, saying it’s his lucky day.

He says the metal is about the size of a brick and came crashing through the roof around 10 a.m.

Officials at the scene also confirmed to WCBS radio that the metal was too hot to touch for about 30 minutes after crashing through the roof.

  1. PMitchell says:

    Can some one explain how President Bush has any thing to do with a piece of metal falling form the sky in New Jersey

    Is it that the liberal moderator just cant get over the fact he is gone and has to keep putting idiotic nonsensical items like this up

    get a life

  2. bobbo says:

    I like the pic, – – – but – – –

    SS is going broke.

    And there was a cast iron piece of metal that went thru the roof wasn’t there?

    Save the Bush Bashing for when its relevant. Should be with every bad economic/social/world relations for the next 3-4 years? But flying scrap metal, not so much.

  3. Mr Diesel says:

    No can blame Bush for it all now. Turnabout is fair play. The media and all liberals blamed Bush for everything right off the bat and that’s just the way it goes.

    As for the picture I thought it was funny but it has nothing to do with Bush. Bush Derangement Syndrome run a muck.

  4. bobbo says:

    #3–diesdel==yea, when the truth was that Bush saved us from the Recession that he inherited from Clinton.

    Partisan hacks on both sides look about the same.


  5. Nimby says:

    Dear Mr McCullough – I know you delight in bashing the ex-prez but I have to say referring to him as a chickenhawk is going a bit too far. Very poor judgement. Especially when just a couple posts earlier one moderator regaled the Washington papers for “racial” cartoons when they were obviously just using a reference to the recent crazed chimpanzee attack.

  6. deowll says:

    Don’t worry S.S. won’t go broke.

    Benefets will be cut till you may starve to death trying to live on them and younger people will only be able to draw when they the can’t work, maybe, not when they hit sixty-five, but it won’t go broke.

    Of course Obama says he’s going to fix things and at the rate money is going out he may and I could be wrong.

    Social Security and everybody and everything else in the nation may be destitute.

    My advice is if you don’t own land you can grow food on make friends with somebody who does and will let you work for food.

    It was very important during the 30s in the U.S. and it has been in Russia every since the Communist take over and still is.

    Food, ya can’t live without it.

  7. fw says:

    “Bush saved us from the Recession”
    That one was funny.

  8. McCullough says:

    #1. Yeah, I’m a liberal. LOL! Paul, get a sense of humor.

  9. The0ne says:

    I hate Bush myself but that photo was uncalled for 😮

  10. GWB says:

    I’m a chicken hawk dammit!

  11. jcd'slovechild says:

    What kind of juvenile crap is this? That’s not Our Glorious Leader, Chairman Obama!

  12. jcd'slovechild says:

    Hey Subby…do you still tell Dan Quayle jokes?

  13. Jim says:

    It was an iron-clad case.

  14. sargasso says:

    Hot Metal. AC/DC?

  15. Hugh Ripper says:

    So satirizing Bush is the new ‘racism’? Again ,all the pointy headed party political Bush apologists get their panties in a bunch when Bush is made fun of, yet can only come up with racial innuendo to lampoon Obama.

    The guy embarrassment of a human being and represents the worst America has to offer.

  16. deowll says:

    Okay, I thought about it and I still don’t have a clue why a red hot hunk of cast iron would be coming through a roof.

    I like cast iron but this is about as poor a choice for something to go into something that flies or goes into space as you can think off.

    Unless it is a hunk of Meteorite or a fake I just don’t get it.

  17. 5minutehate says:

    You do know Bush is out of office, right? Oh, that’s right, Bush is the center of most liberals’ lives. All things are real only in relation to Bush. Obama was a passing fad, but now that he’s disappointed them, back to the old standby.

    Goldberg! Goldberg!

  18. Nimby says:

    Dear Mr McCullough – I would like to withdraw my post above and extend to you my apologies. I have a doctoral degree so consider myself somewhat well-read but, in my experience the definition of a chickenhawk is a homosexual predator of young boys. I mentioned this to a friend of mine and he had never heard of MY definition but gave me one he knew about politicians with no military experience pushing for war. I did a quick search and found both are valid. It’s obvious now you meant to infer the latter when my gutter mind saw the former. Please accept my apology and please do not throw any more cast iron my way.

  19. Uncle Patso says:

    I wonder if it was part of one of the satellites that collided over Siberia the other day. (Do they use cast iron in satellites?)

    And #18 Nimby: you, sir, are a mensch.

  20. bobbo says:

    #18–Nimby==”I have a doctoral degree so consider myself somewhat well-read but” /// I do wonder how anyone well read could miss the 8 year controversy about BushtheRetards chickenhawk status. Its been discussed in national newspapers as well as this blog several times. You do know that reading extensively in some some area of expertise of interest to no one else is not actually being well read?

    Be that as it may be, I offer to you and all gentle scholars the urban dictionary. Fun to read even on a casual basis but an absolute necessity before going off half cocked:


    #19–Unc==mensch? Just as likely just a chickenhawk.

  21. Nimby says:

    Uncle Patso, I’ll assume you meant the complementary definition of mensch. Thank you, sir.

    Bobbo: I was well aware of the controversy concerning the Bush contribution to the war. I had just not heard the term chickenhawk used in this way. I try to read much more than my medical journals. I’ve finally finished the entire “Dick and Jane” series and am starting the Hardy Boys. There’s a lot of words in the Hardy Boys – I do wish they had more pictures. Thanks for the referral but The Urban Dictionary is where I automatically went when I did look up the term.

    As for my chickenhawkishness? I was in Viet Nam with the IV Army 6th Btn 21st FA. I was a sergeant E-5 but my friends called me “Doc.” My Honorable Discharge is “signed” by Ricky Nixon. I treated everything from bullet wounds to dripping dicks. In fact, didn’t I see you in my venereal warts clinic? How’s that clump round your anus doing?

  22. MotaMan says:


    it’s a tooth from some sort of mulching machine, that explains why it was hot.

    oh sorry I forgot this thread was about bush…

  23. Mr Diesel says:

    #21 Nimby

    Damn that last part is hilarious. Great way to start my day.

  24. smartalix says:

    Maybe a boiler blew up somewhere…

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #21, Mr. Nimby,

    Sir, or is that Dr. Sir, may I recommend the Nancy Drew series? They were published along side the Hardy Boys yet have a certain “hot” appeal to them not to be found with the Hardy Boys. Read one and you will breathlessly jump into the next book.

    Well, not really. I lied. But once, many years ago when I lay in bed with a broken leg, that was all that was left in the house to read.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    Hey I like that picture. It so adequately summed up all that has been wrong for the past eight years.

    It has only been the past year, or so, that I have heard “chicken hawk” used to refer to anyone other than a non-military person promoting war. As I recall, the term came about in the years leading up to the War of 1812 when some New England merchants and ship owners were upset that the English Navy was kidnapping American sailors for their own ships.

  27. dr wally says:

    Hot “cast iron” falling from the sky? Can you say “meteorite”? That’s what they look like — just a melted cast iron brick.

    (now back to the real topic…)

  28. McCullough says:

    You guys are killing me. In a good way….

    BTW..I thought everyone knew what a chickenhawk was..the malady was rampant among Bush’s staff, except for perhaps Powell.

    Concerning the continued Bush bashing, as long as I can feel the pain of the last 8 + years, I dont feel compelled to give this guy a pass, or sympathy, maybe as time goes on……….but I doubt it. Hell, I’m still grousing about Nixon.

  29. AlgoreIsWorseThanHitler says:

    The last 8 years are absolutely nothing compared the last 8 weeks. Yikes. We’re circling the drain and augering in.

  30. Nimby says:

    Dear Mr Fusion: Thank you for the suggestion. I’m always looking for new literary adventures. Some recommended a book apparently written by a Greek god called “Green Eggs and Ham.” I thought it was a cookbook. The characters were well drawn and fully fleshed out but I think the story may have been – poetry! It seemed like every line had a rhyme or nine.

    Dear Mr McCullough: As part of my apology I will not take you to task for Bush-bashing (at least for a while). But you keep your hands off Dick Nixon. As I said before – he let me out of the Army! He was a great man!


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