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ABC News: Accused Financier Under Federal Drug Investigation — This story is much better than Madoff’s. Madoff just gave everyone the finger and holed up on Park Avenue. This just gets more interesting by the day.
According to officials, checks found inside the plane were believed to be connected to the Gulf cartel, reputed to be Mexico’s most violent gang. Authorities say Stanford could potentially face criminal charges of money laundering and bribery of foreign officials.
Authorities say the SEC action against Stanford Tuesday may have complicated the federal drug investigation.
The federal investigation, however, did not stop Stanford from using corporate money to become a big man at last year’s Democratic convention in Denver.
A video posted on the firm’s web-site shows Stanford, now sought by U.S. Marshals, being hugged by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and praised by former President Bill Clinton for helping to finance a convention-related forum and party put on by the National Democratic Institute.
Yes, how could I resist the Pelosi dig? That said, can we find a picture of her with this character?
Got schadenfreude? I am in Houston and have been following this. I feel sorry for the middle-class Venezuelans who were burned, but the fact is most of the suckers are Americans who moved their money offshore in order to avoid US federal income taxes. You know, tax dodgers.
The poor dears. They sent their money to a foreign country to avoid paying US taxes and they expect US taxpayers and US regulators to help make their accounts whole again? That ain’t the way it works! (cue violin music)
“Yes, how could I resist the Pelosi dig? That said, can we find a picture of her with this character?”
From Here – with video
Pelosi about to hug Stanford
This is a still from a Stanford Group video. See the complete video here. The hug and kiss are about two thirds of the way into the video.
So we see the sorts of people Pelosi hangs out with…associations of this sort show just how sordid and corrupt she is, didn’t her staff check him out?, So she’s probably financed with drug money….what, she’s a Democrat? Sorry, let’s see what the approved response is…hold on…ah, here we go! “These sorts of photo-ops are common, no one can know everyone, there’s no evidence she knew anything, and she’ll give any money she got from him to the Save the Puppies Campaign.
Ok, the story is now over….let’s get back to whether Bush is 100% or only 99% responsible for the depression, and how racist the Republicans are because they oppose Obama.
There is no way that Peelosi could be involved, she’s a Democrat. How do I know? Research, because there is no way the mainstream media would report what she is.
Funny how the mainstream media leaves out what party they are if it is a Democrat. Just proves how partisan they really are.
I think I found part of the $50,000,000,000. 😉
As for Stanford he’s probably in Dubai along with all the other crooks.
Why has this sleazebag got a title?(Sir)…
Oh well, was given to him by a nobody…probably bought it
Sheesh. More rot from the past.
This is nearly as bad as Donald Rumsfeld hugging Saddam Hussein a week after he gassed 50,000 innocent people. Sad indeed.
#8 Only had a chance to look at the key figures briefly, but James Carlisle isn’t a somebody. (Not that I am before you get the wrong idea)
He attended two mid-low level colleges in England, became a dentist and is Governer of a country with a pop. of 85,000 or so.
It’s like a politician from N.I. granting a knighthood to Donald Trump..
Seems more likely to me that Stanford liked the “brit” connection and bought the title to impress.
Also, he is Patron of local British Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme….My old teacher held that title…….
Maybe i’m wrong, but sounds plausble.
What aboot you Pedro?
Deisel…what is this mainstream media you refer to? Do you really mean everybody other than right-wing TV and blogs?
Then just say so.
I think there should be a full scale AG investigation of the Speaker & Dem leadership and whether drug money made it into their campaigns. If so, Obama should ask for their resignations. That is if it is really going to be different in D.C.
On a scale of 1 to 10, the political party he donated to is a (yawn) 1. But, JCD’s hard-on for Pelosi is expected.
Want to get more obscure? Stanford is/was a kingpin in the world of cricket. They love calling him “Sir”.
The essential point – if most of you don’t mind wandering back to facts instead of tawdry 2-party politics – is this is one more case where the SEC hasn’t been accomplishing anything more than a circle jerk.
They were constituted as an oversight body after the crooks who brought us the Great Depression cut and ran with their bucks. The good old boy network in both sleazy parties got real serious about changing that – since 1984 and the contract on America crowd took over all of DC. Not just Congress.
Could someone explain how the IRS could put a lien on a bank account of someone who owes them $5000 dollars but is totally clueless when a scumbag like this makes off with $10 billion?
#13 OBoB
I forgot to specify which, ABC, NBC, CBS and AP. The only time you see which party they are affiliated consistently is on Foxnews. Now everyone can slam me (and anyone else) for watching them but no one with any integrity can honestly say that they don’t put up people from both sides. If you do say that they don’t you haven’t got a clue and regurgitate what you hear from other people.
#18, Rick,
It’s not who you know, it’s who you blow. And the Bush White House let everyone blow their wad on what ever the hell they liked.
Maybe the votes weren’t there, but the Congress should have impeached Bush when they had the chance.
#19 Remember the blog item about the two judges taking bribes to throw kids in jail? Those two ran as Dems. It was “sanitized” by the press. If you go back to that thread, I posted a link to the true info.
# 20 Ralph, the School Bus Driver said, “Maybe the votes weren’t there, but the Congress should have impeached Bush when they had the chance.”
The votes were there. It only requires a majority vote in the House to impeach. They didn’t because the Dem leadership knew their complicity would come out in the proceedings…
#15, Like all federal programs, it is started with nothing but good intentions in mind but end up costing the people more in the end due to unintended consequences.
Investigate the Speaker for drug connections? That’s funny.
How would anything in the government work without drug money anyhow? http://tinyurl.com/flycarefully How many CIA planes full of dope need to fall out of the sky before you internalize how deep the gov is into the drug trade? So much easier than appropriations, and it has the dual benefit of justifying the three letter agencies existence, while simultaneously providing them funding! Oh, and that lovely drug war is great for taking away citizens rights! Everyone wins, baby!
Well, except for the American people. Oh, and the other drug cartels that are in competition.
Oh well, you can’t make a triple ‘zing!’ martini with a powder chaser without cracking a few heads, eh?
#14 – I know it pains many here to read up-to-date news; but, both Peru and Venezuela nationalized Stanford’s banks, today.
So, Venezuela, run by a self-important talk show host, is faster on it’s feet than we are?
Madoff was just ripping the US well-to-do Jewish population and the Fund of Funds scammers.
Stanford has conflicts of interest! He is running drug money, greasing the Dems, and selling fake CDs offshore. This guys has balls and I don’t see how he can live through this. This guy has 50 bil in companies and assets under management; the liquidation will reveal the clients in most countries. And the CIA will follow the money home.
I think it’s of equal likelihood that he was working -with- the CIA. Really, this is a classic ‘economic hit,’ complete with fraudulent securities, exploitation of developing nations, money laundering and drug running.
If they deny all knowledge we know who was really in charge.
Hey Li, good point.
I hope that is why he is missing. CIA protection is not that great though. It is a pair of jeans and a backpack with a Canadian flag on it.
Maybe he had fake IDs and plastic surgeons lined up.
I love the way the Dems badmouth the Repubs and vice-versa… when the truth is that both parties are just as corrupt and unfortunately probably 90% of politicians are greedy bastards. Let’s just hope Obama is and continues to be an honest man and actually helps clean up this mess we’re in.
Nice babes in the picture. How can I be a corrupt financier?