• Facebook remains in the news for its terms of service.
  • National Academy of Sciences says USA forensics stinks.
  • Flash on iPhone still a controversy.
  • What’s a Selphy printer?
  • MSFT kills it’s EQUIPT program. Never heard of it in the first place.
  • Coming soon, the $100 Netbook?
  • Judge throws out privacy suit against Google.
  • Average age of first mobile phone owners in UK is eight-years-old. Cripes!

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  1. GregA says:

    Wait, whats controversial about flash on the iPhone? It already has the App store which accomplishes the same thing, and Safari already crashes enough, and is slow enough, that it doesnt need the additional problems that flash would cause.

    OMG, am I becoming an Apple apologist??? Cripes, how did that happen?

  2. Glenn E. says:

    USA forensics stinks? Yeah, no kidding. They’ve been throwing weird pseudo-science evidence like “blue lighted bite marks” and dodgy DNA tests done by sheriff’s deputies with minimal training. And yet all those CSI shows give the public the misleading impression that all is top notch in the good old USA. It’s Hawaii Five-O all over again (they didn’t have state cops). I suspect that all these crime shows are more about painting over the US forensics problems. They’re mostly fantasy, without apology. They should run a disclaimer before each show.

  3. Who says:

    #1 – GregAsshole, do you have any idea of what you are talking about?

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    There is a say in spanish: Mal paga el diablo a quien bien le sirve. It suits both Adobe and Appel pretty well.

  5. pfkad says:

    I bought my wife a Selphy printer and it’s great! A tiny little thing that knocks out gorgeous 4×6 dye sub photos with ease. If you’ve ever seen a picture from a dye sub printer you know how nice they are. Why does only Canon make one (or two, I think)? I dunno, but it’s a great little niche printer that perfectly compliments my wife’s SFF Shuttle on the living room bookshelf. I hope Canon never stops making them.

  6. GregA says:


    So wait, are you suggesting that crashing is not a problem with Mobile Safari? Are you calling me a liar?

    My iPhone is fully patched, and I havent applied anything like a jail break. Ive tried all the clearing the cache tricks, and rebooting the phone…

  7. QB says:

    Apple are nazis about UI experience and delivery of applications on the iPhone. Flash would break all that.

  8. Steve S says:

    # 6 GregA said,
    “So wait, are you suggesting that crashing is not a problem with Mobile Safari”

    I use Mobile Safari on average for about an hour every day and I don’t recall it crashing recently. I am running firmware V2.2. Do you notice it crashing on certain web sites or is it just at random?

  9. GregA says:


    I havent really paid attention to the particulars. I know I don’t browse an hour a day on it anymore.

    I have found app store app stability has improve a lot over the last several patches. I use tuner quite a bit.

    And I am kinda, like half, serious, I hope flash stays off the iPhone. Looking at the API it shouldn’t be much trouble for a quality developer to port between flash and the app store api.

  10. mattfrazer says:

    Wow, how did you not know about the selphy, a couple years ago I gave selphys to everyone in my family for christmas (we had our first kid). If you want to print 4×6 photos it’s the best thing going, 3 layers of color and one layer of protective coating of dye sub, you can pour water on the prints and they stay perfect. I do wish they had some larger formats, it’s about the same price as wal-mart for a print, but it’s in your house, on card stock, and as far as I’m concerned the best little photo printer around.

  11. GregA says:


    SO reading over shoulder… If you don’t have a landline in your house, and no one does anymore, it is very reasonable for young kids to have their own phone. Once you have an account, extra phones are only like $10 a pop a month.

  12. Lou Minatti says:

    The biggest problems with Facebook are the scam artists who are abusing it at will.

  13. mcteapot says:

    if flash is on iphone it is over for the app store!

  14. Who says:

    Pedro, run out and get yourself a My Phone, miniature Vista powered, brown…


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