catman_m_aitchison Saw the Broadway play WAY too many times

WILKES-BARRE, Pa. (AP) – A Pennsylvania dog groomer has been ordered to stand trial on animal cruelty charges for selling “gothic kittens” with ear, neck and tail piercings.

Holly Crawford’s home outside Wilkes-Barre was raided Dec. 17 after the county Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals got a tip.

A prosecutor says Crawford inflicted pain on the cats, which were listed for sale for hundreds of dollars on the Internet. Crawford’s attorney says state law says nothing about piercing cats or docking their tails.

At a preliminary hearing Tuesday, Wilkes-Barre District Judge Paul Hadzick called it a gray area that needs to be decided by a trial judge or jury.

Charges against a second defendant, William Blansett, were dropped after Crawford admitted she pierced the cats.

There is definitely a joke in here….I’m not going there.

  1. chris says:

    This chick should get nailed.

    But seriously, if the story is literal then she should be in prison.

  2. bobbo says:

    Who cares what happens to a dumb cat?

    Stupid anthropomorphism.

  3. wwyoud says:

    If she used painkillers on the older cats, it’s no different than docking dog tails (done a few days after birth without painkillers) and cropping their ears (which is extremely painful and slow to heal), or declawing cats – imagine having your fingernails cut off. I’d imagine that it is a very gray area – if the judge isn’t careful, he could end up outlawing all forms of cosmetic animal procedures.

  4. bill says:

    How about de-clawing? Is that still legal?

  5. Sea Lawyer says:

    Since house pets are kept solely for the amusement of Humans to begin with, why should we get so up-in-arms about making them more appealing looking too?

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Don’t anthropomorphize cats, they hate that.

    Gee, it’s ok to yank their nails out and cut their balls off, but we can’t pierce their ears? I used to have a cat that had all sorts of chunks out of his ears. He was a fighter.

  7. Bobby says:

    I lived near Wilkes-Barre for a few years and I have to say, this doesn’t surprise me. Those folks are a strange bunch…

  8. RBG says:

    Ear, neck and tail piercings are cruel except for when done on people…


  9. All Is Fair in Dictatorship says:

    I know parents that pierce their non-consenting baby daughter’s ears.

    Shit, I know parents who cut off their babies foreskins too!

    (In fairness, baby girls’ hymens should be broken on the eigth day of their existence as a precaution to cervical cancer– it has been proven that women who have had their hymens broken are less likely to get cancer down there)

    I guess those that can’t talk have no rights regarding their own bodies.

    What’s “no” in Meow language?

  10. sargasso says:

    #9. “What’s “no” in Meow language?” – cats don’t speak.

  11. ethanol says:


    I found no evidence for your comment about the hymen, but it is real for the foreskin. Circumcision can cut the rate of HIV infection in heterosexual men by 50%, results from two African trials show.
    Or click here –

  12. Somebody_Else says:

    Zeesh, next they’ll be going after bonsai kitten enthusiasts.

    In all seriousness I think cutting/piercing/modifying a child or animal for cosmetic or religious reasons without their consent is pretty cruel.

  13. skunkman62 says:

    can i haz goth?

  14. Ranger007 says:

    What about those pet owners (pet lovers?) and/or vets that perform plastic surgery on their pets?

    Is there a difference?

    Just asking here – I still figure an animal is an animal is an animal.

    But, they shouldn’t be mistreated.

  15. haha @ #12. dude three twisted stories on dvorak in the last few days had to do with PA. whats going on there to make these people nuts? actually if you think about it, the one with the prostituting schoolteacher, this story, and the one about the judges sending the kids to juvy for money, all boil down to economics inherently. but i dont think this woman should get in trouble, it really is no different than piercing ears and cutting balls, unless there is proof that the animals were infected or suffering in some way which remains to be seen.

  16. Cutting Edge Thinking says:

    If they find her guilty, then it’s time to go after all the doctors that continue to and have already removed the foreskin from every infants penis.

  17. jimbo says:


    That is a f*cking dumb comparison…although I myself don’t see the point of circumcision, when they’re older how many Jews don’t understand it and want rid? Very few I expect as they, as humans, can understand what it is WHERAS CATS CANNOT!

    Some pseudo-gothic idiot with too much appreciation for Vampire movies sticking a metal bolt through a cats ear is completely different. A cat cannot understand the modification, only feeling the discomfort it causes.

    You’re inability to understand a simple moral quandry is quite laughable, along with SeaLawyers’.

  18. Sea Lawyer says:

    #17, Animals can’t understand anything we do to them, does that make what we do immoral? Or maybe only the things we can’t rationalize a justification for?

    Just because you’ve invented some sort of moral dilemma from this story, doesn’t mean anybody else is obliged to accept there is one.

  19. jimbo says:


    I thought that was pretty obvious…but maybe not to you as you can’t string an original sentance together…read both posts then don’t reply as you would probably post another ambiguous question followed up by a crock of sh#t opinion backed up with non-existant evidence…

    Get a bit of education then come back to me when you can understand a sentance rather than making a fool of yourself

  20. CattyKitty says:

    What does this have to do with The Cat Man?


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