S. Fla. Woman Charged With Poisoning Baby Food Products At Publix – WTVJ | Miami — So shoppers are walking past this woman and nobody thinks anything is weird?

A South Florida woman was arrested after police said she poisoned baby food products in a grocery store.

psychoBroward Sheriff’s Office detectives said they arrested a 50-year-old Shirley Ybarra of Sunrise after she went into the baby food aisle of a Publix grocery store at Commercial Boulevard and 411 in Tamarac and donned rubber gloves before mixing an acrid, black substance into baby food and juice containers.

Store surveillance video showed Ybarra wheeling her shopping cart down the aisle, where she worked on the jars and bottles for about 15 minutes as shoppers and employees passed unaware.

  1. Lou says:

    Just looking at the pic, you know the lady is fucked up.

  2. Troublemaker says:

    This planet isn’t worth living on anymore. Given that fact, she’s merely doing a public (publix?) service.

  3. brendal says:

    time to grow yer own.

  4. jimbo says:

    2 of these tales have cropped up recently. My guess is they’ve heard about the Peanut butter fiasco and want to get a big fat check from a food manufacturer


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