Former Bush Deputy White House Chief of Staff Karl Rove has a new president urging Congress not to force him to testify next week. President Barack Obama.

In a court brief quietly filed Monday, Michael Hertz, Obama’s acting assistant attorney general, said it was necessary to delay an effort to force Rove to be deposed in a congressional investigation into the firing of nine US Attorneys and the alleged political prosecution of a former Alabama governor. Hertz said an effort was underway to find a “compromise” for Rove, and requested two weeks to broker a deal before proceeding in court. The House Judiciary Committee sued the Bush Administration to force Rove to testify last year, saying that Rove shouldn’t be covered by executive privilege. They won. But their case has been held up by an appeal, and Hertz’s filing was the Obama administration’s first legal weighing-in on the matter. Obama’s Justice Department has supplanted the role of Bush’s Justice Department in the case, and their position will likely inform the terms under which Rove is questioned by Congress.karlrovebigsmile

Hertz’s statement mirrors a statement from Obama White House Counsel Gregory Craig published Saturday.

“The president is very sympathetic to those who want to find out what happened,” Craig told The Washington Post. “But he is also mindful as president of the United States not to do anything that would undermine or weaken the institution of the presidency. So, for that reason, he is urging both sides of this to settle.”

This deal was probably cut before the election. I hope everyone is enjoying all this change.

Found by Ian Warner

  1. James Hill says:

    Liberals fail at life.

  2. EvilPoliticians says:

    #27 – And Now for Something Completely Different

    It’s not criticism. It’s amazement that Obama is seen a bit in defense of Rove. That’s just incredible.

    There will be many other broken promises to criticize Obama for. This isn’t one of them yet.

  3. Li says:

    Obama needs to stop being afraid of the neo-fascists (i.e. neo-libs and neo-cons) the bankers, and the globalists, if he hopes to accomplish anything in his presidency beyond the dissolution of the United States into some global fascist order, which is where we are going on our current trajectory.

    With all of the states declaring Sovereignity, he’d better get his courage on soon, or he’ll be rendered irrelevant by the other forces that are on the move. . . Even so, I am still confident that Obama is less likely to respond violently to the coming collapse than McCain would have. The nightmare scenario I was trying to prevent by working with the O campaign was a collapse followed by a nuclear/civil war designed to paper over the massive fraud that got us here. We’ll see whether it is so, but the forces that would prefer some sort of horrible end to this civilization are still too strong for my tastes.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    #23 bobbo

    “I would agree he is showing his “Vader” persona–not the Emperor. He remains hidden.”

    Succinct and insightful.

  5. k.g. says:

    “porkulus” lol. Go back to, losers.

  6. Podgorney says:

    In some dictionary somwhere…

    Democrat: see Republican

    Republican: see Democrat

  7. Alex says:

    Bush didn’t pardon who?

    Oh you mean Scooter Libby? The guy who was supposed to serve a 30 month federal prison sentence but, thanks to Bush, now will never have to?

    That guy he didn’t pardon?

    Please. Let’s call a spade a fucking spade.

  8. Shubee says:

    This news is very disappointing.

  9. MikeN says:

    So his puppets can make him commit crimes, but they can’t make him issue pardons for those crimes.

  10. bobbo says:

    #42–Now Mike==we had a good run there for a while, don’t go stupid on me just because I’m disagreeing with you.

    Did/are BushtheRetard’s puppetmasters pulling his strings? Yes. But no man is completely under control==that was my point that you I must think just stubbornly refuse to admit.

    For instance, I doubt anyone could get Bush to drink a beer on Sunday. He is born again and liquor is a sin.

    Same with pardoning the guilty. He doesn’t like that. Given he was “on the inside” of the conspiracy, or more simply Dick told him all about it in order to “justify” the pardon, Bush does indeed KNOW that Scooter was a fellow pawn. Maybe he is actually jealous of Scooters proximity to Dick’s Ass instead of just being Gods Avenging Angel of Judgment?

    Always hard to tell with those religious types==true belief, or just brain damage.

    But rest assured, the human spirit will find ways to triumph Just as BushtheRetard has done in this case over Evil Dick.

  11. right says:

    #33 James Hill doesn’t even know what a liberal is.

  12. deowll says:

    Look guys you don’t have to worry about the economy.

    The Dems are playing it safe and copying CA and Sweden. What did you expect? That is where the speaker of the House comes from.

    In fact Obama’s economic plans are pretty much the same thing good old George Bush was doing. We all know how well that worked.

    Pretty soon everybody will have job working for the Feds and all our problems will be over except how to pay for it.

  13. #43 – Bobo

    >>I doubt anyone could get Bush to drink a beer
    >>on Sunday. He is born again and liquor is a

    Knock it off with the religion-bashing, Bobbolina. Nothing about being “born again” says you can’t enjoy an ice cold brew with your barbecued ribs on a Sunday afternoon, after a hard day of brush-clearing.

    Bush is an alkie. That’s why he won’t drink a beer on a Sunday afternoon. He does, and next thing he knows, he’ll wake up in Toronto in the back seat of a VW microbus with some girl he doesn’t know, wondering how he got there.

  14. Greg Allen says:

    >> This deal was probably cut before the election. I hope everyone is enjoying all this change.

    For what possible reason would Obama cuts such a deal?

    So that the Republicans would ONLY call him a terrorist-loving, Muslim, communist, non-American?

    And not something worse?

  15. MikeN says:

    Well Bobbo, it loos like you contradicted yourself again. If they can get him to pardon Libby, then why not everyone else?

    I suppose we can say that Libby had a commuted sentence, and he drew the lines at pardons.
    The more likely explanation is that no pardons are needed.

  16. righteous indignation says:

    Nobody will ever get prosecuted because once the ball started rolling, everybody would be guilty and the government would topple over like dominoes. If there were a majority of guiltless politicians they would have fried the guilty ones a long long time ago.

    As for Obama and his road show, check out his voting record before the election. He was a no show, worst election attendance of all the candidates. He only made an appearance when it was to promote black something day/week/month of some sort, never around for anything of real issues. He’s a showman.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    Why are the right wing nuts such nimrods? They can’t even take the time to read the effen article.

    Obama is not, let me repeat that, NOT giving immunity or stopping the testimony of Rove. He has asked the court to delay, let me repeat that word, DELAY the proceedings so they may come to a compromise.

    It is in Obama’s interest to protect the White House from an overly obtuse Congress. It is also in his interest to see justice done. The idiots on the right that lost the election are so familiar with the White House not putting any thought into what happens, it is no wonder they got their lace undies in a knot.

    Rove will testify and, in my opinion, he will be forced to before the end of March.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #5, Mike,

    Dallas might be a retard, but he is still 80 IQ points above you.

  19. Paddy-O says:

    #50 Basically correct. Obama doesn’t want the court to rule on a limit to exec privilege right now.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #54, ‘dro,

    Your home town in Cuba called. They would like you to come home.

  21. MikeN says:

    What’s with Obama’s secret executive orders? Not on the White House web site, or in any press briefings. The only way people found out was because bloggers went through the Federal Register. I thought Obama was going to be less secretive than Bush?

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #56, Lyin’ Mike,

    What “secret executive orders”? Please try to be a little more specific.

  23. AlgoreIsWorseThanHitler says:

    #9 was the first one to get it right. Too many criminals in the Obama administration already that will need protecting in a few years.

  24. bobbo says:

    #50–Fusion==compromise? At first, I thought you had a good thought there. Obama dealing with an obtuse Congress. Kinda like trying to get Mike to apply the plain meaning of words in a short sentence. What though is “obtuse” about what Congress is seeking?

    Seems to me Obama is FAILING in his own executive duties to prosecute the many frauds of the prior administration and now he wants to “compromise” the efforts of Congress to give it a try?

    We all recognize self dealing when we see it?

  25. MikeN says:

    >#5, Mike,

    Dallas might be a retard, but he is still 80 IQ points above you.

    So how do you reconcile that with even mild retardation classified as IQ below 70?

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #61, Lyin’ Mike,

    Most of the documents were posted to the White House web site Tuesday night, after Politico inquired about their absence. “It was a simple oversight,” a spokesman, Ben LaBolt, said.

    #62, Lyin’ Mike,

    Dallas might be a retard, but he is still 80 IQ points above you.

    So how do you reconcile that with even mild retardation classified as IQ below 70?

    I’m sure you can do the math on that one.


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