Former Bush Deputy White House Chief of Staff Karl Rove has a new president urging Congress not to force him to testify next week. President Barack Obama.
In a court brief quietly filed Monday, Michael Hertz, Obama’s acting assistant attorney general, said it was necessary to delay an effort to force Rove to be deposed in a congressional investigation into the firing of nine US Attorneys and the alleged political prosecution of a former Alabama governor. Hertz said an effort was underway to find a “compromise” for Rove, and requested two weeks to broker a deal before proceeding in court. The House Judiciary Committee sued the Bush Administration to force Rove to testify last year, saying that Rove shouldn’t be covered by executive privilege. They won. But their case has been held up by an appeal, and Hertz’s filing was the Obama administration’s first legal weighing-in on the matter. Obama’s Justice Department has supplanted the role of Bush’s Justice Department in the case, and their position will likely inform the terms under which Rove is questioned by Congress.
Hertz’s statement mirrors a statement from Obama White House Counsel Gregory Craig published Saturday.
“The president is very sympathetic to those who want to find out what happened,” Craig told The Washington Post. “But he is also mindful as president of the United States not to do anything that would undermine or weaken the institution of the presidency. So, for that reason, he is urging both sides of this to settle.”
This deal was probably cut before the election. I hope everyone is enjoying all this change.
Found by Ian Warner
Yep. Good job Obama voters. This is completely different than past presidents. You really voted for change this time, didn’t you. Ah well, at least you had your feel good moment.
While our country burns down in economic collapse, the last thing Obama needs is a war with the criminal element in this Congress – the Republicans.
I hear you. Obama needs to swiftly prosecute before they flee to a foreign country without extradition. Note that in Vermont, Cheney is to be arrested on sight. So, not even in the 50 states are these criminals protected.
Sadly, Obama has to deal with a congress filled with criminal republicans.
“I hope everyone is enjoying all this change.” When all the cash has been given to Wall Street, all the Americans have left is the spare change…
And that’s not very much.
I can wait for the long knives to come out … as long as they do come out eventually. If it gets bad enough (economy, et al) we will need some scape goats to lynch.
I think Obama will do more damage to the country with his porkulus bill than Rove could have ever done. Dallas, by the way, you are an absolute retard. Mike
“Change we can believe in”.
All you believers have now been changed into suckers.
Ok, Obama first said:
“By continuing to act as the most secretive White House in modern history, the Bush Administration has once again placed itself above the law in order to hide its abuse of our justice system from the American people. On the first day of an Obama Administration, we will launch the most sweeping ethics reform in history to shed sunlight on the decisions made by government and put the interests of the American people at the center of every decision that’s made.”
But now Obama’s guy says:
“he is also mindful as president of the United States not to do anything that would undermine or weaken the institution of the presidency”
So now holding people responsible for what they do, no matter what position they held, could “undermine the Presidency”.
Can I get a wooden nickel with that change?
Change You Can Believe In
You got it. I relate politicians and their institutions (Parliament, Senate, Congress) as a thieves den. Everyone is guilty of something… so long as you don’t point a finger, everyone will talk big words and when the time comes rally round the family and protect your wrongdoings. Idiots like Mark Foley always get sold out from the outside, even though the Pols will still support them.
It’s almost a forgone conclusion. If politician X is vehemently against child pornography, he’s probably got the largest collection of it ever.
“It’s almost a forgone conclusion. If politician X is vehemently against child pornography, he’s probably got the largest collection of it ever.”
Truer words were never said! (Larry Craig, anyone?)
I think the most annoying thing of all is the fact that for the next 4 to 8 years, we are going to have to endure snarky comments about change every time the Obama administration does not do something some interest group wants.
We’ve heard it from the immigration folks, from the pot legalization advocates, the fiscal conservatives AND the fiscal progressives.
I know everyone had some sort of hope that Obama would do a 180 on just about everything, but thats just not realistic. It’s naive to think a sitting president would cavalierly start prosecuting members of his predecessors administration. Such an action would have far reaching effects on executive power. I’m not saying that some members of the bush administration should not be prosecuted. I’m saying that it has to be done carefully with careful consideration of what kind of precedents it is setting.
“we are going to have to endure snarky comments about change every time the Obama administration does not do something some interest group wants.”
Do you know the difference between what we want and what was promised? Was he not elected based on promises, that are falling by the wayside one by one.
When will he bring the troops home? Change WAS his message…not mine.
Karl Rove’s legacy will be his courageous act of eliminating the world from the devil incarnate, Saddam Hussein.
The world today is safer today thanks to Mr. Rove.
Now, someone give him a blowjob.
“I think Obama will do more damage to the country with his porkulus bill than Rove could have ever done. Dallas, by the way, you are an absolute retard. Mike”
I guess you don’t count that 3 trillion dollar war as spending.
“I think the most annoying thing of all is the fact that for the next 4 to 8 years, we are going to have to endure snarky comments about change every time the Obama administration does not do something some interest group wants.”
And everyone supported Bush for every decision he made. Cry me a river. If he’s the president, he deserves every bit of criticism he gets. The buck stops here, so if he’s going to make it a regular practice of lies, then he’s going to get “snarky comments” at the least.
Are you too busy to accommodate with Dick in your mouth?
“Change.” Yes, the bumpersticker that captures the width and breadth of the thinking of the American voting illiterate.
Post on dittoheads.
On point, it doesn’t matter what Obama might want for his own self==congress and the courts have their own mission and fiefdoms. Basically, their roles ARE to diminish the Presidency. I wish them well since it appears Obama is turning to the dark side.
#19, Bobbo.
Good analogy, “Turning to the dark side”.
Isn’t it funny in an ironic way that Obama is helping Rove, the Emperor Palatine himself!
Does that mean Obama is the new Vader?
It’s easy to throw stones at the king of the hill – until you’ve become king of the hill.
Obama is an extremely smart and calculating person. He’ll find someone to sacrifice to his constituency. But he will do everything to protect his own.
Unrelated topic – why have we been waiting until now for Obama to sign the stimulus bill? Shouldn’t he have done so Friday night? Why the wait over a holiday weekend? And why put on a show in Denver? Just sign the damn thing and get the recovery started!
#20–Ah Yea==I think “something” is going on. Some metamorphosis, some influence, some “change,” and its not good.
I can see NOT wanting to initiate an investigation into President Bush’s war crimes, but I can’t see INTERFERING into an investigation about interference in the operation of the Dept of Justice. He should support such an investigation or at least be neutral for the very same reason some think he should be against it==no reason to encourage his administration to be corrupt==he is wasting resource/credibility by wasting that energy on anyone but himself. Even the corrupt need lessons.
I would agree he is showing his “Vader” persona–not the Emperor. He remains hidden.
Yeah and Bush didn’t want to weaken the pardon power either by trying to undo Clinton’s pardon bribery.
Don’t you think if there were a real grand criminal conspiracy, that Bush would have issued pardons?
#2 Dallas
Pretty stupid comment, even for you.
The Messiah does not have to deal with anyone in Congress from the Republican side. Obomba and the Democrats won the elections and it ALL hangs on them now.
#24–Mike==”Don’t you think if there were a real grand criminal conspiracy, that Bush would have issued pardons?” /// hah, hah. BushtheRetard wasn’t “in” the conspiracy, he was merely the meatpuppet. No, the evil of Rove and Cheney will remain hidden as Bush clung to his born again christian charity agenda by being “tough” on criminals.
I was on the fence about Bush when he first ran until I saw him smile when talking about Texas having the highest execution rate in the Nation.
There is quite simply something not right about that boy. Booze leading to Cocaine leading to Religion leading to Republican Politics. Don’t know who is worse==him or the idiots voting for him.
Definitely the worst are those still thinking well of him.
So…er…if Obama did press hard to get Rove (and Bush) for all their illegal activity, the Republicans would THEN be cheering? Er…no. The Republicans are mocking this decision, but if Obama did the opposite they’d mock THAT decision. Golly gee!!!! It’s as if Republicans are going to criticize Obama no matter what? SHOCKING! I didn’t see that coming!
After totally fucking our country into the ground in EVERY sense in the last 8 years (military, economic, domestic) the Republicans have to shut the fuck up for 4 solid years before we allow them to comment on ANYTHING. They’re insanely bad at governing and should just go away in shame for a few years.
Bobbo, then why didn’t they get their puppet to issue pardons?
It’s not like they needed to keep things a secret. The accusations were already out there.
#28–Mike==”Bobbo, then why didn’t they get their puppet to issue pardons? ///
Sorry to bury that answer in the second second of my response, so here it is again in the first sentence:
“Bush clung to his born again christian charity agenda by being “tough” on criminals”
Obama promised sunlight, and that all bills would be on his website for 5 days of public comment before signing. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.
Letters, e-mails and faxes are going out, right this minute to all of my Federally elected officials.
Investigate Bushco, Inc., and if it is warranted, prosecute them. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Justice delayed, is justice denied.
I knew we would have to keep Obama and company’s feet to the fire, and this is the best way.
Chris Matthews is setting up a report on this very issue right now.