So many photos taken during WWII were b&w that seeing these in color, even faded as many are, is stunning. What will people 70 years from now think of photos taken today?

  1. dm says:

    The Nazis look slightly less evil in color.

  2. Dallas says:

    absolutely fantastic photos thank you for posting this. this photographic collection is amazing.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    Even publishing their photos in color won’t make them any less evil.

    While there are still many who worship Hitler and the Nazis, many residing in backwoods “retreats” in New Hampshire where they rant their crap about Obama being a mud puppy, I know of no reason to encourage them. They disgust me.

  4. Saz What says:

    We won’t leave behind photos for future generations. They’ll all be incompatible with the current software and file formats.

  5. LDA says:

    Slightly more colourful, but what exactly would make them look evil in black/white or colour?

    What do you base “many” on? I am sure many racists soldiers fought/died fighting the Nazis.

    – Obama > Zbigniew Brzezinski > CFR > Rockefeller > Keiser Wilhelm Eugenics Institute > Nazi Doctors > Holocaust.
    – GW Bush > GHW Bush > Prescott Bush > Brown Brothers Harriman > Fritz Thyssen > Hitler > Holocaust.

    History is more complicated than black, white or “mud puppy”.

  6. Hail Government says:

    You know what’s Nazi like, is those who forbid questioning the holocaust. These photos should be burned.

  7. Sitting Bull says:

    White man kill. American holocaust. We not put in ovens, we put on reservations. Millions die. Propaganda about a happy thanksgiving sharing turkey so nobody believe American pioneers not do evil like Hitler. Where my photo, kimosabe?

  8. Paddy-O says:

    Amazing pictures. Really brings home what the inevitable consequences of a cult of personality are.

  9. huskergrrl says:

    Is the current pope in any of these pics?

  10. dogday says:

    The color photos make the terrible events of WWII more real. These pictures show someone that the horrible events that took place were not that long ago. Hopefully we will realize that the worst things in history have not been hurricanes, disease or famine but really man’s inhumanity toward other man.

  11. madtruckman says:

    Its funny when these pics are posted of someone who epitomizes evil, we still have jokers on this topic. These pics are fascinating from a historical perspective, but I just have a hard time leaving a snide or smart ass comment on these. Maybe today’s education system isn’t teaching the history that it should, especially about Hitler. Sweep him under the rug, maybe he will go away, they think. I dunno…but very good post!

  12. Sea Lawyer says:

    These are even more interesting:

  13. AdmFubar says:

    #7 here ya go

  14. igor says:

    google has (whole?) collection of Life images

  15. AdmFubar says:

    hhmm seems that the site hosting the pictures has something wrong on the page.
    the page starts to load, i can scroll down the page., there are lots of pictures, bu t then something happens, and the scroll takes a hike, i notes there is another site being accessed…
    ran the page to the 3wc validation service and it has over 2600+ errors on the page.. i think something it amiss here.

  16. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Some of those are impressive scenes…two show a massive crowd…a million people? Boy, I’d like to be able to talk to some of them and see what they really were thinking at the time.

    Recently went to grandma’s and pulled out a box of slides from the late 50’s, all Kodachrome. Beautiful images, vivid color, and grandpa apparently had a good eye for light. Those might last forever.

    The digital stuff today? I don’t suppose it lives long at all without a lot of digital infrastructure.

  17. Daniel Kaiser says:


    That’s, Kaiser Wilhelm.

  18. dm says:

    “what exactly would make them look evil in black/white or colour?”

    Being in color makes them less iconic and more human and vulnerable.

  19. lakelady says:

    these photos followed by a post stating that the USA is becoming a fascist state. Who slipped something into your coffee this morning Dave?

  20. Mr. Know It All says:

    Time has let that evil Nazi Red fade to a not so menacing Dusty Rose. Lets hope History’s memory is more resilient.

    Paddy-O said, #8
    Amazing pictures. Really brings home what the inevitable consequences of a cult of personality are.
    Paddy-Oh Brother Good Grief you are a tiresome one-topic poster.

    Like Reagan, Limbaugh, O’railey? Get over it Paddy our system has checks and balances (even though those folks you voted for tried to change the scales) and right now the nation is balancing out 8 years of NeoCon rule. If the Dems go to far for the nation they will lose the House in 2 years. I think things will work out in the end.

  21. Atrop says:

    Nazis, but no rain.

  22. LDA says:

    # 17

    ORIGIN Middle English cayser, from Old Norse keisari, based on Latin Caesar, and later reinforced by Middle Dutch keiser. The modern English form (early 19th cent.) derives from German Kaiser.

    So your correct for German which is what I meant to write. Thank you for the correction.

  23. Paddy-O says:

    # 20 Mr. Know It All Sock puppet said, “Paddy-Oh Brother Good Grief you are a tiresome one-topic poster.”

    I don’t really harp on Nazi’s. You’re babbling. Switch back to your real handle.

  24. John E. Quantum says:

    The ordinary Germans weren’t very different from us today. They had enormous social and economic problems, and a charismatic leader many believed would lead them to a better life.

    Fortunately for us, we have DU to forestall political calamity.

  25. bobbo says:

    #23–Paddy==its an easy error to make–confusing the repuglicans you worship with the Nazi’s you have learned to avoid.

    Your pretend obtuseness is however on equal footing with your real obtuseness. Interesting how that works.

  26. bobbo says:

    Oops. The recently shown color films from the era are interesting.

    By color what we really get is the addition of “brown” to black and white unless there is a flag or carpet to show?

  27. Paddy-O says:

    # 25 bobbo said, “its an easy error to make–confusing the repuglicans you worship with the Nazi’s you have learned to avoid.”

    You’re babbling. I voted & contributed to Pelosi to help the Dems take the House 2 years ago.

    You’re slipping Booboo. Go back to your pick-in-nick basket.

  28. bobbo says:

    #27–Paddy==I never said repuglican worshiping Nazi confusing trolls weren’t schizophrenic!

    In fact, that actually helps to explain quite a few of your posts. That and baseless egotism and fantasy.

    – – or – – switch again and tell us EXPRESSLY what you meant by your post #8? and don’t be vacuous, actually place the comment in context with this thread?

  29. Paddy-O says:

    # 28 bobbo said, “#27–Paddy==I never said repuglican worshiping Nazi confusing trolls weren’t schizophrenic!”

    You’ve lost it. Stop taking the psychotropics.

  30. Jim says:

    #5. LDA said- “- Obama > Zbigniew Brzezinski > CFR > Rockefeller > Keiser Wilhelm Eugenics Institute > Nazi Doctors > Holocaust.
    – GW Bush > GHW Bush > Prescott Bush > Brown Brothers Harriman > Fritz Thyssen > Hitler > Holocaust.

    History is more complicated than black, white or “mud puppy”.

    I just love it when you run across the rare commenter here on DU who actually gets it. Fusion is way too wrappped up in his Obamavision to look at our American History….yes, the one they didnt teach in high school.


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