So many photos taken during WWII were b&w that seeing these in color, even faded as many are, is stunning. What will people 70 years from now think of photos taken today?

  1. deowll says:

    The people at Life were big fans.

  2. Norman Speight says:

    No 5 photo (from the top down).
    Is Hitler carrying a handbag?

  3. jimbo says:

    #29 Patty-Anne

    Why can’t you just answer questions or show some sort of relevence…

    Most times, your posts are accurate but just take Bobbos advice and “tell us EXPRESSLY what you meant by your post #8? and don’t be vacuous, actually place the comment in context with this thread?”

  4. Paddy-O says:

    # 33 jimbo said, ““tell us EXPRESSLY what you meant by your post #8?”

    This is exactly what I meant: “Really brings home what the inevitable consequences of a cult of personality are.”

    Is there anything or any words you don’t understand in that sentence? Remember the pictures we are looking at.

  5. jimbo says:


    Well it seems i’m wrong again, didn’t notice the #8 reference..,meant it to be #29 and was focusing more on your ability to skirt subjects.

    Perhaps I should check twice,post once

  6. Paddy-O says:

    #35 – No prob. The upset was caused by a sock puppet, Mr. Know It All, trolling the forum.


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