Here is the 16th conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. What to do? This chat is presented as-is for anyone who wants to listen in. We discuss the problems with the market in general and the regulators. Has the market bottomed? No evidence yet.

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  1. Dallas says:

    I’m hopeful now that we are in better hands.

    Despite the Republican speed bumps in Congress, I feel there is light at the end of the tunnel.

    The rubble of the Bush regime has uncovered countless white collar criminals and broken government oversight institution. It will take time to get people back to work, regain their confidence in the future.

  2. hungarianhc says:

    I really love these dvorak / horowitz conversations, but I can’t find a good way to subscribe to them in iTunes. I manually added an RSS feed a while back, but the most recent episode it’s giving me is 14. Does someone know the proper feed for iTunes? John, why don’t you list it on iTunes like most other podcasts?

  3. WhyPayForPodcasts says:

    I find it ironic that the person who says paying $120 a year for satellite radio is too much money is the same person asking for $24 a year for a single podcast.

  4. WhyPayForPodcasts says:

    I find it ironic that the person who says paying $120 a year for satellite radio is too much money is the same person asking for $24 a year for a single podcast.

    I appreciate all the podcasts but some of you tech gurus need to leave the big city and stop talking about WiMax when a large portion of the country still doesn’t have WIRED broadband.

  5. Higghawker says:

    Down to earth talk. Don’t change a thing! Thanks!

  6. god says:

    What happened to the declaration that the bottom happened in mid-November?

  7. jescott418 says:

    You guys are more upfront then anybody. More common sense then anyone in Washington for sure!
    When is the UAW going to realize that their people are working for companies about to fail?
    I still think these people don’t get on both sides! The Stimulus is going to be muted by more job loses and States going broke.
    All I see in the next several months is more Federal bailouts and loans.
    The government does not know what to do with these bad mortgages because so many could not afford them even if they were rewritten.
    Plus, given the fact that every big economy in the world is suffering we are very dependent on those economies getting better too before we can. I like President Obama but he has 4 tough years ahead.

  8. SparkyOne says:

    Like the $13 a week means sooooooo much.
    Yup, nothing in the bill for me and my family. Chapter 7 here we come :>(

  9. pcsmith says:

    These talks should show up on Channel Dvorak, but they don’t. Can this be remedied, John?

    If you search for DH-Unplugged, Horowitz offers them as podcasts separate from his own Disciplined Investor podcast.

  10. deowll says:

    Dallis, I too see a light at the end of the tunnel. We are now out of the frying pan and heading into the fire.

    Don’t even bother to mention Republicans. They have nothing to do with any of this. Three votes in the Senate and that was it. That doesn’t even amount to a speed bump.

    I’m thinking this is going to be good for the health of America. More beans and less red meat is good for you and most of us need to eat less anyway.

  11. ECA says:

    The thing that will accelerate business..
    1. Cut Corp wages AT LEAST 1/4
    2. Cut prices 20%+
    3. PULL Stocks. Stocks should NOT be the Value of the CORP. the Corp should NOT depend on STOCKS for R&D/Development/Growth. Major corps should NOT be in the Stock exchange.

    First corp to do these, will get a RUN on their stores.

  12. Nadrew says:

    Hey John,

    Please put this in the Channel Dvorak feed on iTunes. It would be nice!

  13. #14 and others.. this will be resolved shortly

  14. xnfec says:

    Antigua was suing the US government about its losses due to US gambling regulations – source theRegister last year in a couple of stories


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