We Are All Fascists Now

Newsweek magazine, which has given us many of the most damaging deceptions about America in recent years (remember the “Koran-Down-the-Toilet” hoax?), now weighs in with a pretentious and embarrassingly ignorant cover story, “We Are All Socialists Now.” To be sure, the basic theme–that the huge “stimulus” and the big big big TARP is leading once-capitalist America down the dangerous road to socialism–is not limited to the skinny weekly.
There’s a element of truth to the basic theme (although not to the headline): the state is getting more and more deeply involved in business, even taking controlling interests in some private companies. And the state is even trying to “make policy” for private companies they do not control, but merely “help” with “infusions of capital,” as in the recent call for salary caps for certain CEOs. So state power is growing at the expense of corporations.

But that’s not socialism. Socialism rests on a firm theoretical bedrock: the abolition of private property. I haven’t heard anyone this side of Barney Frank calling for any such thing. What is happening now–and Newsweek is honest enough to say so down in the body of the article–is an expansion of the state’s role, an increase in public/private joint ventures and partnerships, and much more state regulation of business. Yes, it’s very “European,” and some of the Europeans even call it “social democracy,” but it isn’t.

It’s fascism. Nobody calls it by its proper name.
In both countries, however, its most durable consequence was the expansion of the ability of the state to give orders to more and more citizens, in more and more corners of their lives.

  1. EvilPoliticians says:

    The question is, does anyone in America care?

    Everyone wants to be bailed out and could care less about giving up freedom to get it. So long as 3 million jobs are created (or saved) and they can go back to buying on credit, they are happy.

  2. jescott418 says:

    The bailouts of poorly run private businesses is what really bothers me. I can see some stimulus being done in the form of tax cuts and infrastructure spending. But we should let badly run business fail. We would any other time. Were is the lessons learned if all we do is pay for their mistakes.
    We should realize that their is winners and losers in life and taxpayers should not be bailing them out!

  3. jccalhoun says:

    Dvorak.org/blog is reposting stories from pajamas media now? (they are the company created by little green footballs)

  4. Dallas says:

    We actually prevented a going down a fascist road.
    No more Dick Cheney, no more concentration of power to a single social class, no more elective and preemptive war for the “collective interest of America”, no more persecution of Americans by the government that do not abide by some arbitrary moral code.

    “WIkipedia: Fascists aim to create a single-party state in which the government is led by a dictator who seeks unity by requiring individuals to subordinate self-interest to the collective interest of the nation, a race or even a social class”

  5. GregA says:

    Hey as long as the trains run on time, its all good.

  6. Troublemaker says:

    You’re quoting an article from the notorious Zionazi, Michael Ledeen???


  7. Troublemaker says:


    Who is Michael Ledeen?


    Most Americans have never heard of Michael Ledeen, but if the United States ends up in an extended shooting war throughout the Middle East, it will be largely due to his inspiration.


    Ledeen’s ideas are repeated daily by such figures as Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz. His views virtually define the stark departure from American foreign policy philosophy that existed before the tragedy of Sept. 11, 2001. He basically believes that violence in the service of the spread of democracy is America’s manifest destiny. Consequently, he has become the philosophical legitimator of the American occupation of Iraq.


    Iraq, Iran and Syria are the first and foremost nations where this should happen, according to Ledeen. The process by which this should be achieved is a violent one, termed “total war,” a concept pioneered by the 19th century Prussian general, Karl von Clausewitz in his classic book “On War.”

  8. ArianeB says:

    Neo-Conservatism is far closer to true fascism than the stimulus package. It was the neo-cons that deregulated to allow businesses to get so big that they could bring down the entire company if they failed, and thus we were forced to bail them out when they did.

    The anti-trust laws are still on the books, not enforced since the Carter administration. Lets break up all these big companies back down to small companies, and stop letting the corporations control government (the true definition of Fascism BTW).

  9. mogas says:

    Dallas is at it again… Ranting a raving about the past and unable to concentrate on what is happening now. Dallas, you again missed the point. The rant against McCain was “More of the Same”, and that “More of the Same” just happened again. You voted for “Change and Transparency” and didn’t get it… so why aren’t you ranting and raving about being duped and lied to by this new “Open” government?

  10. Paddy-O says:

    # 11 Benjamin said, “Time to update your picture. The democrats are in power.”

    Amended image.

  11. Named says:


    “Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” — Benito Mussolini

    You were saying something? Precisely the direction the US headed under GWBush, and most likely will continue under Jesus H Obama.

    FWIW, that’s what you get with a “two” party system…

  12. Dvorakfan99999 says:

    Who writes this shit?

    Uncle Dave, did you write this article?

    Take your meds, man!

  13. grog says:

    p.s. it was the government of g.w. bush and dick cheney with their rubber stamp republican-controlled house and senate that turned the NSA, the CIA and the FBI into the modern day Stasi.

    so if the GOP wants to cry fascism, they need only look in the mirror.

    the grandest of ironies is how the GOP so gleefully rendered unto Caesar all their liberty and privacy rights, under the guise of national security.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    Quoting some wing nut neo-con is sure to get hits at DU. Damn, I bet there are even a few that will claim the article is smack on and Obama is the new Dictator.

  15. amodedoma says:

    Can’t help but to agree with those critical of this particular rant. It seems excessively based on a distorted personal view. Reminds me of those propaganda rants the neo nazis put out.

  16. Sea Lawyer says:

    #16, “ironically, it was the conservative-packed SCOTUS that ruled that eminent domain can utilized by the private sector”

    I think you should go back and check which justices were the majority in that case. Hint: it wasn’t Scalia, Thomas, or Rehnquist.

  17. Paddy-O says:

    # 22 Sea Lawyer said, “I think you should go back and check which justices were the majority in that case. Hint: it wasn’t Scalia, Thomas, or Rehnquist.”

    Rule #1: Never let facts interfere with a loony, left wing, tinfoil hat wearing, conspiracy theory.

  18. Dallas says:

    #12 Mogas..
    “.. so why aren’t you ranting and raving about being duped and lied to by this new “Open” government?..”

    Why should I be? I am delighted at the level of transparency shown by Obama. There is no ‘shadow’ government here. After 30 days, Obama has shown deliberate action in restoring what makes America great.

    The only Obama concern I have is that he allowed the conservatives to water down the stimulus package to where it would lessen it’s effectiveness.
    This is like taking advice from the quack doctor to take half a penicillin shot to “lower the cost”. You know what happens when you don’t take the recommended dosage? Exactly.

    Obama needs to declare martial law and arrest the republicans for economic terrorism.

  19. Paddy-O says:

    # 26 Dallas said, “After 30 days, Obama has shown deliberate action in restoring what makes America great.”

    That’s true. Putting felons into Cabinet positions is a great American tradition…

  20. Named says:


    Sometimes you have great comments… But I fear for your company since you’re on this site 24/7 it seems…

  21. Dallas says:

    #28 Good point but the approved term for concentration camps is “Guantanamo detention camps”. It has the feel of a more vacation like ambiance.

  22. MikeN says:

    Grog, take a look at the vote. Voting yes were Ginsburg, Souter, Stevens, Breyer, and Kennedy, while the conservatives voted no.

  23. jammer4876 says:

    “ironically, it was the conservative-packed SCOTUS that ruled that eminent domain can utilized by the private sector, completely erasing centuries of property rights.”

    Grog, you’re being ignorant or downright deceitful with that statement and your conclusion. The justices who voted FOR the idiot Kelo decision were Kennedy, Souter, Ginsburg, Breyer, and Stevens, none of whom has ever been accused of having a conservative bone in their bodies.

    In fact, that case buttresses the argument you were evidently trying to refute.

  24. MikeN says:

    >Why should I be? I am delighted at the level of transparency shown by Obama. There is no ’shadow’ government here.

    So how many Congressmen even read the stimulus bill before voting on it?

    OK, that’s Congress’ fault. How about Obama putting a screen into his podium so people in the communications Dept can send him talking points during press conferences?

  25. EvilPoliticians says:

    You all are too funny. Defending this party or that. Wake up and recognize party affiliation means little. The power brokers in D.C. regardless of party have more similarities to the fat cats on Wall Street than you or I.

    The Dem zealots will soon face the same challenge defending Obama and Congress as the Repugs have for the past 8 years.

    Bottom line is members of both parties want power and legacies. They will continue to take more for us and keep more for them. These bailouts are just the beginning. The prelude was 9/11 which taught them how much we are willing to give up.

  26. Chainring says:

    Answer: Yes.

    Next question?

  27. Dallas says:

    #36 , #39 LOL. You guys are so predictable. So when things are fucked up as they are due to your doings, the logical response is to “peanut butter the blame” across to mask your incompetence

    NO. You fucked up! Plain and simple. This why the GOP aftermath is a rudderless, tarnished and criminal party.

  28. Mogas says:

    Dallas… You are truly hopeless! There was a ‘zero’ level of transparency; Snow, Collins, and Specter are anything but conservative; and giving us over-priced penicillin when a B12 shot was called for, means they misdiagnosed the solution to the problem to begin with. Lastly, your ending statement is typical and shows that Shumer was right… “the American people really don’t care”, in your case you don’t know enough to care about what in happening now and would rather stay stuck on some old rant.

  29. Breetai says:

    Nothing new to me at least. When you point out it’s nonsense that the US is a “Capitalist” society people get all rattled. Never mind that it’s been Fascist for over 100 years now, and people get cross eyed and angry because they don’t understand the concept that the mere existence of “The Fed” makes the US an Fascist Oligarchy. They can’t be a Capitalist system with the existence of the Fed. We were are lied to and spoon fed propaganda and lies all of our lies. Doesn’t make the other sides lies any better though.

  30. Breetai says:

    One thing about the painting which is cool. The Armband should be an Elephant and the Flag should be an Ass. Both Parties in the US are hardcore fascists.


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