First I saw a demo of this on a website where the MSFT guy was trying to explain it and all I was seeing was a lot of fingering the display and nothing really happening. Now this appears to be the official promotion. Horrid and lame.
Windows Mobile 6.5… CRIPES!
Are you kidding me?
By John C Dvorak Monday February 16, 2009
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Make it stop. Please. Make it STOP! Just, please, please, fuckme. Please MAKE IT STOP!
It seems ridiculously slow. Almost like another operating system from Microsoft.
Okay…. so they didn’t get a new ad agency?
Why yes, let’s demo a dark-colored phone with a black background and certainly not zoom in very much.
And absolutely no actors, just hands and fingers. We don’t want people thinking that you actually want normal people using it.
It’s sad that winmo is suffering. Hopefully someone can make a device capable of running things smoothly. They’ve come a long way, but as an iphone lover and a pre fanboy, this just won’t cut it.
Blackberry still pwns them on the business front too, so where is winmo in the market?
Ahh hello. Are you guys blind? Didn’t you see?
The damn thing flies!! You push a couple of button deallies and the Goddamn thing takes off,cartwheeling through space and then returns to the exact same spot proudly displaying a new image. I mean WTF do you want. I dont see that apple thingy doing that.
Cmon lets go ,rally around…
Go big team go.
Go to FT dot com and watch Ballmer’s interview regarding smartphones. It was just posted. These people have no effing clue. MSFT is doomed with current management.
Another bad Apple rip off? Another lame ad campaign? Who do they think they are? IBM? 50 billion dollars and they still can’t buy any street cred. Just do Windows, Office and Xbox you suck at everything else.
Microsoft has never been good at adds. I have always gotten the impression that they get the ad agency so afraid of showing a flaw that they always wind up trying to obscure the actual product. The lame as hell MOJAVE commercials are the best example. You just keep looking at people, rarely seeing the actual product they are trying to sell. Smacks of paranoia, with a hint of an inferiority complex.
WoW, a phone where you push an icon and it does something. That’s new and cool huh.
Um, it looks like Microsoft is being honest about what this is, and how it works, unlike a certain other touch screen phone maker that runs video ads of their phone that are pure unadulterated bullshit.
The Storm actually has me regretting my iPhone purchase a little bit. Well except for the no wifi thing.
But yeah… This demo is crap… I don’t want one of these. But none the less, this is what is going to be on every other free with service phone this time next year…
Was that created using Windows Movie Maker?
I actually found the demo of 6.5 to be somewhat compelling (albeit, this ad certainly doesn’t do it much justice), and my Touch Pro is a decent enough device. I use it daily, and appreciate the things it can do that certain other smartphones can’t.
Such as, I can copy and paste an address from an email into, say, my turn-by-turn navigation software. I can take a video and upload it to Youtube. I can take a picture and send it via MMS. And I can run Pandora in the background while I do, well, anything else. I admit that I don’t have 75 flatulance applications to choose from, but I’ve learned to live with that fact.
Windows Mobile isn’t perfect, but it’s certainly functional–more functional, I’d say, than some other devices. That said, I’m still looking forward to the Palm Pre, which will do all of this (except video, oddly enough) and more. Oh, and it’ll run Flash, as well.
WinMo was obviously an after thought for this company. I really want to see a good winmo phone but this is a joke. I can’t believe they would release this.
i like it!
Cripes! Damn that was dog slow and awkward looking. If you want to see a screaming fast OS with smooth transitions and ACTUAL features (like true multitasking and cut & paste) go check out the video on the new Palm Pre. Even the iPhone, which doesn’t have those features (or a removable battery, camera flash, 3.5 MP camera, etc) even the iPhone looks slicker than Windows Mobile 6.5. This Windows mobile OS looks like it will lag solidly behind the iPhone and the Pre.
This was Microsoft’s best ad for getting an Iphone!
Doesn’t mater.
Win7=WinMo7(winmin) or it doesn’t. Those ARM fuckers are are poised to pown Atom, JCD called it. He aint sayin it cause the parallel coders haven’t showed their faces yet.
My 2cents.
CRIPES! (belongs on a t-shirt methinks)
This video was nowhere as entertaining or profound with gravitas like the Songsmith video. Songsmith is clearly Microsoft’s future, not this lame smartphone crap.
Let’s face it folks, Windows hasn’t improved since version 3.11 and they have one shot left with Songsmith.
Get it together Microshaft! HAR!
Wow! A phone with a touch screen interface! Who’d have thought of that! (except maybe Steve Jobs…..)
Shhh!. 6,5 is just a ruse while PRE goes to litigation. Microsoft has been pimping miultitouch for a couple of years. I guess nobody remembers seeing Surface in action.
Demo would’ve been better with Gates and Seinfeld.
I just picked up a Samsung Omnia when a testdrive of a Blackberry Storm turned out to be a waste of time. Web-based navigation was impossible. The screen v.s. hot spot for touch use was just way out of sync, and some of the stuff I needed to “click” click was too small to tap accurately, if at all….
The Omnia (Windows 6, I guess) is fine, but it’s still not really touch-friendly. But at least it works with a stylus, even though the one that comes with it is obviously an afterthought (it’s TIED to the case, not riding “inside” someplace). Some strange features, but it works adequately, although the included Opera just doesn’t work well enough to keep it installed.
Now if I could only figure out how to mute the microphone when using the speakerphone interface to check voice mail…. Seems to be impossible…. The other deal-breaker is that the phone turns off (but maintains connection) in just a couple seconds after you connect. This avoids your ear dialing anything, but makes “Dial 1 For English” difficult – you have to push the little mousething to re-activate the screen, and then press the key(s)….
The demo shown here is just plain puff. Sure wouldn’t tempt me…. (I didn’t try the iPhone – my nephew, who’s even tech-crazier than I am, didn’t like it.)
It was closer to reality of these devices then Apple did. Some of Apple ads were banned from some countries because of misrepresenting the speed. At least they will work on a better network then AT&T!
Rhymes with iPhone. ha.
#19 my Sony Erricson P800 had a full touch screen many years before Mr. Jobs thought of it…….
Hell it had a full numeric keyboard the folded out to access the full touch screen.
What’s so horrid about it?
It’s windows mobile with touchscreen capability. It doesn’t look as nice as what you get on the iPhone, but its designed for a variety of phones that aren’t as powerful. It actually looks pretty decent to me.
I guess when Apple does something its incredible and when Microsoft releases something similar it automatically sucks? Get a life.
all this My Phone, My Stuff, My Player… sounds so close to IPhone, IPOD, etc…
I, My… too close.
coincidence or a direct move?
They ought to call it “Boomerang”.
Moral of the story: Don’t let your IT guys do your TV commercials. Leave it to the professionals (designers). Or at least an intern at a community college. They could have done better then this. Did they spin a wheel to see which generic song the would use? Did they think they were hip to use a black phone on a black background? And don’t worry about actually showing the OS at a size that the viewer can see it. That’s the details.
“Don’t let your IT guys do your TV commercials. Leave it to the professionals (designers). Or at least an intern at a community college.”
This explains the Zune, and why Microsoft marketing staff thought it would be a good idea to have Bill Gates be the pitch man while wearing a brown poo-colored jacket. For an 18-year-old kid, nothing’s more hip than Bill Gates wearing a brown jacket and holding a large brown media player.