ksl.com – Wal-Mart clerk has wedding in St. George store

ST. GEORGE, Utah AP — To save money, a Wal-Mart assistant married his sweetheart at his workplace, standing up next to the barbecue accessories in the garden center of the store.

It was the first Wal-Mart wedding for 5th District Judge Eric Ludlow, who administered the vows Saturday at the Bloomington store in St. George.

Found by troutfisher.

  1. mr. show says:

    I wonder where they’re registered for gifts?

  2. @mr. show … let’s hope it’s a liquor store! ;D

  3. Floyd says:

    #3, Not likely in St. George, it’s a heavily Mormon town. Hard to find a coffee shop too, though at least one existed there a few years ago.

  4. sargasso says:

    Make it a movie.

  5. Grandpa says:

    You get what you pay for…

  6. mr. show says:

    #3 hehe man, no kidding! I hope they’re happy together in their marriage but this story is just sad.

  7. @Floyd No booze and no coffee?! Damn…how do people survive? 😀

    @mr. show Agreed…all kidding aside, let’s wish them all the best together.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #8, Charlie,

    all kidding aside, let’s wish them all the best together.

    Why? If they are that stooopid to get married in the Outdoor Furniture section instead of the feminine hygiene aisle, they don’t deserve to be afforded the opportunity to breed.

    Remember, you can’t fix stupid.

  9. Widgethead says:

    Well, I can see the humor in the story, but from the pictures they look happy. People who get married, sometimes, get married in the weirdest places. To each their own I say.

    Read Charles Fishman’s Wal Mart Effect before you go all ballistic on Wal Mart.

  10. Alf says:

    Wal-God, the church of consumerism, it does seems to fit.

    And there was a child of God who was trampled to death during the Wal-God’s feeding “frenzy” this last Christmas in New Jersey.

  11. jescott418 says:

    The trouble with America is their are too many low paying wage jobs! WalMart is a big employer but does not pay its employees well. How can it when everybody wants something for nothing!

  12. James Hill says:

    The most popular thing in St. George these days is the state’s only In-N-Out Burger. Thankfully, one will be coming to SLC this fall.

  13. Nice site!! Walmart wedding in St.George, Utah.


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