1. Mr Diesel says:

    Open wheel racing is so much more fun to watch than that Sunday afternoon kiddie bumper car crap that’s called NASCAR.

  2. Fritze says:

    Thats gotta be one of the coolest little bits of animation ever detailing an exciting new concept in racing, very well done, JD always has the neatest stuff on this blog, Thanks.

    [Thanks to gasparrini for finding this. Credit him… – ed.]

  3. Robo says:

    looks like Inventor

  4. Winston says:


  5. Floyd says:

    #1: I’m originally from Indianapolis. I grew up watching Indy Cars every May at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, and have never been into Nascar.

    “Stock cars” (what they used to be called) remind me too much of driving on a freeway, or maybe the old time figure 8 tracks where the crowd comes to watch the wrecks. Give me Formula One, IndyCar, or any other open wheel racing any day.

    Wonderful animation, by the way.

  6. there is something about the hi-tech aspects of this that I actually do not like.

  7. Floyd says:

    #6: F1 and IndyCar are where new ideas for automotive safety (and fuel efficiency) are tested. Hence all the high tech stuff on the race cars.

    Example: Fuel cells were invented originally to save Indy car drivers after a wreck at the Ind 500 that killed two drivers (I was at the race as a 12 year old Boy Scout), and that technology eventually made its way into fighter planes.

  8. hhopper says:

    The car might be higher tech, but the driver has more control responsibility. Looks like an excellent bunch of rule changes, especially the slicks. It will make F1 much more exciting.

    … and the video was awesome!

  9. /T. says:

    I find the massive amounts of data the pour off these thing fascinating. The number and types of sensors/parameters measured is really something.

    Here, a computer controlled Renault F1 racer hums “God Save the Queen”.


    First race March 29, Melbourne !!



  10. rqd says:

    #6 It’s Formula 1, of course it’s high tech. What could you possibly not like about it?

    Oh, wait…this is a ploy to get more people to look at the blog.

  11. BubbaRay says:

    Nothing like a car where the steering wheel has more tech than my automobile (and is probably worth more, too).

  12. chasr says:

    Great find! I live near Indy and am so sad F1 is gone. The tech around F1 is awesome. Loved the music playing V10, hadn’t seen that in awhile. If you ever get a chance, watch them live.


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