You can read the 1000 page monster yourself, or you can read a summary. Below is an excerpt from a list of the highlights.

– Tax credit of up to $400 for individuals, $800 for couples for 2009 and 2010. Figure your individual credit by taking 6.2% of your earned income. Note that your employer can adjust your withholdings so that the credit is returned to you over the year instead of all at once. The Associated Press says most people will see this in the form of a $13 bump in weekly paychecks starting in June, and dropping to about $7.70 a week for the duration of 2010.
– The $1000 child tax credit will be extended to more families, and if you’re a poor family with three or more kids, you’ll get an expanded Earned Income Tax Credit.
– No tax on the first $2400 of unemployment you receive in 2009.
– The government will subsidize up to 65% of your premium for Cobra coverage if you lost your job after Sep 1st, 2008. If you declined Cobra, you’ll have 60 days to reconsider.
– $87 billion is going to help states administer Medicaid, which the AP notes “could slow or reverse some of the steps states have taken to cut the program.”
– If you get food stamps, you’ll get more.
– If you buy a new car, light truck, recreational vehicle or motorcycle in 2009, you’ll be able to deduct the state and local taxes you paid on it.

I’d be curious to see how much more things will cost in the future to pay for all this. What, you thought Obama was giving away free money and stuff?

  1. Dallas says:

    Look at me I’m a liberal fagot who sucks Obama’s cock and likes to bitch about bitching because I have no idea whats going on. I make up lies and spread fear to get a bill pushed through that doesn’t help us at all and try to justify it by saying we are in a crisis.

    I ignore the fact that most of that bill was spending on unnecessary programs that don’t do anything to help the economy. All the while saying I have a family that got fucked when in reality I’m just a back door loving cock slut from Sweden.



  2. Paddy-O says:

    FDR’s Treasury secretary and close friend, Henry Morganthau, conceded this fact to Congressional Democrats in May 1939:

    “We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong … somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises … I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started … And an enormous debt to boot!”

  3. soundwash says:

    Paddy, you should send that to the DNC.. ;p

    hey- i found an outstanding article with gov
    data.. (the pdf data i’ve had/known about from prior digging a month or two is used in this article to great effect..

    explains the mistakes being repeated with
    glaring clarity..and data neither side (esp dem) can deny the fact here.

    go through the entire two pdf’s linked in the article, aside from what he directs you to look at..the numbers are boggling to say the least.. (i’ll try and work this article into a more recent DU post to bring its attention for all to review. -anyway..

    -take a look at this:

    “Obama Economic Stimulus: Truth and Consquences ”

    gotta run..i’m late..

    google “states claiming sovereignty”

    you’ll get all you need to verify…


    by gold/silver…its on the run, STAY AWAY
    from COMEX…i dont think they can make feb’s delivery… physical gold only if you can.
    or futures/contracts that settle in gold, NOT cash…get out of the markets while you can…
    and stay away from anything US… this USD rally is the Fed/JPM/GS’s doing…

    this wont stop till they bankrupt the arabs/iran & make dubai a forgotten memory
    and put us in line for wheel barrels.. 🙁


  4. Paddy-O says:

    # 68 soundwash said, “Paddy, you should send that to the DNC.”

    If they all are of the honesty & intelligence level of Omama, they wouldn’t be able to read & understand it… 😉


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