
  1. Lou says:

    Another day in Tennessee.

  2. Mac Guy says:

    Robert Van Winkle, formerly known as “Vanilla Ice,” has suddenly realized…

    Life comes at you fast.

  3. Kingstrum says:

    It was at that moment that Chaz realized shooting his “Drunken GILFs Gone Wild” at an Iowa Republican Caucus was probably ill-advised…

  4. ChuckM says:

    Obama! Obama! Obama!

  5. c1968 says:

    I invited Adam Curry, but he got held up at the airport.

  6. Fab Freddy says:

    I’m cracking up!

  7. George says:

    That’s the problem with mixed drinks.

    Stick to beer!

  8. m.c. in l.v. says:

    Paris and Nicky Hilton did not age well. Their “son” looks forward to spending his inheritance once his “moms” kick off.

  9. morbo says:

    Buncha dry holes and sloppy drunks.

  10. jcd'slovechild says:

    Mom is that you?

  11. jerry says:

    After her fourteenth beer, Grandma puked.

  12. BubbaRay says:

    Momma’s boy has just figured out who gets to take care of Grandma.

  13. BubbaRay says:

    One family’s attempt to cope with the Stimulus Package.

  14. If I told ya once, I told you a hundred times – don’t put that roadkill squirrel in the stew. It was a simple request damn it, DON’T PUT IT IN THE STEW!

  15. BigBoyBC says:

    What happens in Las Vegas, should stay in Las Vegas…. CRIPES!!

  16. jimbo says:

    forget the caption, where was this found? And what could they possibly be doing in the same hotel room?

  17. grog says:

    no, really, i am a wild, and crazy guy.

  18. RobUBlind says:

    Jerry finally realized the type of women that would pay to have sex with him.

  19. Adam says:

    Does anyone remember the show my two dad’s? Look up a picture of it on google.

  20. LuckyLager says:

    “Who the hell put their Pall Mall in half full can of Falstaff?”

  21. kurt says:

    “Pa, get donney out the room. He drugged your monther again”

  22. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #4 – You Win! Who else could it be??

  23. Doo Phuss says:

    “You girls get back out on the street! CES isn’t going to last forever.”

  24. FRAGaLOT says:

    Old lady allergic to douchebags.

  25. Who says:

    These Microsoft whisper suites really suck!

  26. The Aftermath says:

    Martha, i done told you once, i done told ya thousand times:

    Spit, don’t swallow.

  27. righteous indignation says:

    “Great!! Now we have to hunt for her teeth again!!”


    Typical night after filming a “Night Rider” episode.

  28. zhai says:

    The Spears sisters in 50 years, good ole Federline still looking like a douche.

  29. Ronald says:

    The Old and the Stupid

  30. Fritas says:

    Only in America!


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