The North Carolina security contractor Blackwater Worldwide has changed its name to Xe, a company memo says. Company President Gary Jackson said in a memo that the company has been reorganizing for several months to “create unique brand identities for its products and services,”

As part of its rebranding, the company is jettisoning the name Blackwater and its red-and-black bear-claw logo.

Blackwater was involved in several controversies over its security work in Iraq on behalf of the U.S. government. There were high-profile investigations into alleged gun smuggling and the shooting of civilians in Baghdad.

Robert Passikoff, president of the New York marketing research firm Brand Keys Inc., said “There’s an old saying about brands: ‘When you can’t change the product, you change the packaging.’”

Sleazy bastards. The nutball politicians in bed with them could care less about the name. They’ll still roll over and spout greenbacks whenever they’re asked.

  1. SN says:

    could care less

    So you mean those nutball politicians do care a little?

  2. Paddy-O says:

    Eideard said, “The nutball politicians in bed with them could care less about the name. They’ll still roll over and spout greenbacks whenever they’re asked.”

    Won’t they go bankrupt with Obama in power? Your comment makes no sense.

  3. SN says:

    Won’t they go bankrupt with Obama in power?

    Some corporations are so infused with the military industrial complex, e.g., Halliburton and Xe, that a mere president cannot cut them off.

  4. GigG says:


    Good to see that you have your excuses in place and up and running when O doesn’t do something any different than the way it was done in previous administrations.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    # 3 SN said, “Some corporations are so infused with the military industrial complex, e.g., Halliburton and Xe, that a mere president cannot cut them off.”

    Wrong. Just pass a law outlawing “armed consultation companies” from operating outside US borders. Done…

    Pretty lame attempt to inoculate us against seeing the corrupt Omama regime though.

  6. RBG says:

    The more things Change We Can Believe In, the more things Stay The Same We Can Believe In.


  7. chuck says:

    Obama demanded that congress pass a massive “stimulus” package – so he’s approved $757 billion in spending – how many $billions will go to Halliburton and Blackwater/Xe ?

  8. Gaseous Clay says:

    This is what the US military should have been; instead of the bunch of girl scouts they are bound by the UN, the UMCJ, Amnesty, Geneva Convention and others…

    We are after all the mightiest nation on earth. We are the best, the greatest, the chosen ones.. the most powerful that has ever been and ever will be…

    From Moscow to Mongolia, from Baghdad to Buenos Aires we can obliterate everyone and take over the world. The rest of the world lives and breathes at our pleasure and mercy. Its time that we let them know that…. and as far as they are concerned… WE are God.

    Our displeasure should be their death…

    God bless America

    \ sarcasm x 10

  9. Li says:

    I think that proposals that we simply outlaw the mercs are naive. I mean Blackwater, er, ‘ZEE’ has an army, a navy and a small air force. The question we have to ask is, if we stop paying them money, who will pick up the tab?

    If it is, say, Sun Myung Moon, or the Coors family. . .well, there is a reason that building mercenary armies is a bad idea, and it is that they almost invariably become involved in the overthrow of the governments that created them. They have been feeding a beast that could very well eat them, and I hope that they know better than to cut them off entirely.

    My solution? Pay them to sit in their nice little bases, and ship in lots of butter and steaks until they are so fat that they can’t fight.

    Then cut off the money.

  10. deowll says:

    You don’t get it. These guys don’t just work for the U.S. government and we do want their head quarters in the states because then they will give a rat’s ass about what our government thinks.

    People all over the world find themselves facing armed thugs like pirates and they need muscle fast. They can raise their own armies or hire professional muscle already equiped and trained to deal with what they hope is a temporary situation.

    Beside Obama is on record saying our Government is not going to do a bunch of things that unfortunately have to be done and he’s going to have no options other than contracting such work out to somebody or paying the price in American blood.

    Even most pacifist nut balls get all hinkey and angry at Presidents who let that happen.

  11. Li says:

    I wish that were so. However, the experience of 9/11 has taught me that most people are terrified mice, and will mewl petulantly to anyone for protection in such situations, even if it is to the same people who just screwed up and allowed something to happen.

    The rule seems to be: if you want more power in politics, screw up spectacularly, then ask for more power while claiming that it is the only way to be safe from such mistakes again.

    We’d be better off just hiring non-fuckups to replace the boobs, but that’s just far too logical for most people.

  12. grog says:


    g.w. and cheney have gotten their buddies at haliburton and blackwater so intertwined with the iraq and afghanistan wars that cutting them off would be worse that simply pulling out the troops.

    but, like good little ditto-heads should, the gop faithful blame a man who’s been in power less than a month for everything wrong in america.

    keep up the good work!


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