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“President’s Days” is Washington’s Birthday
And Darwin Day was ALSO Lincoln’s Birthday….
Here in California I seem to remember they combined Washington’s birthday and Lincoln’s birthdays calling it President’s Day in order to accommodate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
The way my union’s contract was written, we got Martin Luther King, Jr. Day added to our holiday schedule and Lincoln’s birthday holiday was moved to December, crazy I know, but I’m not going to complain.
Adam, the reason the plane was pointed in the opposite direction of the flight path is called a flat spin, a result of a stall and subsequent spin in the horizontal plane. Most are unrecoverable without a lot of altitude to play with.
John, can you up one of the subscription options to 12 months, please? I’d pay a year in advance, but each month? I dunno’.
I’d love to know how these guys are doing their podcast. Over Skype? Hi-Def Audio? It sounds great.
dvorak talked about the hayward guy that went killed the health inspectors on a No Agenda not very long ago.
Meggs Field is where you started out from in Microsoft Flight Simulator the last time I played it. Sublogic made the program before Microsoft picked it up in 1980. Now, after 29 years, the entire development team was laid off. Too bad, as this was a bigger winner than cloud computing.
…mid podcast….
-John C. -we’re not a Nutty Bunch, -we’re
just passionate about our country and issues.. (ofc, some are brainwashed lemmings, but then that’s what happens when you watch TV your whole life)
oh…and one end game scenario is that we get reduced to semi-third world status and russia and china..become the “big players”
-think about it..we’ve exported almost our entire industrial base..we cant build our way out of this. -and if we lose reserve currency status, that ends us “printing our way out”
-more when its over..
#6 it should be skype, with decent mics…
best way to get the quality is you both assign
the same port… steve gibson (of Security Now! podcast – details how they all (dvorak and leo laport’s podcasts) achieve the clarity..
sorry i forget which podcast it is that details it. its and older one from early last year iirc.. send a comment or ask in grc news forums for the exact details..
security now podcast list is at:
rotting taste? -lol… how about “aged”
One of the passengers in the recent crash was highly critical of Clinton for his handling of the Rwanda genocide. Right after a bunch of Clinton people just retook power. Hmmm, have fun Adam.
-lol… and with the amount of clinton enemies
or “compromised” friends that died around them (what..46-56?) during bubbas terms, this latest “idea” is not a stretch..
i still think what was it, the flight 800
crash, that the two officers to testify against clinton missed, was meant for them… stuff to ponder..can’t wait to see how many that dare to cross, -die in the next four years..
ho hum..
Re: references to Denver Airport “paper check” booths.
They were toll booths for the drive out Pena Boulevard. They have been characterized as a “big mistake” and were removed several years ago when over 60% of the travelers never paid a toll. The central building is still there but the booths are gone.
The tent building by the way is the main terminal building (check in, baggage claim, etc.). The concourses (A, B, C) are separate buildings and don’t have a tent.
Other art notes:
– if you are in the baggage claim area, look for the “baggage gargoyle” (to help keep your bags safe…).
– entering / leaving the main terminal, look for the blue mustang (with red eyes) between the access roads.
– the changing art / exhibit area is on the bridge between the main terminal / concourse A. There is a security checkpoint at the far end. There may also be some additional art upstairs in concourse A as well (past security).