1. JeremyJ says:

    Yoyoyo! This is DJ Holy Fat Bastard coming to you from sunny Miami!

  2. Paul says:

    “Pray to me and I’ll turn my body hair into wine!”

  3. AdmFubar says:

    this time around jesus has a cross nailed to him….

  4. Lou says:

    He’s going to Hell.

  5. brix says:

    Montenegro mafia going on the beach to collect dough from the ice cream guy…

  6. @harmoniker says:

    Damn, this cheap gold rubbed off all over me!

  7. slightlycrankygeek says:

    Someone on Facebook who happens to have the same name as me had this image as his picture and sent a friend request to me. I thought that was really a picture of him, and I accepted the invite because I wanted to see if he had other pictures.

  8. mentor972 says:

    Praying the gay away.

  9. jimbob says:

    Holy Cow!!!

  10. Rich says:

    You got Jesus in your heart; I have Jesus betwixt my nipples.

  11. Bigfella says:

    “This cross will help me win the Polar bear race. I’ll use it to anchor off shore..see ya at the Crossroads boyz”


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