1. Floyd says:

    Ralph found out that, when trying to attract the ladies, “the bigger the chain the better” is not a good rule.

  2. Special Ed says:


  3. emh924a says:

    does the outfit make me look fat?

  4. DDub says:

    “Don’ mes’ wit da Jesus!”

  5. MJ says:

    Goodbye cruel world!

  6. hhopper says:

    The new Pope leaves a lot to be desired.

  7. djatwill says:

    Can’t wear skinny jeans cuz my knots don’t fit…No one on the corner have swagger like us

  8. Gaolbird says:

    Ron Jeremy found religion!

  9. rgspro says:

    So that’s what Dom DeLuise has been up to!

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    Does he look Muslim to anyone else?


    My “god” is bigger than your “god”.


    “Oh ya, and the arms fold out and you have your own settee.”


    And the DU editors find a way around the “No Religion” ban.


    “And in the back is a pocket for cigarettes, lighter, and car keys. All yours for only three easy payments of $69.99 plus P&H. For the next 15 minutes though, if you buy one we will give a second absolutely free.

    “Show your pride. Get your ‘I’m a Christian Cross’ today. While supplies last!”

  11. Jägermeister says:

    A camouflaged terrorist.

  12. landar says:

    Who says ‘size doesn’t matter’??

  13. Silent Hill says:

    After all those A-team shows he finally goes out a gets the biggest gold chain to upset Mr.T saying I pity the fool Mr.T

  14. alexjade says:

    modern crusades: 1st one to the nude beach wins prize, bonus for biggest cross!

  15. Ron Larson says:

    Mr. March 2007, centerfold from the religious right magazine “Bored Christian Housewives Monthly”.

  16. ramuno says:

    “God Bless This Gut”

  17. TVAddict says:

    Ted Haggard on vacation.

  18. Grandpa says:

    I need God’s love more than you do.

  19. Jim says:

    Da priest dat collared me said I had da biggest one he’d ever seen, so he used his extra large collar.

  20. Lever says:

    After this year’s Polar Bear Plunge, the Knights came up missing one member, shown here before the swim.

  21. Improbus says:

    Beer keg inside.

  22. Don Joe says:

    Gut glut

  23. billabong says:


  24. Li says:

    Along with Indulgences, the Catholic Church is now also offering, for a limited time, crucifix based investment vehicles! Made of 70% pure gold, these investments are backed by God himself, and are convenient to carry on your person at all times!

    Act now, and receive an indulgence for vanity as a free gift!

  25. Dallas says:

    Who woulda thunk Catholic priest graduation ceremonies were this entertaining. Congrats to the valedictorian shown.

  26. Daniel says:


  27. righteous indignation says:

    Mutated Lemmings on 1st annual pilgrimage. Local veterinarian suspects there is something in the Vatican holy water.

  28. WmDE says:

    Board of Director’s of one of the few Christian Charities to have invested with Bernie Madoff.

  29. Jack S says:

    Hey, Does this cross make me look fat and hairy?

  30. uberwhack says:

    We all have our cross to hair…


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