This battle is just too exciting for words.

The stakes are high. There can only be one true victor in all fart battles: fart tennis, volume contests, holding it in during school/funerals/weddings/sex, and now, in iPhone apps. Who will reign supreme?

iFart and Pull My Finger, the two gladiators, joined the App Store at around the same time, and both achieved some success. iFart eventually pulled ahead, but through some underhanded tactics, like using the phrase “pull my finger” in videos and publishing a review from the app’s creator saying his own app is “better than Pull My Finger.” (He justifies this by saying “Of course, I have the right to state my opinion, especially one I believe to be true!”)

In response, the makers of Pull My finger, Air-O-Matic, asked Apple to step in and quiet the flatulent fighting, but Apple left the players to settle it between themselves.

After some tense discussion, Air-O-Matic demanded $50,000 for damages to their good name and their fine product.

iFart, led by the fearless Joel Comm, turned around and sued them for, presumably, being ridiculous, and will argue on the grounds that “pull my finger” is a phrase in common use and does not qualify for trademark status.

  1. father time says:

    And this story is going to make me donate money to DU why?

  2. TVAddict says:

    Stupid…Who buys this shit?

  3. BigBoyBC says:

    Oh yea, those guys think it’s really funny, they’ll be laughing it up when she files a “workplace harassment” complaint…

  4. David says:

    It’s all in the name and marketing. When someone searches for fart, they see iFart (among others now). Everyone knows what it does. Pull my Finger is a clever name, but it makes the application harder to search for, and it adds a touch of class that people who buy fart apps aren’t interested in.

  5. bill says:

    This whole thing is clearly an attack on illegal immigrates in the US!
    Pure RACISM!!!

    I thought we were over such tactics after the election!!


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