Another one? Obama’s vetting process sucks.

On the other hand, Gregg never once thought that he, a fiscal conservative, might have a problem with a liberal Democrat prez’s policies? He only realized it wouldn’t work after the nomination was announced and withdrawal would cause Obama embarrassment? Obama’s policies aren’t exactly a secret. Do you buy his reasons? Or is something else going on here that we don’t know about yet?

Sen. Judd Gregg abruptly withdrew his nomination as commerce secretary Thursday, telling Politico that he “couldn’t be Judd Gregg” and serve in Barack Obama’s Cabinet.

The White House — where some aides were caught off guard by the withdrawal — initially responded harshly to Gregg’s announcement, portraying the New Hampshire Republican as someone who sought the job and then had a “change of heart.”

In a statement, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Gregg had “reached out to the president and offered his name for secretary of commerce” — and that he’d promised that, “despite past disagreements about policies, he would support, embrace and move forward with the president’s agenda.”

Obama himself told an Illinois newspaper that Gregg’s withdrawal was “something of a surprise” because the senator had “approached us with interest and seemed enthusiastic.”

Although one White House aide said he was “blindsided” by the news, chief of staff Rahm Emanuel said Gregg signaled to the administration earlier in week that he was having second thoughts and Obama met with him Wednesday at the White House to urge him to stay.

  1. strukhoff says:

    Judd is a typical silver-spoon guy with a sense of entitlement. His old man Hugh was a good governor in NH, but the weak Fredo-esque son has always skated by on the family name. Judd’s never make a principled decision, or any kind of decision really, in his life.

    Anyone who has spent more than 10 minutes in NH knows this, but Obama’s vetters apparently weren’t among them. Too bad.

  2. bankron says:

    He left not because the Census Bureau was being pulled from the Commerce Department but because it was going to the White House under a politico, Rahm Emmanuel. Thus fully politicizing a national census removing it from supposedly impartial statisticians.

  3. rightyrightwing says:

    One problem might have been the tiny little matter of the constitutionality of the census being under the direct control of Dear Leader.
    Of course the constitution is only important to liberals when it’s a Republican messing with it….Obama’s contnuing with virtually every policy that, under Bush, was incipient fascism, and the Left ignores it.

    Obama is a bigger fucktard than Carter. He’s already failed at the first basic task…building a trustworthy cabinet, or showing real bipartisanship (I’ll listen to you before I say “Fuck you, I won.”, but I won’t actually give you any input.) Gregg ws right to screw him…he will be able to oppose legislation in Congress (assuming Republicans are allowed to vote).

    He’s lied about letting people read and comment on legislation before it’s pushed through, he’s lied about no lobbyists, he’s put a tax cheat in charge of the IRS, he’s got people in place to shut down the only conservative media there is……screw him. We’ll be better able to put the country back together if he fails at his agenda than if we let him get it through unopposed.

  4. burnitdownandstartover says:

    One problem might have been the tiny little matter of the constitutionality of the census being under the direct control of Dear Leader.
    Of course the constitution is only important to liberals when it’s a Republican messing with it….Obama’s contnuing with virtually every policy that, under Bush, was incipient fascism, and the Left ignores it.

    Obama is a bigger fucktard than Carter. He’s already failed at the first basic task…building a trustworthy cabinet, or showing real bipartisanship (I’ll listen to you before I say “Fuck you, I won.”, but I won’t actually give you any input.) Gregg ws right to screw him…he will be able to oppose legislation in Congress (assuming Republicans are allowed to vote).

    He’s lied about letting people read and comment on legislation before it’s pushed through, he’s lied about no lobbyists, he’s put a tax cheat in charge of the IRS, he’s got people in place to shut down the only conservative media there is……screw him. We’ll be better able to put the country back together if he fails at his agenda than if we let him get it through unopposed.

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    # 3 grog said, in part:

    “i would only add that the economy could get far, far worse, and any republican looking to maintain a political career is probably wise to stay as far as possible in opposition to anything obama does, just in case it does get worse.”

    Hey, it worked for the Bolsheviks in 1917…

  6. Dallas says:

    Happy Valentines to “all y’all’ as they say here in Texas.

    Not sure about Ah_Yea, but I’m getting myself quite the stimulus package all weekend.


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