I think this would be hilarious. A radical left wing intellectual and, well, Sarah. More fun than a barrel of Limbaughs!

Sarah Palin once accused Barack Obama of “palling around with terrorists,” a catchphrase intended to highlight Obama’s connection to former Weather Underground member Bill Ayers.

Now that the campaign rhetoric has subsided, Ayers has an idea for a new show starring his Alaskan nemesis.

“I did send her a note after the election,” he says of Palin in the upcoming issue of the New York Times magazine. “I suggested that we have a talk show together called ‘Pallin’ Around With Sarah and Bill.’ I haven’t heard back.”

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    #35, ‘dro

    The guy has admitted he has placed bombs,


    Just because you idiots said it doesn’t make it true. You say it and it is called slander. You write it then it becomes libel. Either way, it is a lie.

  2. Mr. Fission says:

    In his book, Fugitive Days, he admitted to participating in bombings as part of the Weather Underground group.

  3. Dallas says:

    #24 Fusion – I give you credit for trying to have an intellectual discussion with these bozos.

    What’s the saying again? Oh yeah, “Never argue with a fool. People might not be able to tell the difference” or is it “Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience”. Either one works.

    As you, I don’t agree with Ayer’s tactics and don’t necessarily agree with his views. What I do admire is him standing up for what he believes in and him as an intellectual person to have a conversation with.

    Conservatives don’t get that because they are fucking PUSSIES. What makes this country great is opposing views and making a more perfect union. The conservatives are lazy MF’s, salute anyone with authority and have no ideas. They need to all be killed.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #38, Fission,

    Where did he admit to making bombs? If you want to say it is his book, then please, what page.

  5. The0ne says:

    “Palling around with Pallin.” sounds nasty to me, in a porn driven kind of way. That’s bad (for me) btw.

  6. James Hill says:

    Another day, another cheap attempt to get hit count. Really, you’re hooked on Palin. She’s your Jesus now.

  7. Hugh Ripper says:

    One persons terrorist is another persons freedom fighter.

    Show me the law that says that either cant be an intellectual. The leader of the Shining Path in Peru was a professor of philosophy, for example.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #39, Dallas,

    As usual sir, another extremely erudite comment.

    As you, I don’t agree with extremist views from any quarter. The one thing that truly galls me is the unwarranted, unthoughtful, blanket condemnation of someone with no shred of proof or care to the veracity.

    Besides, I’m feeling cranky today.

  9. Dallas says:

    $45 Why thank you sir. I admit I needed to look up ‘erudite’ and some day hope to use it in a sentence myself.

    I’m working on “crestfallen” at this time and hope to scratch that one off the list soon!

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #46, Dallas,

    Adj. 1. erudite – having or showing profound knowledge; “a learned jurist”; “an erudite professor”

  11. Hugh Ripper says:

    #48 Pedro

    The USA bombed the crap out of Iraq in order to line the pockets of America Inc.’s corporate sponsors. Plenty of (supposedly) intelligent people were complicit in that criminal act.

  12. Guy Fawkes says:

    Although the bomb that rocked the Pentagon was itsy-bitsy – weighing close to two pounds – it caused ‘tens of thousands of dollars’ of damage. The operation cost under $500, and no one was killed or even hurt.[16]/Ayers, Fugitive Days, pg. 261. For Dallas and Fusion, here’s what you wanted. If he didn’t build it then he had intimate knowledge of it and that makes him just as guilty as if he had. Now you love birds can get a room. Massachusetts is nice this time of year.
    Dallas, LOL, and you are going to poke fun at someone else’s username, quite lowly of such an erudite person as yourself.
    Fusion, do you actually look things up on the computer or do you have your kids do it for you?

  13. Glenn E. says:

    Never had I felt more like I had ended up on some alien planet (that looked exactly like earth), than when most of my closest Republican relations, thought Palin would make a good VP. Based on what?! The way she dressed. Some vacuous speeches about practically nothing! Yes, the perfect candidate for public office, according to some republicans, is someone who knows less about anything, than they do. Again. What planet is this?! And how did I get here?!

    No! We don’t need a Palin/Ayers talk show. Where she speaks in tongues, and he bombs regularly. But I’m sure some fanatical Republican station owners will spend the cash for it. Just as they keep Limbaugh on life support. If they don’t keep the airwaves loaded up with stupidness. Then some smart people might start getting airtime. And that could lead to all sorts of reforms and effective legislation (for a change).

  14. Dallas says:

    #48 Sheesh, I Voted for Pedro 🙁

    Nearly 3 months after the GOP lost so miserably in the elections, we still have crushed and crestfallen supporters. In other words, sad little fuckers.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #50, Guy,

    I didn’t ask if he had knowledge, I asked if he built one. You didn’t answer the second part, how many people were killed or injured. The general consensus by the trolls is that he built them by the dozens and many people were killed.

    Now even though I’m uncomfortable with this extension, of those killed or injured by Ayer’s bombs (which even you said he didn’t build), what percentage were they to those killed or injured in the illegal wars declared by Johnson and Bush?

    Of all those killed or injured by the Weathermen, what percentage were they to those killed or injured by the police against people protesting the War in Vietnam?

  16. Paddy-O says:

    # 50 Guy Fawkes said, “Fusion, do you actually look things up on the computer or do you have your kids do it for you?”

    Umm, Guy, you must be kinda new here. Fusion is not an adult. He’s a kid. Take it easy on him.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #54, Cow-Patty,
    So when are you going to start backing up your bullshit. How many times now have you waited for someone else to answer the crap you post.

    So when are you going to post where Frank said Washington corruption is the voters fault?

  18. MikeN says:

    Ayers could help Palin write her autobiography before campaigning for President. He has a good track record, having edited Obama’s Dreams from my Father

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #56, Lyin’ Mike,

    Does that make you feel all jiggly inside to write something like that?

  20. Guy Fawkes says:

    Fusion, I never said he killed anybody and we must assume guilt by association on the bomb making. He knew about it, allowed the construction, detonation and gleefully admitted that the organization he co-founded was responsible for these actions. Even one of his girlfriends was killed by one of these bombs. The vietnam war was costly and stupid just as Iraq is today, but the treasonous actions his “weathermen” took did result in “friendly fire” and produced nothing but a huge waste of taxpayer dollars in destruction, emergency services and the stupidity of 24 hour security on a statue in Chicago. Thankfully he is in a place where his subversive thoughts will do no harm, liberal college.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #58, guy,

    and we must assume guilt by association on the bomb making.


    The Vietnam War [sic] was costly and stupid just as Iraq is today, >/i>

    Wrong. Spoken like a kid who has only read a history book. Over 50,000 Americans were killed. More injured. Way more South Vietnamese were killed. And even more still North Vietnamese were killed, military and civilian. And too many to count were injured.

    We carpet bombed their cities. We dropped napalm on their fields and forests. We dropped Agent Orange on their agriculture fields. We didn’t keep prisoners. We fucked their 11 year old daughters and gave them syphilis. We treated their townspeople like dogs. We backed a corrupt regime that abused their people. We let the shit from our latrines flow into their water pipes.

    No, the Vietnam War was not as costly and stupid. It was too much more. It was the height of arrogance. It was run by those who saw a commie under every bed. It was a shadow war in the Cold War where we could test our new weapons. It was somewhere our military could get training for when we went head to head with the Rooskies. It was the Charge of the Light Brigade American style with an enemy that didn’t measure losses in the number killed. It was a guerrilla war against the armchair quarterbacks.

    I’d love to put more links on this post but the spam filter would eat the post.

    On the home front, Americans were told they weren’t “good” Americans because they challenged their leaders during a time of war. When they protested, their heads were beaten open with impunity by police thugs. Madison Wisconsin, Times Square NYC, Chicago Democratic Convention, Kent State University, Washington DC, and the list goes on. And on. And on.

    Iraq was a bad scene and never should have happened. Vietnam was a tragedy where not enough was done to bring the troops home. Maybe you had to be there, I was.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    DAMN !!! Sorry, I didn’t close the tag. But at least you don’t have an excuse NOT to click on the link.


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