
Comments anyone? Click for one more… if you dare. Nadya needs your money, you can go to her website and lay down your credit card here.

  1. madtownmoxie says:

    My question is how when she was on the gov’t dole out for work compensation for a bad back, shoulder and neck, could she have been well enough to have children? During the time she was on the disibility she had six ^#%$@&# kids.

    I would bring her up on insurance fraud charges, if she is healthy enough to have kids she was too healthy not to work. She needs jail and the kids need foster care.

  2. RTaylor says:

    Haven’t you guys seen a full term pregnant woman naked? The belly is about twice as big, and the stretch marks happens on all women

  3. EdB says:

    Ok, Dvorak & Co; this one crosses the line. If I want porn I’ll get it myself, thankyouverymuch. Grossout.

    (And yes, I have seen a pregnant woman, a normal one, and they’re not that big!)

  4. McCullough says:

    Porn? Pregnancy is a beautiful thing, until it’s not.

  5. arpie says:

    Wow, first time I see a photo of a real Axlotl tank.

  6. GF says:

    I hope she has a farm.

  7. GregA says:


    No worries, Im sure it is just a matter of time.



  8. Pete says:

    where is my tequila to erase that image from my mind?!?!

  9. BigBoyBC says:

    I think she a very clever woman, she’s figured out how to get everything she wants on someone elses buck…

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    This woman is so ugly only a syringe full of semen was hard for her.

  11. Special Ed says:

    Can someone pass me the eye bleach?

  12. Andrew says:

    How this woman didn’t die midway through pregnancy, I’ll never know. The human body is far too complicated for my neanderthal mind.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    What effen business is it of anyone’s to decide what she may or may not do?

    Who the eff are any of you to decide that she is not allowed children if she is currently collecting workers compensation?

    Can anyone of you provide ONE thing she has done illegally?

    Can anyone of you tell me why it is NOT ok for her to have children paid for with tax dollars but it is just fine that the rest of you can pollute the air, gobble up limited resources with abandon, and support wars we had no business being in?

    Can anyone of you point to something you’ve done today that makes you a better person than she is?

    Whatever she did, it was with her own body and was well within the law. It is her body.

  14. Not with my d*ck says:

    Take away her turkey baster and this nonsense will stop

  15. Paddy-O says:

    # 43 Mr. Fusion said, “Can anyone of you provide ONE thing she has done illegally?”

    Yes, collecting disability (physical) when she wasn’t disabled.

  16. Miguel says:

    #43 It’s not a matter of legality, it’s a matter of sanity. This is purely insane.

  17. Pete says:

    Wow, this is hot!

    Keep up the good work!

  18. Flip Wilson says:

    Mr. Fusion — hmmm, well there’s the moral issue to start with. She’s got what 6 kids already. No job, no spouse [male / female / other], living with her parents, and God know what she’s spent to go through in-vitro fertilization. hmmm. So she finds a [corrupt / amoral] doctor to implant her with fertilized eggs — who immorally implants far too many — then steps back and lets the disaster that is this woman unfold.

    So, she is admitted to a hospital [at whose expense?] where she’s in labor for 16 hours. 6 doctors, 7 nurses, and how many additional assistants? And pops out 8 children.

    To be clear the children need to be cared for. They are innocent. And no doubt California’s child services will end up with many, most, all of them in addition to some of her additional children.

    These children will be cared for at California tax payer expense.

    Again, that’s the moral thing — the children must be cared for.

    BUT this woman and her doctor should be prosecuted.

    The doctor should have his license revoked.

    This mother should work to pay the state back.

    Sorry, it sounds horrible, but she should be sterilized.

  19. RMVX says:

    Holy stretch marks!

    I clicked the second one too… you should’ve put that one as the main post instead. Not as eye-cringing!

    Re: #1: 1 million $ hospital bill? Ouch…

  20. 9y says:

    Her back, shoulder and neck look fine to me. Especially supporting that load. She should return the 100 grand she defrauded from us.

  21. TraderJoe says:

    Any bets on how long before Nadya’s kids are taken away by the state and put into foster care? I’m guessing less than one year.

    Also, how long before she is pregnant again?

  22. JimR says:

    Thankfully her fetish isn’t cannibalism.

  23. dead animal says:

    Out tax dollars hard at work. Hopefully they won’t survive.

  24. polyman71 says:

    Let the Pagan spill theirs
    O’er mountain, hill, and plain.
    God shall strike them down for
    Each sperm that’s spilt in vain.

    Every sperm is sacred.
    Every sperm is good.
    Every sperm is needed
    In your neighbourhood.

    Every sperm is sacred.
    Every sperm is great.
    If a sperm is wasted,
    God gets quite iraaaaaate!

  25. faxon says:

    I really did not need to see this shit.

  26. QB says:

    OK, if you weren’t impotent before, you are now.

  27. killer duck says:

    #55…I hope you are being sarcastic. How is god going to feed all those potential babies?

    Thousands of children die every day in Africa. Maybe tens of thousands. Where’s god there?

  28. Lou says:

    WTF ?

  29. Alex says:

    Wait… she got 170,000 over the course of 8 years on disability?

    That’s about 21,000 a year. IVF costs *way* more than that. No way this is the whole story.

  30. bobbo says:

    3 of her first six kiddies were on State Disability. I guess they contributed their health care dollars to Mom for more brothers and sisters?

    I thought she was a member of Kaiser or some other HMO and got IVF benefit that way? Fell thru the cracks, so to speak.

    #58==duck==that ditty sounds like the song from Monty Python, the Meaning of Life? Been awhile since I heard it==but you should be secure enough in your own values to “know” the poster is kidding, even if he isn’t?


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