By MATT REED – The Associated Press via The Washington Post

BELLEFONTAINE, Ohio — A fourth-grade teacher had a side job as a prostitute, and even skipped class after using a school computer to arrange an afternoon tryst at a motel, authorities said Wednesday.

Amber Carter, 35, left school early on Tuesday _ taking half a sick day _ and was arrested in a motel parking lot in Bellefontaine, where authorities had set up a sting operation.

An anonymous e-mail was sent to the Logan County Sheriff’s Department on Feb. 4 saying a local woman was posting cash-for-sex ads on the popular Web site Craigslist, Lt. Rob Bibart said.

Found by Jay on Cage Match.

  1. bobbo says:

    I agree. Prostitution should be legalized, made safe, licensed, and taxed.

    Stupid to forego the revenue stream and inhumane to let women be victimized by pimps.

  2. Luc says:

    In my country, how much teachers make is the one real obscenity. Meanwhile, fashion models and athletes are treated like kings. Shitty world.

  3. Stones from my glass house says:

    Deal with fourth graders or johns what’s considered a good day for this pour woman?

    Now taking a half a day sick leave to go to your other job that’s wrong

  4. Hugh Ripper says:

    Oh No! A prostitute! I’d be more worried if she skipped school to practice law.

    Agreed that taking a sick day to go to your other job is pretty dishonest, however.

  5. Improbus says:

    Either way she is getting screwed.

  6. bobbo says:

    I thought if you had sick days accrued it was acceptable to take them to take care of other sick people?

  7. deowll says:

    Why do I think this is a dope head?

  8. RMVX says:

    This story sounds almost too fake to be true…

    Most in-school computers track stuff like that, surprised she wouldn’t have been caught internally. Definitely a dope head imo

  9. Poor woman, sounds like a good teacher who cares what she does for money/for fun on the side? I think someone she knew maybe a past client or a friend ratted her out. I feel bad for her, her life is now screwed because of something like this.

  10. billabong says:

    So one 4th grader says to the other I hear Miss Carter is a prostitute and a Libertarian.The other asks “Whats a Libertarian?”.

  11. Nimby says:

    Moral and legal issues aside, I must say I am shocked, shocked I say, at the quality of prostitutes today. Shameful.

  12. Lou says:

    Whats the difference between her and a banker ?
    They both fuck the people.

  13. Daniel says:


    The difference is that no matter how many people a prostitute fucks, the economy won’t need a bailout when she’s done.

  14. killer duck says:

    I’d rather have her turning tricks than have to pay welfare for her.
    I admire her entrepreneurial spirit. 😉

    #7…I think you are right. Meth probably.

  15. Glenn E. says:

    The real tragedy is that she probably won’t be fired. The Teacher’s Union prevents job lost for everything shy of a murder rap. She’ll just be give a clerical position. Wasting tax dollars, keeping her and other bad teachers on the books. Hey, if they start letting teachers go for one offense, they’d have to do it for all the others. And then where would we be? Better off, I think.

  16. Dallas says:

    My company does not allow moonlighting. I can see where this can interfere with productivity.

  17. contempt says:

    #1 bobbo
    >>Prostitution should be legalized, made safe, licensed, and taxed. Stupid to forego the revenue stream and inhumane to let women be victimized by pimps.

    Yeah, why should the pimps be the only ones allowed to victimize women, let the government do it. Gotta keep that revenue stream.

    You are one sick puppy.

  18. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    She looks like a guy at my old high school.

  19. RTaylor says:

    If the story is true she will be fired, even before a trial. All teacher contracts contain morals clauses, usually defining that to local standards of behavior. School boards do not wait for a trial outcome. She will also have her certification revoked, and be bared from teaching with a felony conviction. Just another poor sap in debt with bad judgment. I was a former teacher, and would never consider returning. A large part of it is subsidized child care. Try bringing up a 4 day, eight hour, school week that could save hundreds of millions. No one’s home to tend to little Johnny, so parents freak out.

  20. Paddy-O says:

    # 16 Dallas said, “My company does not allow moonlighting. I can see where this can interfere with productivity.”

    If you lived in CA your company couldn’t disallow that.

  21. Nimby says:

    So, hypothetically, if one of her students made an appointment and they got busted, would she be charged with having sex with a student or could she pass it off as a sex education class with special tutoring?

  22. Alex says:

    #14 – “I think you are right. Meth probably.”

    No, she doesn’t have meth face. Cocaine or heroin is much more likely.

    #17 – “Yeah, why should the pimps be the only ones allowed to victimize women, let the government do it. Gotta keep that revenue stream.

    “You are one sick puppy.”

    Clearly you misunderstand the purpose of ‘regulation’. The government doesn’t become the pimp in this fact-pattern; that’d be left to free enterprise. Prostitution is the oldest form of capitalism.

  23. contempt says:

    #22 Alex
    >>Clearly you misunderstand the purpose of ‘regulation’.

    No matter if the door to prostitution says regulation or exploitation on it, after it’s opened it soon becomes difficult to distinguish the difference.

  24. stones glass house says:

    I don’t think this is the face of some one strung out on drugs but of some one who has been crying for hours because her crapy life just got a whole lot worse.

  25. Rich says:

    Bellefontaine (pronounced Belle-Fountain) is a little ways north of where I live here, and it’s known for it’s odd, inbred people. It also hosts the highest point in the state, so I imagine the air may be a little thin there.

  26. Mister Language says:

    I was a former teacher, and would never consider returning.

    Math or history, I hope, and not English. 🙂

  27. The0ne says:

    #8, school tracking this kind of stuff? I don’t think so. They’re not your local cop nor they’re very technical to do anything about it. Most of them anyways.

    #15 She probably be slap on the wrist and told to get back to work. Hey, at least her client are the kids! 

    #24 it’s a mug face. Have any one of you seen many mug faces that are “normal” to you? Seriously, comments like these makes my head hurt. Most of you are making comments as though you know what’s going on, making assumptions and yet litter the thread with comments like “she looks like she’s on drugs.” Why don’t you go get yourself arrested and see how your mug turns out. Then we can start criticizing whether or not you are also on drugs. Now if the comments were made jokingly that’s a different story but they’re apparently not.

  28. Mr Diesel says:

    Last time I was in Bellefontaine I was picking up lots of ammo and a backseat load of guns from the distributor up there.

    They also have a large auto test track there as well.

    I think she looks like she had a bad day that’s about to get a whole lot worse. Sad

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #20, Cow-Patty,

    If you lived in CA your company couldn’t disallow that.

    Geeze, do you ever quit with the bullshit?

    Until Cow-Patty the Terrible becomes dictator, any company may dismiss any employee at any time except under very narrow circumstances, such as discrimination due to filing a worker compensation claim, sex harassment, and the like.
    You do not need a reason to fire anyone. If you worked for me (like that would ever happen) I could fire you because you didn’t shave this morning, or because your feet smell, or because I’m grouchy. I don’t even need a reason or to tell you why.

    If you were a CEO you would know that. Now do you understand why your ruse no longer works?

  30. Paddy-O says:

    # 29 Mr. Fusion said, “any company may dismiss any employee at any time except under very narrow circumstances,”

    What ARE you babbling about?


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