This is why a lot of actors do not get on talk shows. Perhaps the worst interviewee ever on Letterman, it was almost as if this was a comedy act. Watch it soon because CBS is taking down all the uploads it can find. It will be removed when it is killed. It should remain overnight I think.

Jason Baker found one of these for me.

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Acting? Not-Acting? who gives a rats behind. Being an asshole and acting an asshole are indistinguishable.

  2. Dallas says:

    #31 Bah humbug. I thought it was funny and entertaining.

    In fact so much so that it made it here and everyone’s talking about it.

    Mission accomplished.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    # 26 sitman said, “# 19’s link is malware!!”

    Yep. Something trying an I Frame exploit runs.

  4. dm says:

    “Being an asshole and acting an asshole are indistinguishable.”

    So if an actor plays a character that is an asshole, the actor is an asshole? It seems you have a problem distinguishing reality from “make believe”.

  5. Zack says:

    #31 is correct.

  6. Benrix says:

    I agree with #14. The real clencher for me was at the end when Dave said, “sorry you couldn’t be here tonight.” and Joaquin almost laughed.

  7. billabong says:

    No.19 should be taken down and banned.Slimeball S.O.B.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    Editors. Please remove link at post #19 and ban IP address of poster.


  9. Greg Allen says:

    Letterman is the late night talk guy I hate the least. I can’t stand any of the rest and don’t understand why the genre is so popular.

  10. the real billybob says:


  11. Paddy-O says:

    # 39 Greg Allen said, “and don’t understand why the genre is so popular.”

    I liked Carson about 30 years ago.

  12. Greg Allen says:

    >> Paul said, on February 13th, 2009 at 12:07 am
    >> It’s a hoax:

    Did you read your own link? Some people _THINK_ it is a hoax.

    I wondered so, too, because it strongly reminded me of Andy Kauffman’s guerrilla character comedy. Joaquin is certainly a good enough actor to pull this off.

    I gotta give Letterman credit for taking full advantage of the interview, real or not!

  13. ok so ive been to the dark side of the moon a few times in my life, and from what i can tell from my experiences is that his is more than likely hallucinating on LSD or psilobin or some other psychedelic. he seems paranoid and lost or he is just acting as if he was hallucinating which is some what of a hallucination in itself. paradoxal no?

  14. dude that aint LSD, he’s tweaking. I would think its probably crack cocaine. Cocaine would make him way more social than this as well as methamphetamines. I’ve never done heroine but i’d say its either crack or heroine. The “nervous tick” thing is so in line with those drugs cuz they make you itch and they make you sit there quiet-like and uncomprehending just the way he’s acting. also toward the end of the interview he starts to laugh a little cuz he’s probably coming down. the high from crack/heroine fades really fast. If they are saying he’s acting, that’s total PR stunt, this guy is stoned off his ass. The only question in my mind is, did he do it on purpose or could he just not control himself enough to avoid drugs before the show?

    i also think its real because letterman is really acting annoyed and kinda pissed. if it were acting im sure letterman would be more cool.

    I also thought it was funny how he takes the gum out of his mouth right before the break and sticks it underneath letterman’s desk! he knows letterman’s bagging on him so he smooshes the gum under hahaha

  15. Vermonter says:

    I think this kid is in a severe depression. I would also suspect he is recently on an antidepressant (Prozac) because of the thumb actions and hand wringing. There was nothing funny about this interview and Letterman was a jerk.

  16. Gullible says:

    I can’t believe I got a bug off Dvorak blog!! Anyone has any suggestions how to get rid of the malware # 19 planted here? I am on Windows Server 2008.

  17. Bond says:

    Video in the entry is down. Here is a vid not hosted on YouTube that is still up:

  18. Joe says:

    poor Joaquin Phoenix, he seemed to trying really hard to re-invent his image and was coming across as just awkward


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