This is why a lot of actors do not get on talk shows. Perhaps the worst interviewee ever on Letterman, it was almost as if this was a comedy act. Watch it soon because CBS is taking down all the uploads it can find. It will be removed when it is killed. It should remain overnight I think.

Jason Baker found one of these for me.

  1. Mac Guy says:

    I watched that earlier, and man… What is he on? The nervous ticks? The constant gum chewing? Is this boy about to crash?

  2. amodedoma says:

    Remind’s me once I saw George Carlin, I think it was on the tonight show with Johnny Carson. George goes out to do his comic act and he just stood there. 5 minutes or more, no comical faces, no witty dialog, nothing, and the peolple were hysterical with laughter. It was one of the most amazing things I ever saw on TV.

  3. Lou Minatti says:

    Millions of dollars + ass-kissing adulation + cocaine and heroin = this. Hurray for Hollywood, another life down the crapper.

  4. Bourgeoisie says:

    Reminds me of the Jim Morrison interview.

  5. bobbo says:

    He seemed to me to be “in character” for the guy he played in the film clip.

    It must be fairly easy to get used to someone else writing words for you to use?


  6. George says:

    Who remembers the Crispin Glover interview on Letterman? It beat this lame catatonic Joaquim Phoenix interview by a mile.

  7. Named says:

    Rumour is that he is playing a part for a docu-drama or something that he is working out.

    Joaquin has always been the least effed of the Phoenix’s

  8. Jim says:

    It’s a role. Casey Affleck is following him around with a camera shooting his appearances. I can’t believe so many people are taking this seriously.

  9. BubbaRay says:

    River Phoenix would never have made it as the real Indiana Jones.

  10. The Pirate says:

    Joaquin played Lettermen to a tee. Its an old acting exercise.

  11. Axl says:

    Must be an act! One of the more clever PR stunts! Look at the attention he’s gotten, all over the world. Or #3 above is spot on…

  12. Craig says:

    It’s a Andy Kaufman-like put on.

    Are you guys all that gullible?

  13. markp says:

    i don’t know why cbs would take this clip down. it’s one of the most viral things to come out of that network in the last ten years. i’ve watched it three times and have laughed hysterically every time. Letterman is a master. he never lost control of the interview, even if it was at times difficult. Phoenix is clearly, to me anyway, doing a shtick. I personally loved it.

  14. jccalhoun says:

    90% chance this is an act. The real clencher is that he was on for two segments. If he really was that out there they would have cut it after one.

  15. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #5 George, 15 seconds into this interview, I thought of the same Crispin Glover interview. That was possibly the most memorable segment I’ve ever seen. I saw it during its initial airing in the 80’s and at the time, I thought that I wouldn’t be surprised to read about his suicide shortly thereafter. But he convinced Letterman to have him on again not too long after that first appearance, and he seemed to be significantly more stable, but still not completely right.
    I’m not sure I buy the claim that Phoenix’s problem is some sort of acting stunt, but it will probably be passed off that way by his P.R. people. With a new movie out, this seems way too risky. Too many people would hear that he was crazy, but would later miss the revelation that it was a hoax. And if he didn’t get permission from the movie studio, he may be risking a law suit as well, since promotion is part of the movie contract. Hollywood may have changed a lot over the years, but I don’t think that acting like a drug-addled actor while promoting your new movie has become the sort of effective P.R. ploy that boosts box office receipts.

    Of course, I’ve been wrong before when I thought people wouldn’t purposely do stupid stuff.

  16. Psydoc says:

    It seems that Joaquin’s brother-in-law is making a documentary about him becoming a “rock star.” Personally, I think the media will make it out to be fake to save Phoenix’s tush. I mean, look at Letterman’s face.

  17. snuffmuffler says:

    trust me he is not acting, he told us the other day there were mice leaking from the ears of his ancestors . We asked where the ancestors were, he paused and asked if we came down just to f- with him.
    He may(if he is smart and sobers up) say he was just doing an impression of Zach Galifianakis .

  18. Danver says:

    new serious statement of Joaquin Phoenix about Letterman Interview

  19. jim says:

    Hoax or not, Letterman is at his best in situations like this. I can remember the Modona (she was wasted) interview when he said “this will never go to air” and just let loose with his funny wit.

  20. Paddy-O says:

    Who’s Joaquin Phoenix?

  21. Named says:


    Obviously, one of the guys in the interview. In fact it’s the guy Letterman introduces as Joaquin Phoenix. As a CEO, I expect you to glaze over details and look at the basement larder from 10000M….

  22. bobby says:

    not sure about his rap career…

  23. Dallas says:

    Wow. That was weird clip!

    #16 I did read the article. Thanks. We’ll see !

    Still, he dd a marvelous job on Gladiator! One of my all time favorite movies.

  24. Li says:

    Letterman got played Andy Kaufmann style.

  25. sitman says:

    # 19’s link is malware!!

  26. Lou Minatti says:

    OK, I am convinced it is a put-on. Still, you have to admit that the crazy self-destructive gene runs in his family.

  27. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Watch him carefully, he starts to laugh a few times and catches himself. Letterman was trying hard to get him to break, and he did start talking a lot more. Whatever he’s doing, it’s entertaining.

  28. dm says:

    I find it strange that so many people think this is real. Not just on this site, but on many sites. It seems like some people want to believe this is real. Maybe it’s some sort of envy, “he’s handsome, rich and successful, but he’s crazy.” Or maybe people need a new “crazy fix” now that the Christian Bale thing is getting old. Or maybe people just don’t have that much experience watching actors.

    To me, there’s an obvious difference between Joaquin’s appearance and say Farrah Faucet or Courtney Love. I can’t help but think people are fooling themselves into thinking this is real.

  29. Named says:


    Almost… I find that most hollywood watchers don’t actually KNOW acting as an art but as a thing beautiful people do on the big screen or TV with very predictable results and settings. Anything beyond that is “wacky”.


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