Score one for the 2nd Amendment.

  1. Kenny B says:

    Suicide is far more common than homicide (5 to 3). Keeping a loaded gun is inviting disaster, especially if there is a teenager in the house.

  2. George says:

    Why is is assumed that the target must be a bad guy? Perhaps he is a jeweler, banker, gunshop owner or law-man. People such as these have been targeted at their homes many times for purposes of robbery or retribution.

    Not everyone moves bits around a hard drive for a living. Some people deal in money, valuable items, or lock up bad guys. This makes them potential targets.

    Remember that when it comes to home invasion, President Obama supports your right to have firearms for sporting purposes. Of course, he gets to have all the non-sporting arms the Secret Service can muster to protect his new digs.

  3. bobbo says:


  4. Glidedon says:

    Don’t Worry the Dem’s are going to clean up all these guns, H.R. 45

  5. George says:

    More of the “suicide” attack on firearms. Japan has suicide rates more than double the US rate. France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, and even Cuba have higher rates, as do many other countries.

    Where is the gun connection? I guess if we were talking about Japan, you’d have to tell people that if they have teenagers in the house, they should get rid of their hibachi grill. (Hibachis in cars are commonly used, often in group suicides in Japan.)

  6. Ace says:

    Those more people killed in the u.s. statistics are such BS there are more people killed because the USA is the most populated western country. 90% of all statistics are made up on the spot or manipulated to get the author point across. Case in point look at all the so called global worming evidence.

  7. deowll says:

    Um, I did seem to have that one figured out. My nephew is on the border patrol and I think that job just got a lot more dangerous.

  8. GF says:

    “Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill ’em right back!” – Firefly 😉

  9. brm says:

    #13 natefrog:

    “Flawed comparison. Come back to the grown-up’s discussion when you’re able to realize your logical fallacy.”

    You only think it’s flawed because you like cars more than you like guns.

    With guns, you have a device that causes a few thousand deaths a year. So, it’s obviously not the number of gun deaths that make people want to ban them – there’s some other reason.

    Sounds logical to me.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    #28 – Faxon

    >>Loved seeing these dirtbag scum wetbacks

    Did they show a picture of the “homeowner” running? Resistance is futile when La Migra comes calling, even’ if you’re armed…

  11. pettysox says:

    Maybe I missed it somewhere in the comments, but has anyone besides me noticed the gentleman appears to be wearing a gun belt when he walks out of his house?

  12. Dallas says:

    Wow. Property values must have either gone really high or really low after that scene!

  13. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    42…he looks like a cop with that belt. Way more to this story than what’s in the clip.

    I get the impression that the homeowner wanted the guys gone, not dead. Otherwise, why shoot the windshield? Shoot the engine and pick off the guys one by one until the cops show up.

  14. Mrgunguy says:

    Wish he’d killed them all. To all you who damn the homeowner, fuck you and I hope you die horribly, shot by a home invader you are powerless (not to mention too cowardly) to stop.

    And know this, the neighbors of mine who hate guns and complain of my “Armed Response” sign will not be defended by me if the bad guys strike them. I’ll watch them die as I call 911 without a pang of conscience. If you are not willing to defend yourself, you don’t deserve to be defended.

  15. J says:

    The incident describe in post #16 is not the same one as in this video. Apparently this kind of crazy shit goes on all the time in Tucson.

    The incident described in post #16 happened in Dec of 2007. Not Feb of 2009

    GO TUCSON!!!!!

  16. Paddy-O says:

    # 43 Dallas said, “Wow. Property values must have either gone really high or really low after that scene!”

    I’d guess low…

  17. Mr Diesel says:

    Wow! At least a couple of posters have some serious anger issues towards the cretins who tried to break in.

    This happening with ten miles of my home more and more often which is the main reason I carry as often as I can. My first duty is to protect myself and my family and if that means using a gun then so be it. I will most likely feel bad if I ever have to protect myself in that manner because it will haunt me the rest of my life but I will do what I have to do.

    I know from my late Father (Korean Vet) that it isn’t easy taking another persons life, even in combat.

  18. Common_Sense says:

    First, I agree with those saying there’s more to this story. Not that I assume the homeowner is bad news, but clearly he had some reason to believe that bad news was headed his way.

    Those guys RAN into the house. Way over-armed. So it’s not just that he was armed, but that he was armed, with a firearm readily available, AND had security cameras “all around his house”.

    Now, it’s possible that this guy just knew he lived in a bad neighborhood and that someday this might happen, and this was that day. I hope that’s all it is.

    #28 – I’m a “liberal pantywaist asshole”, and I support gun control AND this guy’s right to have one for defending his home. Don’t paint the so-called left with one brush. I’m no more inherently right to bear arms than some of you self-proclaimed “gun-nuts” are inherently:

    (a) Southern
    (b) Redneck
    (c) Warmongering
    (d) Antigovernment
    (e) racist.

    All of those things are commonly linked assumptions about people who support the second amendment, held by people just as idiotic as you — but from the opposite end of the political spectrum. (Yeah I can see there’s any many liberal dumbasses as there are conservative ones — I mean, just look at Congress for proof…)

    I’ll make you a deal — Don’t assume I don’t support the second amendment or even avail myself of it just because I’m a liberal pantywaist asshole who supports waiting periods for buying a gun, and I won’t assume that just because you do support it that you’re all of those things I listed above. (Though, your tone and your use of a racial slur suggest that (c) and (e) might be true, but that’s based on other evidence…)

    Full disclosure: I sort of wanted them to get shot too, because one less person running around with assault rifles out around town at the ready probably isn’t a bad thing, and though the homeowner might be suspect, CLEARLY the guys entering the home were up to no good.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #37, Ace,

    Yup. That was a test and you aced it. 87% of all answers falling into the bullshit category are really made up, 19% are phony, and 11% are complete fabrications.

    And I have to hand it to you about those Global worms. Whew!!! Spread the news there bro.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #5, bobbo,

    If your problem is a mosquito infested swamp, you don’t clean it up by adding more mosquitoes.

    Are you trying to give all these idiots a headache trying to figure that one out?


    #49, Common Sense

    Good comment.

  21. Rick Cain says:

    I have a feeling the homeowner played Half-Life pretty often.

  22. bdsmith1981 says:

    Hmm… I agree about the whole story not being here. This type of ting just does not happen to normal ppl. 4 guys wielding automatic weapons in a 300C with 20″ rims? yeah, no drugs involved there. This guy is probably a dealer that screwed someone over or the attackers just knew he was sitting on a large pile of cash. Anyway, most ppl who do not have large amounts of narcotics in their house do not feel it necessary to have CCTV’s.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #53, BD,

    The cameras don’t help those with illegal activities. In fact, the police get a hold of the tapes and that could be incriminating. Surveillance cameras can help the police find culprits and retrieve stolen merchandise. They also are an indication that there is a security system in place.

    Most likely this guy was suspected of having valuables that somebody thought they wanted more than the owner, OR, someone was doing a real cheap hit because he pissed them off. Most certainly there is more to this story than we have been told so far.

  24. mann says:

    It appears that many of the police and border patrol agents are so called Hispanic if you watch tv news in areas like Tucson.

    If our government would just give the home invading Mexican’s/Hispanic’s, the rest of the our job’s as border patrol agents and or police, they would have everything they want. A job that pays good, excitement of the hunt, legal right to carry fire arms.

    We need to just give it all up. If we open the border the Mexican’s can just walk across the border and they won’t be breaking any law. If we just give them our jobs without need to be here legally they won’t be breaking the law. If we do these things we would have much less home invasion.

    Give them everything we have and we can just go live out of grocery carts, with no worries.

  25. CHICO says:

    i think all of this is planned here in tucson many other home invasions are happening day after day, this is just one caught on video people acctually live out of this types of situations,plus another thing why this happends here in the south side of tucson is because there is a lot of Drug trafficking and many cartels try to take over money or drugs in this type of case i would think it would be money. People here in the south side ridin on Rims like the ones on the crystler had, you dont see very often from people who Jack..these type of people who do home invasions are called “BAJADORES” they are people who take money away from smugglers and drug dealers…and i think this situation had to do with something with this

  26. talkingpoint says:

    Stop assuming this guy was a drug dealer, if you took the time to read the follow up articles you would have learned it was a border patrol agent. Cartels, drug dealer, whatever. Alot of times it’s is just some punks trying to make it easy. Home invasion has risen here in Tucson, it used to be 1 every couple months now it has risen to several a month. So my suggestion is arm yourself and be prepared cause it may hit anyone. One last thing, take better care on your aim. So we can have one less punk with a gun out there.

  27. puppyfeet says:

    So, a couple things to correct misperceptions:

    The ‘person’ with the gunbelt in the video is a sheriff, shown walking the property AFTER the incident.

    “This” part of Tucson is not a hellhole at all, but a very nice, quiet neighborhood nestled up against the mountains. That homeowner has done much to improve the property in the time they’ve been there.

    It’s always interesting to me how people make statements as ‘factual’ when they know nothing about the reality.

  28. JJOOJOOO says:

    the owner of this house is a drug dealer im telling you this from personal expirence that he is i live by him and i have been doing buissness with him

  29. Tim says:

    Regarding the gun argument…I lived in Calif. in a nice middle class neigborhood in the mountains. Twice in my life, I have been told by law enforcement officials that I would have to protect my familiy myself because we lived too far from a police station for them to react quickly. In one case we were threatened by the perpetrator of an arson (homeowner torched his house for insurance after earthquake), and the other case we had been burglarized repeatedly (while we were away).

    When my mother was a small girl in the 1920s, the Cosanostra (mafia)targeted the family. The FBI armed my grandfather (a banker) and escorted my mother and her sister to & from school. The mob firebombed the bank (before FDIC), everyone lost their deposits, and the family nearly went bankrupt. However, nobody in my family was killed and some mob guys were arrested. I wonder if I would have been born if my grandfather (and FBI) couldn’t have protected the family.

    For all you fools who think that guns should be banned, think again. “Civility” is a very thin veneer atop man’s age-old behavior of physical domination of others for power, and it is very difficult for law enforcement to guarantee everyone’s safety all the time.


  30. Tim says:

    To clarify, a family member was witness to events leading up to the arson (smelled gasoline fumes coming next door and heard comments arsonist made), and much to my dismay the California State Bomb and Arson agency compelled the family member to become the State’s main witness against the arsonist. That’s when the treats came, and the sherrif told me I’d have to protect my family myself. Witness protection cannot be guaranteed.


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