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Looks like some pretty heavy fire power on both sides. I would be surprised if the house owner is not arrested, or at least investigated, for some type of wrongdoing.
People defending their home never makes it in to gun control statistics.
To bad you can’t use booby traps.
#3, I would say that homeowner was the booby trap.
I’ll bet dollar to donuts this was a drug dealer defending his cache against other drug dealers.
How many stray bullets hit any neighbors?
How many will?
No, the statistics control. More people killed by gun violence in USA than any other western country.
If your problem is a mosquito infested swamp, you don’t clean it up by adding more mosquitoes.
#5 bobbo:
“More people killed by gun violence in USA than any other western country.”
More people killed by automobiles in USA than in any other western country.
#5 bobbo:
“I’ll bet dollar to donuts this was a drug dealer defending his cache against other drug dealers.”
You are probably right. If we legalized drugs, we probably wouldn’t have drug dealers needing to defend their stashes.
“How many stray bullets hit any neighbors?”
Zero, right? I’m pretty sure that would have been part of the story.
**If your problem is a mosquito infested swamp, you don’t clean it up by adding more mosquitoes.**
You don’t clean it up by refusing to distinguish between mosquitoes and their victims.
The drug wars and out of control crime in Mexico aren’t just in Mexico.
I don’t know what if anything the man attacked had to do with this.
He might have been in law enforcement in some manner for all I know or just got in somebody’s way or a good kidnap victim.
Kidnap for ransom is now big business in Mexico and so is killing anybody siding with law enforcement besides dealers fighting over turf.
If my home was invaded, I’m definitely prepared to “thwart.”
I agree with #10 Special Ed. I don’t have an alarm company sign in front of my house. My sign says “Forget the Dog: Beware of the Owner”.
Assault rifles aren’t normally used for home invasions. Something’s not right here.
#6, brm:
More people killed by automobiles in USA than in any other western country.
Flawed comparison. Come back to the grown-up’s discussion when you’re able to realize your logical fallacy.
What Jeebers says. This isn’t your average home owner with multiple color surveillance cameras and folks who want to “invade” with semi-autos. The whole story isn’t here.
#7–brm==thanks for meeting me half way==YES–many problems really benefit from having 3-4-5 even 7-8-9 laws changed. Hard to juggle that many balls, but I think thats what it takes.
The general reply about cars is that cars serve a necessary function==they are also licensed and heavily regulated. I would also agree their misuse needs to be more firmly dealt with==by changing/adding 7-8-9 more laws==like helping alcohol addicts rather than thinking jail will cure them.
#5 – Bobbo
>>More people killed by gun violence in USA
>>than any other western country.
Must be those damned counterproductive anti-gun laws. Same reason we have so many drunks and drug addicts.
#9 – deowll
>>The drug wars and out of control crime in
>>Mexico aren’t just in Mexico.
Right. That part of Tuscon is a hellhole. I’d want a gun too, if I lived there.
16–cents==good info there, thanks. Gee, my first guess would be that Mexicans invading a US Border Patrol Officers home might be connected to the “Home Owner” being a US Border Patrol Officer? ((Yuk, Yuk!!))
Once again, a change in game plan is warranted==gangs targeting law enforcement is one major element of a society in a toilet bowl.
And yes, the Officer should be heavily armed and have surveillance==all provided on request by the Employer.
12 Jeebers. Like you say, “Something’s not right here.” Loaded assault rifles are normally used to return fire when someone’s shooting and about to kill you.
Unless the intention was to scare a benign target into handing over valuables with something that actually couldn’t shoot.
Good for the home owner!
Screw all you gun hating idiots that think he was some kind of bad guy just because he had weapons.
I hope it never happens to you but if it does, you’ll change your tune in a hurry. You’ll be at the gun store first thing the next morning. Just be sure to learn the proper way to use it.
You only get to die one time.
You know what else you can wish for? How about protection against micro-meteors from outer space?????
Boy–if you protect yourself against that and one comes down but you are protected==Man, you sure will be happy.
Just be sure to build the micro-meteor shield correctly and learn the proper way to use it, because
You only get to die one time.
[LoL, You slay me… ed.]
For weapons in the home a 12 gauge loaded alternately with birdshot and slugs and a 45 caliber pistol big enough to knock down a bull and loud enough to scare away all but the deaf.Thank god I live in a town where I don’t need them.
living in tucson i am no less prepared for this kind of invasion from thugs.All i want is peace and quiet-do you feel lucky punk.
They won’t be back any time soon. He He Ha Ha
I wish these scumbags were invading your house. Jerk.
Loved seeing these dirtbag scum wetbacks running once they find out the victim is not a liberal pantywaist asshole. I would have liked it a bunch more if I saw holes torn through the sons of bitches, deep purple red blood spurting out, and squirming in agony as they die in the driveway. Oh. But I am just a gun nut, aren’t I?
#21 – Absolutely! That’s why I have firearm instructional videos on youtube, and why I just spent another $60+ on dummy rounds. I enjoy teaching others firearm safety.
#28 – Woah… Talk about some anger issues, man. Don’t get me wrong, I think deadly force was more than justified here, but put down the shotgun…
“Loved seeing these dirtbag scum wetbacks running once they find out the victim is not a liberal pantywaist asshole.”
I am all for the right to bear arms, but I have to agree with a few of the other commenters. This isn’t Joe Homeowner protecting his castle. There’s more to this story than Joe Homeowner randomly attacked by thugs.