Yes, I have bit the bullet and now crowd (mob) source things like this. Why not? Add a comment telling which design you like best. If you are reading this from Twitter, use that and just send me a number 1, 2 or 3. Thanks!

DHU Logo Concept



  1. orangetiki says:

    My vote goes to #2

  2. JalenJAde says:

    #2 is the best

  3. Atomos says:

    #2 is the clearest

  4. pedro says:

    number 2!

  5. red says:

    It is probably the most eyecatching

  6. futileboy says:

    In my opinion #2 is the best and #3 is the next best. I don’t really like #1.

  7. Kevin says:

    #3, please. It’s the classiest and best expresses your theme.

  8. bradyjas says:

    I like #2!

  9. maddox says:


  10. stana2z says:

    I’m liking #2 as well. However, the color scheme hints at a latent U of Miami Hurricanes fascination.

  11. htls69 says:


  12. nmancer61 says:


  13. Definitely going to have to go with #2. It just seems more in your face, not to mention it has some great design work.

  14. Greg says:

    Fill in the holes in your heads and number one would be ok.

  15. Jason says:


  16. queejibo says:

    #2 should show up the best as album art.

  17. ArtSpot says:

    #2… #1 is just creepy

  18. liam b says:

    I really like number 2 it has the unplugged power cord and the money in the background its a logo that won’t make tired after becoming familiar with it. number 1 is a good effort but it’s too silly with the pictures and the holes and the overused dollar sign in everything to do with money. number 3 is just plain hideous.

  19. jwedwards74 says:

    #2 no doubt about it. It communicates the topic, it’s clear, simple… perfection.

  20. SidFarkus says:


  21. deanmeistr says:

    I vote for #2

  22. Kittyburgers says:

    I would go with number 2.

  23. ajnietup says:


  24. otterventures says:

    2 is the best

  25. Chris Mac says:



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