Quote: “We can’t drive our SUVs and, you know, eat as much as we want and keep our homes on, you know, 72 degrees at all times, whether we’re living in the desert or we’re living in the tundra, and then just expect every other country is going to say OK, you know, you guys go ahead keep on using 25 percent of the world’s energy, even though you only account for 3 percent of the population, and we’ll be fine. Don’t worry about us. That’s not leadership.” ~~ Barack Obama

Huffington Post– Hey, remember all that fuss about how Obama was bucking tradition by not wearing his suit jacket in the Oval Office? And how it was going to be much more casual in there? Well, there’s this other side to it: energy waste.

The capital flew into a bit of a tizzy when, on his first full day in the White House, President Obama was photographed in the Oval Office without his suit jacket. There was, however, a logical explanation: Mr. Obama, who hates the cold, had cranked up the thermostat. “He’s from Hawaii, O.K.?” said Mr. Obama’s senior adviser, David Axelrod, who occupies the small but strategically located office next door to his boss. “He likes it warm. You could grow orchids in there.”

Sure, but didn’t he spend some time in Chicago? And don’t they make their politicians go through some kind of rigorous acclimation training to get used to the cold?

Trivial? Maybe….maybe not.

  1. MikeN says:

    Carter wasn’t a nuclear engineer. He applied to serve on a nuclear submarine, and took an introductory class on nuclear reactors before cutting short his training when his father dies. He did however participate in the cleanup of a reactor meltdown.

  2. Tony says:

    LOL, seriously!? If you people put as much thought and effort into rallying over things that actually matter instead of petty nonsense you may get something accomplished for the betterment of our country!

  3. Paddy-O says:

    #92 If you look here: http://fas.org/irp/offdocs/prm/prm15.pdf you will see Carters order. If you search the same site: http://fas.org/irp/offdocs/nsdm-ford/index.html you will NOT find an order from Ford.

    Interesting. I’ve searched. Let me know if you find Ford’s actual order. I’d genuinely be interested in reading it.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:


    Really, there is no excuse for your ignorance.

    I have three links to articles. If this does not get passed the spam filter I will cut it is half.

    1976. In an October 28 nuclear policy statement, President Ford announced his
    decision that
    the reprocessing and recycling of plutonium should not proceed unless there is sound
    reason to conclude that the world community can effectively overcome the associated
    risks of proliferation … that the United States should no longer regard reprocessing
    of used nuclear fuel to produce plutonium as a necessary and inevitable step in the nuclear fuel cycle, and that we should pursue reprocessing and recycling in the future
    only if they are found to be consistent with our international objectives.8(unquote)
    With that announcement, agencies of the executive branch were directed to delay
    commercialization of reprocessing activities in the United States until uncertainties were


    Though reprocessing for the nuclear weapons program wasn’t halted until 1992 (by the first President Bush), commercial reprocessing effectively ended in 1972 when West Valley shut down. President Ford formally curtailed it after India imported US commercial reprocessing technology and used it to build a nuclear weapon in 1974, and President Carter strengthened the ban. President Reagan lifted the hold, but by then the power industry had lost interest because of the exorbitant costs and because uranium ore deposits are far more plentiful than first thought.


    And finally, how about Gerald Ford’s statement on October 28, 1976.

    To implement my overall policy decisions, I have decided on a number of policies that are necessary and appropriate to meet our nonproliferation and energy objectives.

    – First, our domestic policies must be changed to conform to my decision on deferral of the commercialization of chemical reprocessing of nuclear fuel which results in the separation of plutonium.
    – Second, I call upon all nations to join us in exercising maximum restraint in the transfer of reprocessing and enrichment technology and facilities by avoiding such sensitive exports or commitments for a period of at least 3 years.
    – Third, new cooperative steps are needed to help assure that all nations have an adequate and reliable supply of energy for their needs. I believe, most importantly, that nuclear supplier nations have a special obligation to assure that customer nations have an adequate supply of fuel for their nuclear powerplants, if those customer nations forego the acquisition of reprocessing and uranium enrichment capabilities and accept effective proliferation controls.
    – Fourth, the U. S. must maintain its role as a major and reliable world supplier of nuclear reactors and fuel for peaceful purposes. Our strong position as a supplier has provided the principal basis for our influence and leadership in worldwide nonproliferation efforts. A strong position will be equally important in the future. While reaffirming this Nation’s intent to be a reliable supplier, the U. S. seeks no competitive advantage by virtue of the worldwide system of effective nonproliferation controls that I am calling for today.
    – Fifth, new efforts must be made to urge all nations to join in a full-scale international cooperative effort – which I shall outline in detail – to develop a system of effective controls to prevent proliferation.
    – Sixth, the U. S. must take new steps with respect to its own exports to control proliferation, while seeking to improve multilateral guidelines.
    – Seventh, the U. S. must undertake a program to evaluate reprocessing in support of the international policies I have adopted.
    – Finally, I have concluded that new steps are needed to assure that we have in place when needed, both in the U. S. and around the world, the facilities for the long-term storage or disposal of nuclear wastes.


    Oh, did you read his seventh point? RIIIIIGHT!!! It was Carter that crippled the Nuclear generators by stopping their stock piling of waste.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    Oopps, In #97, at the very end I should have pointed to the EIGHTH or FINAL point. Aahh, what the eff. Cow-Patty is too stupid to notice the difference anyway.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    #97. Maybe I wasn’t clear enough. I couldn’t find an actual ORDER from Ford. I only found one from Carter. (which I linked.) If you can find a link to Ford’s order (not links to people writing about Ford) let me know. I’ve searched. The links above talk about what Ford thought about doing… Not his orders.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #99, Cow-Patty,

    You are such an idiot. Read the very last quote. It is linked to Ford’s own speech on the matter.

    The above quotes ALL discuss what he ordered on October 28, 1976. If that was put into a National Security Letter I neither know nor care. It is well documented what he did. If you claim that it must be in one and only one form that is your tough luck. You still lose.

    Cow-Patty, get a life.
    You made the claim and have been thoroughly shot down. Again.

    NOW, you made the claim first that Carter ruined the Nuclear industry. Yet you didn’t offered any suggestion how let alone evidence of that. Carter did not close one generating facility.

    Then you claim he did it by insisting all facilities store their waste. NEWS FLASH The nuclear facilities already had to store their own waste.

    Then when presented with the facts including a cite, you claim that there isn’t a National Security Order for that. (Not all Presidential Orders are public)

    Now that you have been shown three separate quotes, properly linked, you still deny it. You don’t even accept a copy of Ford’s speech that day where he outlined the order.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    # 100 Mr. Fusion said, “You are such an idiot. Read the very last quote. It is linked to Ford’s own speech on the matter.

    The above quotes ALL discuss what he ordered on October 28, 1976. ”

    Fusion, I’m not mad at you or denying what you are saying.

    I started looking for the ACTUAL order when you told me about it. I didn’t doubt you. I just found it strange that Carter would issue the “same” order a few months later. That is unusual. So, after looking at everything you or I could find, the conclusion is that Ford talked about issuing an order but didn’t actually get around to it (hence, no order on file anywhere) so, Carter came in and issued what Ford wanted to do.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    # 102 Mr. Fusion said, “You are still denying that Ford gave a Presidential Order.”

    I’m saying that there is NO Presidential Order on file from Ford stating this. There are speeches and references that he wanted to do so. But, no actual order on file that either of us can find. I’ve looked. If you find the written order from Ford let me know. If I find it I’ll post it too.

  10. RLF says:

    I will say this slow for you can understand.
    You seem to infer your own biases to what you read typical conservative/liberal idiocy.
    Please read the post again,SLOWLY, and see if you can get it.
    I’ll Wait………………………………..

    Ok then, did I once say or infer that his philosophy was incorrect?
    Think carefully now……………………….

    Now I’ll elaborate, Mr. Carter was weak minded fool. He made every possible mistake in implementing his policies and instead of improving matters he poisoned the waters for a generation.
    Many problems we face now come from his naivete. His uncorking of the bottle in Iran, to his detriment then and ours now. His weakness that the Soviets took as a green light to invade and for ever more destabilized Afghanistan.
    I would go on but my fingers would get tired.
    He is living proof of the phrase; The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

  11. #104 – RLF,

    [stupid condescension ignored]

    Now I’ll elaborate, Mr. Carter was weak minded fool. He made every possible mistake in implementing his policies and instead of improving matters he poisoned the waters for a generation.

    Wouldn’t care to provide specifics here would you? How about a link?

    Many problems we face now come from his naivete. His uncorking of the bottle in Iran, to his detriment then and ours now. His weakness that the Soviets took as a green light to invade and for ever more destabilized Afghanistan.
    I would go on but my fingers would get tired.
    He is living proof of the phrase; The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

    Care to provide an intelligent political analysis on the point? How about one that mentions all of the funding of terrorism from the oil rich nations of the world?

    Nah. Nevermind. You won’t read. You have your preconceived notions. I too used to think Carter was a bad president. I realized I was mistaken, or at least that he was no worse than most and far better than many we’ve had recently.

    Oh well. I’ll just chalk you up as a lost cause.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #103, Cow-Patty,

    I’m saying that there is NO Presidential Order on file from Ford stating this.

    Did you actually visit the Ford Library and check it out? Did you check out the White House archives? Did you look further than the lint in your naval?

    The point is I have more than adequately sourced my point with six, count them SIX (6) cites. Two were the actual texts of his speech. Five came from academic or science orientated sites. One came from Wikipedia with appropriate cites on its own.

    While original sources are great, that has been done twice with the speech. Why you are fixated on this “order” is easy to understand. BECAUSE YOU DON’T WANT TO ADMIT YOU WERE WRONG.

  13. Paddy-O says:

    # 107 Mr. Fusion said, “Did you actually visit the Ford Library and check it out? ”

    Yes, I checked all links from you and my own research. I checked the Nat Archives too. As it turns out. He had planned on issuing a written Presidential order regarding this (as you originally told me). He never did actually issue the Presidential before leaving office (probably too busy campaigning) so, Carter, in his 1st year did so as he agreed with Ford.

  14. RLF says:

    I guess reading a whole post is not in vogue.
    I gave 2 excellent examples.
    If you want me to agree that money and power have not corrupted the world you are barking up the wrong tree.
    If you wish to do the right thing you MUST take into your strategies how some people will react to them.
    Doing the right thing means more than just doing it, especially if you do not attempt to foresee the consequences.
    In the moment of vacuum created by these unplanned moments the power hungry and morally corrupt take advantage, to everyone’s detriment.
    Again this was Mr; Carter’s naivete which became a detriment to him and to us till this very day.
    I only respond the way that I’m responded to. Condescension doesn’t take much effort If you wish to continue it.

  15. RLF says:

    I guess reading a whole post is not in vogue.
    I gave 2 excellent examples.
    If you want me to agree that money and power have not corrupted the world you are barking up the wrong tree.
    If you wish to do the right thing you MUST take into your strategies how some people will react to them.
    Doing the right thing means more than just doing it, especially if you do not attempt to foresee the consequences.
    In the moment of vacuum created by these unplanned moments the power hungry and morally corrupt take advantage, to everyone’s detriment.
    Again this was Mr; Carter’s naivete which became a detriment to him and to us till this very day.
    I only respond the way that I’m responded to. Condescension doesn’t take much effort If you wish to continue it..

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #109, RLF,

    Do you have a pickle lodged in your butt? Geeze, your post makes no sense at all.

    Scott asked you to provide something to back up your contention Carter was a poor President. Instead you babble on about whatever.

    Relax. Take a few deep breaths, then think about what you intend on writing.

  17. RLF says:

    If you read the post I clearly said that the first post gave 2 examples.
    I guess my post was clear enough for you to respond to.
    I guess you guys can not differentiate between someone being a good person but being a lousy leader. I can not make it clearer!
    ONE MORE TIME His intent was laudable, but his manner of achieving them was disastrous.

  18. #112 – RLF,

    If you read the post I clearly said that the first post gave 2 examples.
    I guess my post was clear enough for you to respond to.

    You definitely did state that. However, in the post to which you refer, you cited no further links, making it simply your ill-informed opinion.

    I asked both for more specifics and for you to back up your claims. You’ve done neither. This is the definition of a troll.

    Would you now care to provide a nice analysis based on historical facts?

    Instead, you seem to state and restate your opinion based on your experience of the day, rather than any true historical analysis based on fact.

    I shared your opinion of the day. The popular press expressed such opinions very well. Perhaps, however, you still have not read the article that I posted that started this conversation. In it, you will find out why you are mistaken and why it is the Reaganomics and corporatocracy that have been at the forefront of every administration since 1981 that have lead us to where we are.

    But, perhaps reading is not in vogue where you come from.

    BTW, as for me not reading your post, I have no idea how you make such an inane statement when I cited the entire meat of your post minus your condescension and replied to it. Did you fail to notice that when you accused me of not reading your post?

    Perhaps it was when you failed to note that you failed to even get the post number correct, let alone the name on the post.

  19. RLF says:

    The sun will rise tomorrow.
    I’m sorry I have no links to “POSTS” to meet your qualifications for truth, but nevertheless the sun will still rise tomorrow.
    You see I think for myself. When I see or experience something I evaluate and come to a conclusion. It’s part of the process of critical thinking. Unless there is some fact an entity can add that might sway my conclusion I’m not interested in making there opinion my fact.

    I AM A DEMOCRAT. R. Reagan, in many aspects, was worse than J. Carter. Please get the liberal/ conservative garbage out of your head!!!

    As far as reading goes, you did cut and paste my second post into yours and then completely ignored the reference to examples in it. One would think the one did not read the whole thing.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #114, RLF,

    Your politics are irrelevant. It is the substance of your statement.

    One thing I truly dislike is a bald condemnation on nothing other than personal prejudices. A statement such as “I hate lepers” might sound innocuous enough. But it is still wrong. Did the whole world of lepers harm you in some way?

    When you look a little deeper, that hate is really an expression of your own prejudices. You are afraid you might catch the disease. You don’t like their disfigurement. You have heard nasty stories of them from the bible.

    The same with Jimmy Carter. You claim he was a ineffective President. Many historians would disagree. He could have involved us in a war that would have had casualties in the billions. Or, he could have staved off the chicken hawks and sought peace.

    Carter could have deregulated the Nuclear Power industry a little more. Then we could have had a few more Three Mile Islands. He could have halted efforts by the EPA to clean up Love Canal or auto emissions.

    Carter could have ignored the situation in the Middle East and seen casualties continue to mount. Instead, he brought together two very nationalistic leaders and got a peace agreement that cut the USSR out of the pie. You do realize that the loss of Soviet support to Egypt also took a serious toll on the influence that led to their invasion and defeat in Afghanistan just the next year.

    Carter could have just ignored the price increase in crude oil and continued to fly around the country. Instead, he turned down the thermostat in the White House and wore sweaters. He encouraged Congress to implement auto fuel standards.

    When the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, there was little America could do anyway. We had no bases there or even within close range. The CIA supplied the resistance with weapons and technology, the same as the Soviets had done in Vietnam.

    The Hostage incident consumed his Presidency. There was no course left for him other than to negotiate. These were American civilians being held by a mob. There was no effective government in Iran at that time. If he attempted to retrieve the hostages by force they would have been killed outright. Any alternative would almost certainly have resulted in the death of not only the hostages, but many other people as well.

    So yes, you are allowed to say you dislike Carter, But unless you can back up your statement, it is just trolling, and we have enough regulars on this blog.

  21. RLF,

    One last point about Carter and the hostages that you might have learned if you had bothered to click the link. Here’s part of a paragraph from the article. Close your eyes now. You don’t want to risk learning something new.

    But then came the Iran/Contra October Surprise, when the Reagan/Bush campaign allegedly promised the oil-rich mullahs of Iran that they’d sell them missiles and other weapons if only they’d keep our hostages until after the 1980 Carter/Reagan presidential election campaign was over. The result was that Carter, who had been leading in the polls over Reagan/Bush, steadily dropped in popularity as the hostage crisis dragged out, and lost the election. The hostages were released the very minute that Reagan put his hand on the Bible to take his oath of office. The hostages freed, the Reagan/Bush administration quickly began illegally delivering missiles to Iran.

    And yes, I did read your post. If you read my comments again, I was asking you to back up your opinion. But, you think for yourself, so why let pesky facts get in the way of that?

  22. RLF says:

    #115 #116

    I wish I had the time you two have to post, but alas I have to make a living.

    I still do not understand your premise that ones conclusions must be based on others opinions. there is a difference between fact and opinion. So called experts have been consistently wrong for years, but I do read them because they divine facts I find useful in formulating my opinion. I also find, even though I extract facts from the writings, there opinions or conclusions to be specious. If I really looked I probably could find commentators who agree with my conclusions and post links. I just do not think it’s important that a pundit agrees or disagrees with me.

    Hate is not the point.
    What was so disastrous about Mr. Carter to me was his unrealized potential.
    He was and is a very decent and moral man with good character and demeanor. Unfortunately his naivete in implementing his policies was quite clear.
    Seeking peace while, unintentionally, appearing weak is not a good strategy.
    His search for human rights was laudable(and may I say refreshing to see coming from a President of the USA). But in Iran It should have been done judiciously not instantaneously. The vacuum created by this miscalculation gave license to the fanatics who took advantage and took charge. These same fanatics stand on the verge of having a nuclear weapon, not something anyone wants to see. The other fanatics they fund destabilize the entire region.

    The only reason the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan was because Carter appeared weak and impotent. They paid a heavy price over the YEARS but again that area was more militarized and the fanatics took control there as well.(Funded and armed by our efforts to expell the Soviets and their allies.)

    Since by his own dis action Mr. Carter created the situation in Iran it matters little about the October surprise. If you wish to talk about Reagan I think we might be in agreement on how awful he was.

    I’ll leave the petty insults to you guys.

  23. bobbo says:

    #117–rlf==”I wish I had the time you two have to post, but alas I have to make a living. /// You have the time to post BS–why not take the same time to post something insightfull/analytical/responsive/linked?

    Just what in your mind makes Obama a hypocrite?

    I’ll wait until you get back from the water cooler boasting how you just owned the DU website.

    Yuk, yuk.

  24. RLF says:

    I’m Off of work right now–Thanks for asking.

    I have, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, zero interest in owning the DU website.

    A hypocrite is someone who expounds something as wrong, incorrect, and/or inappropriate, then does it himself.

    He expounded the virtues of, among other things, keeping your thermostat at or under 72 degrees and then, less than 30 days into his Presidency, cranks up the oval office thermostat.
    If I did the same thing I would be a hypocrite to.
    If that was the extent of his hypocrisy I could care less.
    unfortunately it continues. He puts in nomination 2 people who are tax dodgers. I think it is quite possible that he did not know at the time, but when it is discovered does he ask them to step down, affirming his call for change, heck no. In true bush fashion he offers these criminals his full support–and 1 of them runs the treasury dept., you know the one that runs the IRS and the multi-trillion dollar bailout.

    I would go on but I do not think anyone here can hear.

  25. bobbo says:

    #119–Rlf==you are being too literal. Its good advice: “Think about” turning down your thermostat, installing more insulation, taking a bike to work. Do what you can for the environment. Think globally, act locally.”

    Now, do you really want to charge Obama with hypocrisy if he doesn’t ride a bike to the next meeting in Congress? Or can you properly place h is statment into an appropriate context?

  26. RLF says:

    Only if he tells me I should.

    How about the second and more important part of my post?
    You know the part that proves the point.

  27. bobbo says:

    #121–rlf==your second part. Harping on “Is this change?” is pretty simple minded. Change can mean/not mean anything anyone wants. Hannity is still harping on it==pretty good evidence only an idiot would rely on that criticism.

    But yes indeed, it is near impossible to find an honest man in Washington DC. What is Obama supposed to do??? There is an old expression for this that covers a lot: “Don’t make perfection the enemy of the good.”

    If you needed brain surgery, who would you use:

    A– Best Surgeon in the World. Miraculous technique, all good recoveries, but he cheats on his taxes.

    B–Scrupulously Honest in all things. Takes the healthiest of low risk cases and still kills 50% of them.

    I’d say our economy/healthcare needs expert surgery.

  28. RLF says:

    I would like perfection, but I do understand that it doesn’t exist here. I do want people who have not committed crimes though, I don’t think thats too much to ask for.

    You listen to Hannity? I can’t stand him. He rarely puts forth fact which makes it hard to use his statements as a foundation for any conclusions.
    It has to be said though that a fact is a fact no matter the source. Mussolini once said that part of governments responsibilities was to get the trains to run on time. I agree with that statement even though the man was a repugnant piece of filth.

    What makes the 1 appointment soo hypocritical is that is treasury secretary and the IRS is run by his Dept. Not to mention the multi-TRILLION dollar bailout.

    I just don’t know how you can call him anything but a hypocrite.

  29. bobbo says:

    RLF–I get most of my hannity (the manatee) from Olbermann. He gets better all the time. Hannity does have on guests that disagree with him, some quite agressively unlike the co-conspirator Combs.

    I just don’t know how you can call him anything but a hypocrite. /// Well, I think there has to be more an element of self-dealing or harm to other people before “acting inconsistently” arises to that moral judgment. Perhaps its realism? Perhaps we would all choose the good surgeon over the honest one but be hypocrites ourselves for not being honest about it?

  30. Paddy-O says:

    # 123 RLF said, “I just don’t know how you can call him anything but a hypocrite.”

    It’s the same phenomenon as with the Bush apologists. No matter what the action, they’ll make excuses…


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