Before about 1970 there were a slew of Yo-Yo competitions and there was a never ending promotion at schools to get kids into Yo-Yo’s. An expert working for Duncan or some other Yo_yo company would send hotshots around the country. But I had never seen anything like this. THAT SAID. I didn’t see him “walk the dog.” So there!

Found by Aric Mackey.

  1. Lou Minatti says:

    Holy crap! I need to keep my kids away from the iPhone and the DS and get them playing with more mechanical stuff. Duncan ALMOST succeeded with my son back during Christmas when I got him a Duncan gyroscope, the same thing I played with when I was a kid. The package even included a CD with cool tricks.

    Tip for parents with kids 9-13 years old: Edmond Scientific is still around. Just seven bucks for a fresnel lens, which your kid will promptly aim at an ant mound.

  2. Overfifity says:

    Amazing!! Looks like a tricked out butterfly model (60’s model name). I was always fascinated by the Duncan YoYo’s sibling the Duncan Top. I had several models and remember seeing the Duncan Team top guy come to my local toy store. The big trick with a top then was spinning it on the ground and then using the string to flip it up in the air and catch it with the palm of you hand while it continued to spin.
    GOD we needed XBOX’s.

  3. BubbaRay says:

    Just seven bucks for a fresnel lens, which your kid will promptly aim at an ant mound.

    Please, please make certain they know not to look at the Sun with it. Galileo made that mistake – once.

  4. Regenvelter says:

    Thats nothing,Chuck Norris can do all that and with parts of his anatomy that I better not mention,I dont want to disappear You see,I’ve already told You too much.

  5. bobbo says:

    This should be popular as a Wii application. No string to break.

  6. memesisai says:

    He is definitely getting no women.

  7. Mr Diesel says:

    All I could do with a yo-yo was get it to go down and come back up and after a few times the string would get knotted up.


  8. Barack McCain says:

    Fake! I can see the string holding it up.

  9. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    wondering if those glasses were for safety rather than style…

  10. Somebody_Else says:

    Duncan still sends people around to the elementary schools, or at least they did in the late 90’s.

    I never cared for Yo-Yo’s, they seemed like pretty boring toys unless you were absolutely amazing at it. And even then #6’s comment still applies.

  11. Mac Guy says:

    Sure beats sitting at home in front of a TV or monitor playing games.

    Get those kids out there to do something fun for once that doesn’t require them to sit.

  12. JustMe says:

    Anyone else here old enough to remember Tommy Smothers, the Yo-Yo Man?

  13. moondawg says:

    #13, I’m just old enough to remember RERUNS of Tommy Smothers.

    “I thought you said naked bacon!”

  14. RBG says:

    See, that’s the guy we need fixing our economy.”

    “Dickie is a fink, a-yeah, yeah, yeah.”

  15. Somebody_Else says:

    Does it really? My intrests in gaming and computers have taken me a lot further in life than being good at playing with a Yo-Yo ever would have. I like my cushy engineering job.

    Schools need to stop cutting back on PE and it needs to be mandatory.

  16. whaap says:

    Impressive, but really boring.

  17. Paddy-O says:

    I could always get the yo-yo to sleep. I just could never get it to wake up…

  18. LOL, the crowd gets really excited too. thats funny!

  19. hhopper says:

    That guy doing ‘walk the dog’ would be like a brain surgeon trimming a hangnail.

  20. deowll says:

    I go with # 6. This guy can’t have a girl friend.

  21. Uncle Patso says:

    I disagree — with that confidence, panache and style, I bet he has girls following him around.


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